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Matthew Pahl Washburn

CoM/Days Timeline question

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I've been lurking here off and on for the past few years, and I've never seemed to be able to find the answer to this question, so I figured I'd ask it. How do Re:CoM and Reverse Rebirth overlap eachother? I've seen the timeline graphic from the Ultimania, but it isn't helping me too much. Can anyone just give me a list in the form of "floor x, basement y, floor z, etc..."


and bonus points if anyone can give me a rough estimate to when during the KH end the first 24 days occur, or which floors/basements occur on which days (I don't remember if there are any hints in gameplay).


I've been trying to go through a run through of the series in as close to chronological order as possible before I finally break down and buy a 3DS in order to play the copy of DDD I've had sitting around since release day. Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated! :)

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CoM [sora]: Day 24-49 (yes they actually want you to think that Sora spent almost a month on the last two floors, I don't know how that's supposed to work)

Reverse/Rebirth [Riku]: Day 25-~50

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CoM [sora]: Day 24-49 (yes they actually want you to think that Sora spent almost a month on the last two floors, I don't know how that's supposed to work)

Reverse/Rebirth [Riku]: Day 25-~50



It makes sense if you think about how much time you spend running around leveling up before the final before the final boss.

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For Com/reverse rebirth time wrap: http://www.kingdomhearts3.net/khiifm-ultimania-timeline-for-com/

This'll probably explain it best for you. A lot better than I could do :P

oh, wait. I may have read that wrong.

For days/com time wrap there's this

I've seen that page from the Ultimania. The graphic doesn't help me much, and the post sill has the timeline split into sora and riku's separate stores, so it's more like a recathan a tiline (unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious.)


CoM [sora]: Day 24-49 (yes they actually want you to think that Sora spent almost a month on the last two floors, I don't know how that's supposed to work)

Reverse/Rebirth [Riku]: Day 25-~50

I was under the impression that CoM was only from 25-27, where did you get 49/50 from?

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In case my initial request was a bit vague, here's the portion of the timeline I'm having problems with

Posted Image

The 358/2 days Ultimania helped me out a little bit, but I'm still stumpped with a lot of the CoM/Reverse Rebirth stuff.

The floors/basements I did place were based off of the times it said they entered and exited in the Days Ultimania, but the Timeline from the CoM ultimania isn't helping me much at all. Although it did help me place the few floors I do have based on Replica Riku's creation and Vexen's death. other than that bit I can't make heads or tails of much of anything.

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