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The Ancient Keyblade War

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Long ago in the ancient times, there was a mighty conflict known as the Keyblade War. It was a battle between keyblade warriors of light and darkness over the light from Kingdom Hearts. However, Kingdom Hearts was protected by the counterpart: the X-blade. Warriors of light wanted to protect the light, while warriors of darkness wanted to reconcile the two and/or use them for evil purposes. Darkness extinguished the Realm of Light. The darkness did not reach the hearts of children and those lights rebuilt the Realm of Light.


Create a character of your own that is a warrior during the Keyblade War using the following format:






Side (light or darkness):




Home world:






These are the rules:

  • All kh13.com rules apply
  • Language is to be kept strictly at Kingdom Hearts level (E10+ and no cursing or swearing whatsoever)
  • Keep the characters as close to the Kingdom Hearts series elements as possible
  • No god modding
  • Other characters can't die unless the creator gives permission for their character to die
  • Have fun!

To show that you've read the rules, place this in your reply: "I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."

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Name: Silver Kuroi


Bio: An teen with a dark, harsh past. His history involves bouts of betrayal, death- and the loss of everything that he held dear. All of this was caused by the war for Kingdom Hearts, and the Darkness inside Men. Left as a husk of his former self; he acts without emotion -perhaps one could call him a Nobody at this point-, following a horrid path of Darkness. Even then...deep within him is his last kernel of hope- and the remainder of what he once was.


Side (light or darkness): Darkness

Keyblade: Oblivion


Home world: Twilight Town


Personality: Holds no emotion whatsoever, and acts very cruelly to just about everyone.



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I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character

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Name: Eden


Home world: Narnia (it's Disney)


Bio: High in command guard in Aslan's name as one of the Keyblade's Chosen, left on an exodus to search out a creeping darkness beyond the White Witch


Side (light or darkness): Light


Keyblade: Lionheart (except gold)


*Personality: chivalrous and protective


*Appearence: donned in golden armor and a dark blue cape; neat blond hair but a little spiky in the bangs


"I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."

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Name: Yuki Shimade 


Bio: Yuki has lived a smooth and calm life alone. She eventually learned to use the keyblade and became a pro at it but only wants to use it for good. When she hears of this keyblade war, she wishes to take part in it in order to protect the light from being shrouded in darkness


Side (light or darkness): light


Keyblade: oathkeeper


Home world: twilight town 


*Personality: level-minded, calm and up-beat 



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I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character

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Name: Pulse


Homeworld: shibuya


Side: Good


Key blade: Two become one


Bio: has no memory of who he is or how he got a key blade


Appearance: Brown hair spiked up, tall, shorts, swagified, Blue eyes, always wears a hoody

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name: Xiath


home world: destiny islands


Side: darkness


Bio: Leader of the darkness's (If its ok) Xiath started rounding up those who hearts were filled with darkness when he learnt of kingdom hearts and the Xblade. He taught many of the group how to control there darkness and reach there maximum potential. Xiath true reason for wanting kingdom hearts is a mystery all that is known is he will do whatever it takes to attain his goal.


Personality: Calm fearless only truely shows emotion when something get in the way of his goal


Key blades: Xiath alternates between his Death blade and the Destiny destroyer


appearance: a dark aura surrounds his figure and armor. he wears dark armor he has long dark purple hair (like caius but alot darker almost black) head band and his eyes are are red with a yellowish glow to them


I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character.

Edited by The_eternal_nothing

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Name: Anakin (I got a kick out if Eraqus's voice actor okay?)

Bio: A somewhat depressing man who in a long run is not a good guy to anger. He's been through much through out his life but refuses to give in to the darkness growing stronger. Using his talents with the dangerous power within he's become a powerful Keyblade wielder but still refuses to become a Master. Now with the Light threatened he has come to aid the others even if they don't exactly trust him.

Side (light or darkness): Light

Keyblade: http://acer-v.deviantart.com/art/New-Hope-207435276 New Hope

Home world: Radiant Garden

I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character

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Name:  Cricix Holma


Bio:  A (young) master in his own right, Cricix always had a thing for balance.  He knows everything in the world, or many worlds as he came to believe, had a property that kept each other in check.  He truly believes it when referring to light and darkness.  By using both, Cricix wants to keep balance as much as he can.  As such, he doesn't stay on one side.


Side:  Both, but having a strong good nature.


Keyblade:  Equator; a keyblade with a sharp-sword blade,winged hilt, a white right half, representing light, and a black left half, representing darkness.


Home World:  Land of Departure


Personality: Righteous(?), generous, outgoing, courageous, never-surrounder attitude and can be a menace (to evil) when desired. 

Appearance:  Normal:  Brown-skinned, groomed laid out black hair, red and white clothing (shirt, pants, shoes, coat), half white and black medallion.  Armor:  Based white, red streaming lines, circles on shoulder pads,rectractable blades on elbows, and white cape with a red "X" on the back.


I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character.

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Name: Hazimie Azhar


Bio: One of the Seven Lights that can create the X-Blade.It is said that he once an apprentice of the Dark Keyblade Master,but he decided to travel alone and fights to keep the Light save.He also believes that Light and Darkness are one in balance and cannot be waver by choosing only one.And so,he travel through many worlds to save some worlds and prepare for the next Keyblade War.


Side (light or darkness): Light


Keyblade: Kingdom Key D


Home world: Radiant Garden


*Personality: Personality-wise,cheerful,curious,loyal to his friends,calm and always help for others.



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"I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."

Edited by Hazimie

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Name: Solaris


Bio: Solaris wasn't really one who liked to take a life until the keyblade war started, Solaris grew up hoping for peace among the worlds, however, when his family was killed in the crossfire, he dedicated his life to fighting the warriors of darkness and defending others, even at the cost of his own life.


Side (light or darkness): Light


Keyblade: Way to the Dawn


Home world: Radiant Gardens


*Personality: Disciplined, calm, occasionally has a comedic side


*Appearence: Posted Image(Developed this armor to mimic his keyblade)


"I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."

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Long ago in the ancient times, there was a mighty conflict known as the Keyblade War. It was a battle between keyblade warriors of light and darkness over the light from Kingdom Hearts. However, Kingdom Hearts was protected by the counterpart: the X-blade. Warriors of light wanted to protect the light, while warriors of darkness wanted to reconcile the two and/or use them for evil purposes. Darkness extinguished the Realm of Light. The darkness did not reach the hearts of children and those lights rebuilt the Realm of Light.


Create a character of your own that is a warrior during the Keyblade War using the following format:






Side (light or darkness):




Home world:






These are the rules:

  • All kh13.com rules apply
  • Language is to be kept strictly at Kingdom Hearts level (E10+ and no cursing or swearing whatsoever)
  • Keep the characters as close to the Kingdom Hearts series elements as possible
  • No god modding
  • Other characters can't die unless the creator gives permission for their character to die
  • Have fun!

To show that you've read the rules, place this in your reply: "I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."



Long ago in the ancient times, there was a mighty conflict known as the Keyblade War. It was a battle between keyblade warriors of light and darkness over the light from Kingdom Hearts. However, Kingdom Hearts was protected by the counterpart: the X-blade. Warriors of light wanted to protect the light, while warriors of darkness wanted to reconcile the two and/or use them for evil purposes. Darkness extinguished the Realm of Light. The darkness did not reach the hearts of children and those lights rebuilt the Realm of Light.


Create a character of your own that is a warrior during the Keyblade War using the following format:






Side (light or darkness):




Home world:






These are the rules:

  • All kh13.com rules apply
  • Language is to be kept strictly at Kingdom Hearts level (E10+ and no cursing or swearing whatsoever)
  • Keep the characters as close to the Kingdom Hearts series elements as possible
  • No god modding
  • Other characters can't die unless the creator gives permission for their character to die
  • Have fun!

To show that you've read the rules, place this in your reply: "I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."

so when does this thing start

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I was already in a Keyblade War, but... okay.


Name: Alma Serris


Bio: A veteran Keyblader with no past (at least not one she'll talk about), Alma holds the cards close to her chest. She searched for Kingdom hearts with an almost fanatical obsession, but is kept in line by her "partner", the shape-shifting weapon Gilgamesh (now a simple armlet). The two seem to have little-to-no past together, yet there's an unseen link between them that pushes them toward the same goal: the heart of all worlds.


Side: Light


Keyblade: "Rapture"; a Keyblade in the form of a revolver-model gunblade. Capable of firing magical rounds, but must be maually reloaded.


Home world: Radiant Garden


Personality: Impatient, ocassionally hostile, yet nurturing. She has an unwavering sense of right and wrong, and may even push these onto others


Appearence: It's actually an old design for Alma's younger sister, Juliet. They're related, so they're not too different. The Keyblade pictured is Gilgamesh in weapon form.


Posted Image


"I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character" (cross my heart)

Edited by AnsemTheWise

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Name: Yon Aurinko


Bio: Age 34. The leader of a group of monks known as Filii Regnum Corda who worship Kingdom Hearts. To permit a spiritual balance the monks chose to live in harmony with Light while their far superior leader allowed darkness to fill his heart. Obtained a Keyblade of heart through intense meditation. Felt the calling of war while testing his monks' wills.


Side: Darkness


Homeworld: Twilight Town (in the distant hills)


Keyblade Spiritus Coronam, A keyblade with a clear glass, triangular hilt, a 5 ft. long blade of stained glass with a different color every .8 ft. (base is red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, and the end is indigo.) Teeth is half of a voilet lotus flower with a black eye in its center. Keychain is the same eye.


Personality: Serious and wise. Though a Darkness, not necessarily evil. Even with the war he views warriors of both sides as friends in a needed game. However, Yon never would hesitate to kill anything or anyone.


Appearance: Brown hair, strangely a mixture of loose wavy hair, braids, and dreads tied together (if laying flat hair reaches waist.) Hazel eyes tan skin. Muscular. 'Stache-goatee combo with strip of hair along bottom of cheek connected to scalp hair by side burns. Wears large olive-colored robes (with an open chest >: D ) and brown pants and boots. Armor: Silver and simple. 6 curved wings on back. Violet glowing semi-orb on top of helmet. 




I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character.

Edited by Xaldin III

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Name: Tachytito Anemou


Bio: He originally was the apprentice of a dark master who had him train in an isolated place in Radiant Garden when he was ten. His master tried to fill his heart with darkness, but his consciense and heart resisted to it. After three years of trying when the boy was thirteen, his master approached his patience's end and tried to destroy him for resistence to darkness. In a fierce battle with his master, Tachytito Anemou struck down his master. Realizing what he just did, he tried to run away, but someone who he did not know brought him to the Land of Departure where he was taken in and praised for striking down his dark master. The head master took him in like his own son. Little did he realize after only three years of training and becoming a master so early at age sixteen, he would be given armor for a massive war.


Side: Light


Home world: Land of Departure


Keyblade: Wayward wind


*Personality: Kind and sweet, originally when he was taken in, he was shy and quiet. After two months, he is "the mayor" knowing everyone there. A humble and courageous boy. He'll stand up for his fellow keyblade wielders.


*Appearence: He wears a blue and black shirt, turtle green chest overcoat with red trim and he wears grey-blue shoes. He has dirty blonde-brown hair and blue-black eyes. He is 5' 8" and his armor that he was given would eventually be passed down to a very familiar face all of us have seen. It looks as follows (credit goes to SQEX, I do not claim this as my own):


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Edited by KingdomHearts3

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Name: Kara

Age: 17


Bio: Kara's introduction to darkness occurred when she was young, and was not a pleasant one. At the age of eight, Kara's best friend began experimenting with darkness, often dissappearing to cause chaos. Still, Kara had hope that her best friend would not yield to the darkness, sadly this was not so. The day Kara turned 16, her best friend's parents died. Griefing, her friend left and overflowing with darkness inside began slaughtering many people in her homeworld. Kara could do nothing but stand by and watch, not wanting to fight her friend. After the massacre her friend, unable to handle the darkness, gave in to it and his heart was lost forever, his body nothing but an empty shell after the darkness had stripped him of his heart.

Kara cried for days on end, believing if she had done something sooner perhaps her friend could have been saved. In the midst of her sorrow, a blinding flash of light appeared and in her hand she held a keyblade; True Light's Flight. She at first saw it as a burden, something she could not get rid of, but came to see it as a gift. She resolved to strike down all the darkness in the worlds, and do her absolute best to bring her friend back from the realm of darkness someday, and save as many as she could along the way from the clutches of darkness.


Side (light or darkness): Light


Keyblade: True Light's Flight


Home world: Land of Departure


*Personality: Friendly and usually an optimist, but becomes sad and has a distinct hatred towards Darkness and those that use it.


*Appearence: Dark, tanned skin,
green eyes, long black hair, skinny build, 5"3 in height, wears a black
hoodie with blue jeans when she doesn't want to attract attention. Usually just wears a black t-shirt and jeans at other times.
Will provide a picture once it's finished being drawn, though i have no idea when that will be :P

"I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character."

If you need more darkness characters just message me and i'll come up with another character if you like lol won't be her best friend, since i don't think Nobodies were around back then, but i'll figure something out. Just message if you need it lol

Edited by Gexln

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Name: Luke


Age: 20


Gender: Male

Side: Darkness 

Keyblade: Trials of darkness. A black kingdom key, with ashadow heartless keychain.


Home World: Destiny Islands


Appearance: Short, spiky black hair. Wears a gray shirt witha picture of a keyblade on it, and black pants. 5”8, with a somewhat muscularbuild, and has gentle green eyes.


Bio: Luke was always one to favour the darkness over thelight. He was raised in quite a nice setup, he had loving parents and he had afew pets, each that he had trained himself. However, despite the nice setup,Luke was naturally a very cold and sadistic person. He found it funny wheneverhe saw someone injure themselves, and rather than help them he would kick themwhile they were down.One day, Luke was fighting someone. Not beating someone up, rather the otherway around. It frustrated him, and after a little while he was knocked onto theground. His opponent prepared to knock Luke unconcious, but suddenly in Luke’shand materialised a keyblade, but not just any keyblade. A keyblade of puredarkness. Using his newfound weapon he overcame his adversary, and defeatedhim. Luke looked at the weapon he held. “Here, here is where they will alllearn the strength of darkness” he said. Since that day, Luke wanders theworlds attempting to show everyone just how much stronger than light darknessreally is.

"I promise to stay as traditional as possible to the series when creating my character." 

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It'll be a separate thread. I plan that all characters meet each other once, but they tie in their first battle and finish what they started in the Keyblade Graveyard during the actual Keyblade War.

I will however allow a few characters to die, but that will be left between all of you.

Edited by silver3drago

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