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*May be weird*UUggghhh life and friendship

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My counseler said we can have "artificial" friends and have been wondering if all my friends are really friends,I am not trying to sound rude and I like my friends/aquientences but I want something real,a best friend?,someone truly close,but I guess this is another thing to talk to my therapist about...........Anywho life is a bit of a douche.

Edited by OkashiraKenrex

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It depends what she means by "artificial friends". I believe in general human beings care about each other regardless of friendship status--I want you to feel good and be happy in life and I don't even know you that well. Does she count that as an artificial friend?


TBH I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about. 9 times out of 10 people are truly your friends--things may change, but you'll both know when they do. Most likely if you consider yourself friends, you are friends.

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I don't know you too well, but you're my friend =D. But yea what Pink said you should have nothing to worry about :3

OK!!!!!!!!!But it still feels weird because I can't physically feel/see you.But I trust you.

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OK!!!!!!!!!But it still feels weird because I can't physically feel/see you.But I trust you.

I know what you mean xP Online friendships are quite strange in my opinion :3 but a friend is a friend ;P

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Maybe you need to step back and ask yourself how your friends are treating you.  I've been in situations where the people I thought were my friends really weren't.  The truth is some people can be idiots.  You just fave to find the one's that aren't and those are your real friends.

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This is a good question, and one I constantly ask myself.  Are all my friends "artificial" or are they the real "real" friends that'll watch your back when you're down instead of try to stab it.  I've taken friends in as best friends only to find out later that they were just trying to use me for some personal gain, so I've been very careful in recent times.  I make friends, but never bring them too close lest they turn on me.  I mean, I know true "best friends" exist, but they're so few and far between that I just don't hold my breath expecting to find any.


What I'd recommend you do is try to make the best out of every friendship that you can.  Try not to expect too much, but instead focus on having a good time and enjoying their company.  That's what friends are for; it's relatives that'll look out for you.  Or, at least in my experience.


I'm sorry to hear that you feel all of your friends may be artificial. :( That really is a terrible feeling to think they don't care about you, but chances are that's not the case.  I mean, I don't know your friends myself so I cannot say for sure, lol, but if they hang out with you on a regular basis and call to make sure you're okay, chances are all is well. :D

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