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Reincarnation RP

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Avalon easily evades the attack, spinning around to drive the brunt of his blade into Xeimizah's back. "The only drkness made by light is shade, and shade is the only darkness welcome!" The Dark slashes missed him and slammed into the ground.


Omega executed a backflip with a kick, giving him an opening where he fired thirteen shots into Kijiya's head and chest albefore charging to impale the beast through the head.


Jeremy was about to start his bike when the rocks fell. His feelings to summon that sword again spiked. He scowled.

"Something bad is happening..." he said to himself. And, like an idiot, he roared off to check on it.


(Once the arts thing is cleared I'll edit to reflect or make my next post on the next page reflect it.)

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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(Hazimie Azhar)

"Indeed....Over hundreds of Arts are what makes Demon stronger.....but you musn't forget.....that the Zero Arts are the most powerful...."Hazimie said as he casting Reversal Time Impetus again and rewind the time to the moment after the Giant Rock disappeared."Deja Vu?you should prepare..."Hazimie said as he use Dark Slash from behind of Zero...


(Can't post yet~)

Edited by Hazimie

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"Seriously, you're just as intent on taking the Demon King as I am on taking him on." My foil glowed red and I appeared below Zero, "get out of the way of my destiny." I thrusted upwards, aiming under his rib cage.



(Waiting for Xeimizah's counterattack)


(and there go both cages it seems, seriously will any of my personas get their revenge?)

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Zero slashes his sword at Hazimie's sword, locking him and the mortal in combat, until he got hit in the rib cage by Kyameron, and lands behind Hazimie. He smirks evilly, as he aims his blade at Hazimie. He knows about the Zero Arts very well, it doesn't matter to him though. He then prepares to cast another Over Hundred Dark Arts, by saying. "Dark Arts no.102, Lighting Eraser!" Shouted Zero, as he casts another Over Hundred Dark Arts spell. Zero's sword is then struck by a lightning bolt created by Darkness, and then charges at Hazimie, and swings his sword, and as he slashes him back, big bolts of Darkness and electricity fly off at Hazimie and Kyameron.





(I'll post my other characters later.)

Edited by Tom13

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(Hazimie Azhar)

As soon as Hazimie was being hit by Lighting,he casting Reversal Time Impetus again,and turn back time to the time where Zero was pushed hard against him."You should care of this matter..."Hazimie said as he deflected it with a strong swing."If you're not care about the Zero Arts.....then you're in BAD LUCK,i suggest you'll forgotten that you forgot....you better withdraw this fight now..."Hazimie said as he give him a chance to leave...


(King Xeimizah)

"9 hours left....oh well,the best time is for the last..."Xeimizah said as he performed the Dark Arts no.6,Mirror of Darkness,and dissappeared."Dark Arts no.5,Dark Sword Grenade!"Xeimizah said as he appear behind him and cast a hundreds of Sword created from the darkness and aimed at Avalon.Meanwhile,Kijiya attack Omega with full of rage...

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(In Reincarnation Time,Hazimie and other people from the demon side are fighting against each other as the Utopian Side are still catching up.In Original Time,Demon King and Avalon are still fighting in War and Kijiya,demon created by Demon King are fighting against Omega,creature created by Avalon...)

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"Listen, senpai, can we just team up against this freak so we can fight?" I appeared beside Zero striking the same target form my last strike from the side.



"I apologize, King Avalon, I used your trust for my own means. But now, I see that we can face this monstrosity together!"


Edited by cdgerrity

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Walking around in the back streets is something Neisan does a lot. He likes to pretend there are hoards of demons and he is a powerful mage. Armed with his electric gloves, Neisan isn't as afraid of any jocks as he was before. While strolling through the alleyways, Neisan senses a disturbance. Very soon he hears the clash of something. Peeking out from behind a corner, he sees his friend Kyameron locked in combat with that kid who carries the black kendo sword. Neisan decides to stay hidden and make sure nobody attacks his friends from behind. He doesn't expect those jocks and that kendo kid to play fair, after all.




Looking across the battle field, Sporus has the feeling of power. Destroyng ranks of lesser demons was always amusing. It was never challenging, though. Sporus wanted a challenge. This was starting to get boring, and Sporus HATED being bored. "It comes with the intellect, I suppose," Sporus thought to himself. He passed command to one of his brigade generals and strolled off to find a worthy opponent. After a short time, Sporus senses a disturbance. Looking around, he sees his friend Sikota locked in combat with the Demon King. Sporus decided to stand back and guard his friend from any other demons that get close. He didn't trust them to play fair, after all.

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Zero look's up into the sky, and smirks evilly. He looks at Hazimie with an evil smile on his face. He pushes him back and glares at him, evilly. His sword then disappears and he folds his arms to his chest. He then speaks to Hazimie, by saying. "No matter, I've got all what I needed here. Project: D.O.L has already begun......I must be back to prepare it.....The final Over Hundred Dark Arts will help in blanketing this entire world in Darkness and I shall be it's god when the time comes, farewell for now....." Said Zero, revealing a plan called Project: D.O.L. Zero then teleports away to the castle within the Darkness of Earth.





(I'll post my other characters later.)

Edited by Tom13

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Neisan is watchful and waiting. He dreads and yet also hopes that one of the jocks will come around. He wants to prove himself.




Sporus bellows, "Which one of you demons will fight me, Sporus, one of the best mages of the Mage Guild?!"

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(Hazimie Azhar)

"It's over..."Hazimie said as he sat down with exhaustion."Next time,don't act on your own,Kyameron...."Hazimie said to Kyameron as he turn to Sadako,who lying down."Dark Arts no.4,Heal of Darkness..."Hazimie said as he casting his Dark Arts on Sadako to heal her...


(King Xeimizah)

Xeimizah avoid the attack from Sikota and use Dark Slash on Sikota....

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Neisan has decided to climb up onto something higher, just to get a vantage point.




Sporus is trying to stave off his boredom by making explosions in the middle of the demons' ranks/

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"It's not over! Not over, not for me anyway. I'm going to give you two options. One: help me out and fight me now; or two: I'll help you take down this crazy Zero guy. Either way you gotta get of your butt." I held out my hand to him.



I was able to block the Dark Slash, but it pushed me a ways away. I quickly jumped back into the fray.

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Neisan is watching the fight between that kendo kid and Kyameron while keeping a lookout.




Sporus is beginning to get VERY bored waiting for some demon or other to fight him. In the mean time, he studies the fighting styles of Sikota and the Demon King while keeping a lookout.

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(Hazimie Azhar)

Hazimie look to Kyameron's hand and kept ignored and continue to heal Sadako."I would choose neither of them.I'm not an ally to everyone.....i'm not an enemy to anyone.....but still,if the War is about to begin,i might awaken once again...."Hazimie said as he neither choose of Kyameron's options but trying to stop this War once and for all...


(King Xeimizah)

"Still so stubborn..."Xeimizah said as he use Dark Slash many times on Sikota.Meanwhile,Kijiya sensed a strange power and charge towards to the Mage (Sporus)."ROOOAAARR!!"Kijiya roared with anguish as he attack the Mage with his Sword in his arms...

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Neisan has had enough of waiting. He jumps down from his vantage point and approaches Kyameron and the kendo kid. "Hello, whats going on?" he asks.




"Finally, some action!" Sporus yells. He calls up a spire of ice as hard as steel (he practices making it that hard) to block the attack. then he shatters the spire, sending the shards of ice straight at Kijiya!

Edited by NatronSpore

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(Hazimie Azhar)

"Well....long story short,the city has been danger...."Hazimie said to that boy (Neisan) as he continue to heal Sadako...


(King Xeimizah)

Kijiya deflected the ice with such speed and use it to appear behind him and attack."ROOAARR!!"Kijiya is still roared with anguish....

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"The city is in danger?! Maybe I should get out more instead of gaming during my free time." says Neisan.

"Hey, what are you doing to that lady?! IS THAT MAGIC???!!!" (Neisan doesn't get out much because he's gaming all the time. he doesnt know about the powers that have begun to return to him)




Sporus isn't nearly as fast as Kijiya. Luckily, he has his armor. It bore the brunt of the blow. The attack still sliced through, though, and dealt a small blow to Sporus in the back. Sporus teleported a short distance away and unleashes a powerful stroke of lightning at Kijiya

Edited by silver3drago

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"Right, Neisan, it's been a while. It seems everyone's past lives are returning to them or something" I turned to Hazimie, "Hey, senpai, this kid's a genius, he can help us make a plan to beat this Zero guy. Then we can have our rematch."



(Fighting Xeimizah with Avalon)

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"Indeed I am a genius, or at least very smart. And I don't care about past lives or whatever, I just want magic powers. Now that you mention it, I have noticed that my gloves have been outputting more electricity lately, and I've been feeling little thoughts stir in the back of my head. Here, let me try something." Neisan gets a look of concentration on his face, and a small bolt of lightning jumped from his gloves to a nearby metal object. "Woah! What was that?! Awesome!!"

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Kijiya was intercepted by the mawsive sword of Omega. The length of the blade was adorned with specialized characters that now glowed.

"Omega Arts - Paladin's Blade." The massive creature finally said, and with his now glowing blade, tlslashed through on of Kijiya's swords and placed himself between the monster and the mage.

"Mage of the Guild. Heal yourself and step aside. This monster is too strong for a human, even a mage, to fight alone." He said.


Avalon intercepts the Dark Slashes now, defending Sikota.

"It takes a brave man to admit his wrongdoings. Come Sikota. Let us avenge the fallen together." He said, The Coming Dawn glowing a deep, warm gold. "Rays of Dawn - Albion's Light!" He roared, flaring his wings out. Beams of light, bolts of electricity, and bolts of pure energy rained from his wings, so many that not even Infinite Barrier of Darkness would hold against the onslaught of Avalon.

"Fight alone, Demon King. For your soldiers fall to mine! Your generals held at bay by my own! You are alone, you wretched man. So you shLl perish alone!"


Jeremy had to dismount the bike at the woods, and started heading for the source of the rocks.

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