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Reincarnation RP

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I turned. "Sporus! Heed our leader's words, the beast is too strong for you alone! But I trust you to defeat alongside Omega!" I gazed back at the Kings. "Dark Arts no. 45,Hell of Darkness!" The Demon King would have to deal with assaults from the pillars of flame, King Avalon, and myself.

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"It was just a scratch. Nothing to get worked up about. And you're right, no human can fight the beast alone. Stand by me, and together we will send it back to the dark places it came from!!" Sporus shouts this as he gathers his power. He then releases it as a vortex of flame around Kijiya, trapping the demon where it stands!! "There, that ought to give us a little time to strategize about this. No point in rushing headlong into it without a plan! What do you suggest we do?"

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~Yuro Kaai~ 

Yuro was half way home when she passe by the woods that she lived near. Yuro looked around and crossed the street, heading into the woods. While making sure not to go deep into the woods and sat down leaning against a tree. The breeze feels nice here, she thought feeling the wind against her cheeks. Yuro sighed and looked at the ground. Her markings on her face started tingling again and the ground started cracking and out came a flower. "Eh..." she muttered poking the flower with a finger and some rocks around it sprung up out of the ground, one of them hitting her forehead. Ow- crap, she thought rubbing where she got hit. "So i can do weird stuff with the earth," she said to herself picking up a rock and it started hovering over the palm of her hand. "Neat..."


~Tsuna Yamashi~

(eh...post later)

Edited by Gumi

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(Hazimie Azhar)

Hazimie then finish his healing to Sadako."Good,that should take care of it...."Hazimie said as he begins turn to Neisan and Kyameron."Hmm....indeed,we need more help we can get....you're in,but i warn you......this will be a matter of Life and Death....you should prepare for the obstacles along the way..."Hazimie said to Neisan as he begin sit down and began to tell all the story that they've been through.Then,Hazimie turn to Kijiya."Kijiya....i'm sorry to put you through all of this..."Hazimie said as he use his power on Kijiya to send him back to the place where Hazimie summoned him...


(King Xeimizah)

"Hmph.....8 hours left....Dark Arts no.80,Dark Void!"Xeimizah said as he begin casting his spell after miraculously avoid all the attacks from Avalon,Sporus and Sikota by using Dark Arts no.6,Mirror of Darkness and use the spell on Kijiya.Then,Kijiya suddenly being duplicated by Five clones."There are FIVE Kijiyas...i wonder if you all survive from it's rage?"Xeimizah said as all five Kijiya appeared and surrounding them with such speed."ROOOAAARRR!!"All Kijiyas are roared with anguish and attack them with cruelty...

Edited by Hazimie

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(Sadako Tsumako)




Sadako Tsumako slowly get's up and clutches her head. She looks around her surroundings, and at Hazimie. She continues to glare at him, with a sad look on her face. She then speaks to him by saying. "Your majesty, is.....That you?" Asked Sadako Tsumako, asking about Hazimie.





(Okamust Okadas 'S')




Okamust Okadas 'S' is seen attacking more Utopian soldiers with her sword. She is laughing evilly, and stabbing each Utopian soldier in the chest. She is having so much fun with the battle, especially when it comes to bloodbaths. She then speaks to herself about her strength. "I am so powerful, not as powerful as the Demon King himself, but very powerful!!!" Said Okamust Okadas 'S', talking about her strength.

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(Hazimie Azhar)

Hazimie then seeing Sadako that has been waking up."Aah....you're awake,that's a relief..."Hazimie said as he smile to her that she's okay."You're safe....that's all there is to it..."Hazimie said as he getting up and take his Demon Sword that has been thrust on the ground and disappearing it by disarm to it...


(Can't post yet...)

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-Kyameron-"Okay, The crazy lady has been healed, I don't have to fight her anymore, and senpai's finally listening." I turned and pointed at Neisan dramatically. "Neisan!" (Pause for dramatic effect) "What's the plan?"

Edited by cdgerrity

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"Give me some time to think, will you? Gosh! Hmmm. . . Tell me about what this Zero guy can do."




"No time for planning, I guess. No matter! We will still crush the demon into a charred piece of mewling flesh!!!" Sporus calls up a barbed spear of electrified ice, which he hurls at Kijiya!

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(cdgerrity,Dark Void has made Kijiya have five clones for REAL,not disperse illusions...)


(Hazimie Azhar)

"Well,let's make this short......just as me,he use Darkness and Time.....not even the strongest Demon can defeat him......he's stronger like me...."Hazimie said as he thinking about Zero...


(King Xeimizah)

"ROOOAAAARRR!!!"All five Kijiya are still attacking Avalon and others with anguish...

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"He may be stronger than you. But I doubt he's stronger than all four... no... five..." I turned, "Hey! You there, why don't you stop hiding and come on out!" (that's you Jeremy)



"Dark Arts: Numbers 6 and 80: Dark Mirror; Dark Void" Two copies of me appeared and went to engage the Kijiya's. I fell to one knee, having used up so much dark energy "... I always had minimal stamina for stuff like this." I disappeared and reappeared behind one of the Kijiya's and struck.

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"Who's this kid now?" (Jeremy)




Missing with his attack made Sporus angry. "Five of them now! Well, we can't have that, now can we! Let's see hw they like this!!" Sporus launches a bolt of lightning at one the Kijiyas, and it arcs to all five of them.

Edited by NatronSpore

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(Can't post it yet...)


(King Xeimizah)

"ROOAAARR!!!"Kijiya roared as all five of them being hit by Avalon and other's attacks.Suddenly,Kijiya's swords at his hands suddenly become a cannon and shot to the others,all five of them...

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(Waiting for Jeremy's response)



I dodged one of the Kijiya's cannon shots, one of my replicas however was unable to survive. I decided to abandon this for now and retreated to Sporus's side. "Two things, one: we could use some destructive magic; two: I could use some healing magic." My other replica was cut down

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"Well I, for one, prefer destructive magic. I have an idea which may allow us to finish off Kijiya and his clones once and for all. I need you all to distract the beasts. Throw in some attacks too, if you think you can hit. Im going to charge up energy, but it may take a little bit. Then Im going to do what we mages do best: pure destructive power!!" Sporus creates a hemisphere of ice over himself to lend protection. Even though he is lost from view, you can feel a pressure building where he stands. His muffled voice emanates from the dome. "This attack will hopefully weaken Kijiya sufficiently enough to allow us to finish him. I will be very weak after I release my attack, so don't count on much help from me after the fact. Now go and make a good distraction, or at least guard my shield!"

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Oh don't you dare start that. Ten thousand soldiers in one assault, with twenty or so soldiers of yours? In the CASTLE? Hazimie dodging and not taking a single blow, acti g at full power when he should be at his weakest? Miraculously dodging and avoidi g attacks that anyone else would have been hit with.


Then Kijiya being a bloody invicible monster to boot.


So don't even try and ask that. There is a difference between powerful and godmodding.


What was done here was godmodding. I ran it by other people who never have been here, gave them the follow up posts. And they agreed. GODMODDING.


I even went to the mod for RP. And I'm sorry , I have great respect for mods, but going to him was about as useful as asking a monkey to fly the Starship Enterprise into battle against the Borg.

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