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Reincarnation RP

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Long ago...there was a Kingdom known as Utopia,who ruled by the King of Justice.Then,there was the Demon King,who waged the War between the King of Justice's army to dominate the Kingdom.while many midst of hardship in these wars,the King of Justice was emerged victorious.But as soon as before the War ends,the Demon King use the Time Impetus,the Curse that the time will be frozen on that Kingdom and will shrouded by the fog where people from outsiders forbidden to go there including the people on that Kingdom frozen and lost in the Dimension of Time.


In 2013,the fog lifted.....but Utopia Kingdom has become Utopia City and the people in the City begins to move but they are the Reincarnations of the original persona before they were froze in time unless they remembered since they don't know who they truly are,even the two King itself.....


Now,this will be the Second war in this Reincarnation time that they have to ended it,once and for all....




KH13 Rules apply

No Cursing below 15

No Romance below 12

This RP will be like Once Upon a Time Series,so you have to posted two post in a different timeline

You MUST create two characters on this RP,one for the original persona and one for the Reincarnation form

You can't control or kill other characters unless you have their permission

If your character is about to die,make it epic

Put 'Reincarnation' at the end of your sign-up sheet to prove that you are read the rules



Sign up never closed.Here's the link :



Okay,here's how it works to post in this RP.You have to post TWO characters in one post,one for your Reincarnation form and one for your Original Persona.Okay,Let the RP Begin!



(Hazimie Azhar)

Hazimie riding a bike and went to Utopia high school this morning."Aah....sweet air in great outdoors..."Hazimie said as he headed to the school.As he arrived,he went to his locker and take some books for the first lesson in his class."Hey,Hazimie!"A student calling out for Hazimie."Oh hey Kazuya.whad'dya want?"Hazimie asked."Don't forget to go Kendo Club after school,okay?the Kendo tournament will be held in a week later,you musn't miss the lesson,okay?"Kazuya said as Hazimie nodded and begin to go to his class...


(King Xeimizah)

Xeimizah riding his horse and run faster at the woods,swiftly like a wind.As he stopped,he arrived at his own Castle,with Dark atmosphere."You have arrive,My lord..."One of the Demon said as he and the others are bow to Xei as he headed to his throne and sitting on it."So....how's the Utopia Kingdom?"Xei asked to his one of his Demons."I have a news that they have taken an advantage to our Demon Defense Unit...."The Demon said to his Majesty."I see....very well then,bring out more Demon Heavy Attack Unit,and using it for ambush...."King Xeimizah said as the Demon agrees."Yes my Lord,we will do exactly what you told..."The Demon said as they leave his Majesty's throne room."Soon....the Kingdom will fall in to my hand..."King Xeimizah said as he smiling with mystery....

Edited by Hazimie

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~Yuro Kaai~ 

Yuro threw on a white turtle neck sweater, back jeans and sneakers for school. she didnt even mind that she woke up late again for school. I should really get that damn alarm clock replaced, she thought as she slid her headphones around her neck. She grabbed her bag and was about to walk out of the door when she stopped in her tracks. "Oh right, my whip." she said and took her brown and white whip off the coffee table and attached it to her belt. Why do i still carry this thing around, she thought and walked out of the door. She most likely missed the bus, again, so Yuro went to the side of the house and got her golden bike leaning against the wall. She cocked her head to the side, hoped on and was off to school. 


~Tsuna Yamashi~

Perched on a tree branch in the woods,Tsuna threw another dagger at the target board that she uses to practice. it was already filled with daggers and she haven't missed once. She's been practicing her accuracy for years and she perfected it a while back but still practices to relieve boredom. "Enough playing, i should be getting back to Utopia now." she muttered to herself and gestured her hand for the daggers to come towards her. One by one they zoomed out from the target board and neatly organized itself into her pouch. Once they were all in, she hopped off of the tree and started walking toward Utopia

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(Sadako Tsumako)




Sadako Tsumako  is seen inside the school looking at Hazimie from a window. She smiles at him as she glares at him. She also wonders of who he is for some reason. She then ponders in her thoughts about Hazimie in her mind. "This boy.......I feel something familiar......From him......." Thought Sadako Tsumako, pondering in her thoughts to herself.






(Okamust Okadas 'S')




Okamust Okadas 'S' is seen walking into the throne room and she bows down to King Xeimizah as she smiles at him. She knows to make sure that she'll make her king happy when she destroys the King Of Justice's troops. She keeps looking up at her king as she get's up from the floor and smiles again. She then speaks to her king about a plan she made before arriving in his throne room at this moment. "Your majesty.......I may have a plan to get into the Utopia Kingdom and go to it's core, or should we say it's castle......I say, that we send a unit of demon soldiers and archers cloaked by my invisibility magic and empowered by my Psychic powers....We can sneak them in undetected......What do you think?" Asked Okamust Okadas 'S', if her plan is good.

Edited by Tom13

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Kiyoshi Yuki~

I was sad it wasn't winter but I grabbed my two sword handles and my headphones. I took my skateboard and left the house riding my skateboard to school. On the way there I turned on my headphones and stuffed my sword handles into a little bag I carry everywhere. Then I reached school, all the kids in the High school thought I was weird having white hair and blue eyes. Not only that but having wolf ears and a tail... Not wearing anything but my clothes and a white scarf during winter. I entered the school already hearing the gossiping and threats. I sighed out cold air and went to my first class....


Tsuyoi Fubuki~

I was sitting under a tree with my hood on, some my say I was more of an assassin than a soldier. But either way I wanted to help the Demon side...and protect those villages.... Word had go to me that the Demon Defense Unit was taken advantage of. I push myself off the ground...honestly I wouldn't even call myself part of the military... Either way I ran to the Defense Unit knowing where it was and hid in some trees... I saw the army of Utopia...not many this was about 50 people. I saw some demons who where alive being captured probably going to be used for bait. Or something...I hid within the bushes behind a tent...

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(Hazimie Azhar)

Hazimie felt a presence that someone watching him.Then,he saw a boy with white hair and have blue eyes with his headphone who arrive at the class."Hmm....that guy....i've never seen him before....better try to get along with him..."Hazimie said as he approached him."Hey,nice to meet you.I'm Hazimie..."Hazimie said as he introduced himself."So....are you a new guy in this class?it's been an honor....oh yeah,what's your name?"Hazimie asked.


(King Xeimizah)

"Hmm....that is an interesting idea,Okamust..."Xeimizah impress for what she said."Aah,i have an idea....how bout you become the leader on that unit and prove to me that you can make ambush at the Castle with your ideas......if you succeed,i will make you as my one of the Demon Generals......and failure will recieved severely punishment...."Xeimizah said as he give a cruel condition."Oh i almost forgot.....do NOT KILL the King.....i will Kill him myself.you just have to kill many troops on that Castle only.....are we clear?"Xeimizah said as he has an agreement...

Edited by Hazimie

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(Sadako Tsumako)





Sadako Tsumako watches as Hazimie meets a boy who was watching him. She smiles an evil smile and grins a little. She walks away from the window and into the hallway slowly. She then begins thinking about Hazimie again in her mind. "That boy........Reminds me of someone from a long time ago......If he's the guy who I think he is.....Then......The battle is just...Beginning......." Thought Sadako Tsumako, pondering in her thoughts about Hazimie.





(Okamust Okadas 'S')




Okamust Okadas 'S' smiles at what King Xeimizah said to her. She dreamed on becoming a general someday, this may be her day to become one. She then nods and then speaks to him that she'll do it. "Very well, sire, I will not let you down......" Said Okamust Okadas 'S', as she gives him her answer. She then walks out of the room and approches a group unit of demon soldiers and archers and smiles at them. She then covers her left hand in green energy and speaks to the group. "I'm about to bring you on a mission today, and a "Gift" from me....." Said Okamust Okadas 'S', as she waves her hand over the group. The group of demon soldiers and archers then grow a bit bigger and show bigger muscles on their arms and legs and then they turn invisible. She smiles at them and speaks again. "We're going to the Utopia Kingdom today, and we're going to take out as many soldiers as possible today......Can you all handle that?" Asked Okamust Okadas 'S', if the group can handle that. The group then raise their weapons and roared in agreement, and then Okamust Okadas 'S' and the group unit of invisible and Psychic empowered group unit of demon soldiers and archers march out of the castle and Okamust Okadas 'S' turns herself invisible and then they go out to the valley to head to the Utopia Kingdom to attack the soldiers.

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(Silver Gail)


Silver walked up the stone-concrete steps up to his school, Utopia High. He sighed, lugging a backpack over one shoulder. Silver may be smart, but he hated school like every other normal child did. He pulled at his thick red scarf, glad for it's warmth in these cold winter days.

Entering the school, Silver quickly put his bag and other items away, momentarily deciding to stuff his scarf into the bag as he walked to class.

"Another school day." He murmured, a slight smile coming to his lips.


(Argent Cecil)


Argent stood on a balcony in one of the many levels of Utopia's massive castle.

"I just keep getting this bad feeling." He whispered, his blue eyes glancing everywhere. He sighed, looking down for a moment as he tried to figure out his next step. He wanted to speak with the king about his 'bad feeling' but he felt like bothering his Lord would not be the wisest choice.

Argent patted his hilt, unsheathing his blade, watching the blade itself glint off from the sun's light. The sword reverberated in Argent's hand, humming with the energy that swelled inside.

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--[Kurai Kasaragi]--


Kurai quickly walked down the street to the tempo of this insane, surprisingly catchy song about killing people called 'EastNewSound' that was blaring in her ears. She hasn't gone out in public for about a week, and this would be her first day back in school ever since the incident. She trailed along, reaching the school door, she turned off her MP3 and put up her headphones. Kurai opened the door, going to the office to get a tardy slip and her locker assigned which she put her academic books in. Kurai soon walked to class, handing the tardy slip to her teacher and slipping a desk near the back.


--[Mirai Kuzuki]--


Not knowing really what to do, Mirai simply watched some demons come in, she was trying to hide in a tree, but not like she could get away with that. Simply, Mirai jumped down and went into the Utopia Castle, wondering if there was something she could do.

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~Yuro Kaai~


Yuro finally made it to the school and went to go lock her bike on to a bike rail. She puffed out a sigh and looked around the court yard. There was not many kids in the court yard so class must have already started. Yuro  threw her bag over her shoulder and started walking to class. As she was walking she passed by some guy with a warm looking scarf on. She raised an eyebrow while looking back at him. Why does this guy seem so familiar, she thought, i dont even remember talking to him at school but i think i've seen him somewhere. 


~Tsuna Yamashi~


Tsuna finally made her way to Utopia. The place was so beautiful and streaming with life and the castle was right in the center of it all. "Well i guess i better make sure everything is okay at the castle." she said and made her way down. There were kids playing  on the streets and everyone just having a good time with themselves. a good thrity minutes later Tsuna finally made it to the front of the castle.  She was kinda worn out from all that walking but she'll manage. Her eyes widened and she turned back towards to where the woods were at a distance. Something...isnt right, she thought, i have a feeling there might be another invasion from those damn demons.  

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(Sadako Tsumako)



Sadako Tsumako sees Yuro in the hallway and smiles at her from under her long black hair and kept walking to some place in the building. She can see familiar faces coming to school today. She folds her arms to her chest as she let's out a smirk on her face. She then thinks about these people coming to school today. "My, my, it seems that so many familiar faces are coming to school today...Hehehe....." Thought Sadako Tsumako, pondering in her thoughts about the students that came to school today.





(Okamust Okadas 'S')




The invisible group unit of demon soldiers and archers and the invisible Okamust Okadas 'S' arrive at the Utopia Kingdom from behind. She looks at it with an evil smile on her face. She looks at the group unit and they nod. She takes a rope out of a bag and tosses one end of the rope at one of the windows of the castle and uses her Psychic powers to tie a knot on one of the poles on the window. Then, the invisible Okamust Okadas 'S', and the invisible group unit of demon soldiers and archers quietly climb up the rope and quietly go into the castle. She removes the rope carefully and put's it back into her bag. A demon soldier sees a Utopian Soldier coming, he quietly takes out his sword and goes at the Utopian soldier and grabs his neck and slashes at his neck, throws him to the ground and stabs his chest, and the neck forty times and leaves the Utopian Soldier for dead. One of the demon archers takes few of it's arrows and aims it's crossbow at 3 Utopian Soldiers and 2 Guards who are walking from the left and fires arrows at them in the eyes, chest and stomach, causing them to drop on the ground, bleeding to death as they are mortally wounded. Okamust Okadas 'S' smiles at what is happening, and she and the  invisible group unit begin moving to the left slowly and quietly to find more soldiers to slaughter. She then thinks about how easy it was to get into the castle in her mind. "Getting into this place is just too easy....I'm going to be killing a lot of these soldiers here....And I'll finally become a Demon General today...." Thought Okamust Okadas 'S', pondering in her thoughts about her plan.

Edited by Tom13

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(Hazimie Azhar)

Hazimie feels the presence again that someone watch him from the back.(Why do i feel...weird,for some reasons?),Hazimie thinking on his mind about that presence."Umm....Teacher,may i go to the toilet please?"Hazimie said to the Teacher as he leaves the classroom.While Hazimie headed to the toilet at corridors,he met a woman (Sadako) in front of him."Excuse me..."Hazimie said to her as he continue to leave,and went to the toilet to wash his hands and his face."What is that presence--!?"As soon as Hazimie wash his face,his mind having a flashback and seen that there was a Black Armor Knight who rules Thousands of Demons."What....was that....about?"Hazimie said as he suddenly feel strange about what happened....


(King Xeimizah)

Xeimizah go out at the balcony and see the Utopia Kingdom from afar."Okamust sure is happy about my offering.....then again,she is my Loyal servant..."Xei said as he watches the Kingdom from afar.Then,there's the Demon approached to his Majesty."My Lord,Okamust Okadas 'S' has killed over hundreds of Utopia troops!"The Demon said as Xei smiles about Okamust's accomplishment."I see....thank you for the news..."Xei said as the Demon leaves at the balcony and Xei continue to watch at the Kingdom again...

Edited by Hazimie

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~Yuro Kaai~


Yuro was in her first period class sitting through one of those boring lectures that usually puts half of the class to sleep. When she walked in a few minutes ago, the teacher hardly noticed her so she sat in an empty desk by the window. She was sketching a picture of three daggers in her notebook with a pen. she didnt understand what got her in to drawing it but it actually came out well. She felt a tingling sensation in her face where the golden brown marks sat on her face. She grazed a finger over it and looked out the window. This never happened before, she thought, what's going on.


~Tsuna Yamashi~ 

A few soldiers fell out of nowhere to the ground. Tsuna's eyes widen and went to examine each one of them. She placed a finger on their neck. No pulse, she thought and got up. She saw another soldier dead on the ground, blood bleeding rapidly from his neck. I knew it, she thought, and looked around. She saw no one. This had to be the demon's doing but where are they, she thought and placed her hand on her whip. She backed up a little and bumped into something hard but saw nothing. She slashed her whip hard in that direction and heard a piercing cry. Something fell down hard to the ground and blood was rushing out of it. Invisibility?, she thought and her eyes started glowing yellow. with that the ground trembled a bit. "well, i like a good challenge. Come out you cowards!" she yell and stayed on her guard 

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The roar of a motorcycle was heard, and a black Suzuki Hayabusa rolled to a stop. The guy kicked the stand down and got off. Removing his helmet and setting it down on the handlebars. Jeremy shook his hair out, then grabbed his messenger bag. He stretched, and headed for the school building.

"Wonder if that cute tattoo girl will be here today..." he said to himself.

Grinning to himself, Jeremy continued towards the school, smiling easily.



Avalon was not in the throne room. No, he was pacing the war room, countering ambushes and setting up offenses.

"Where is Tsuna?"

"Just arrived at the castle my Lord."

"And Argent?"

"Third highest floor. On a balcony."

"It is quiet. Too quiet. Have them come here immediately." Avalon said, turning to pace the other way. "I want our defenses strengthened immediately. A storm is brewing. We must be ready."

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(Sorry I had classes...)

Kiyoshi Yuki~

I watched as the boy left and I sat in my seat then stared out the window. 'Why would some random person approach me? Even though I'm a transfer student I wasn't even expecting to be noticed.' People were already starting rumors I could feel it. "Albino freak" "That weird kid had ears and a tail." "Demon." Something flashed into my mind... I person with white hair and blue eyes...hooded... The image faded away from my mind... , 'What was that.' I thought to myself.... Then kept staring out the window...


Tsuyoi Fubuki~

One soldier from Utopia came behind the tent and I quickly came up and sliced him the throat. I quietly laid him down and whistled catching other soldier's attention. I got away from my spot and hid in the trees... They gathered seeing the dead body starting to panic this was my chance only some had a bow and arrow. I created ice in my hands sharp as a knife and threw a bunch at the soldiers like hail. They screamed catching more attention but not detecting me, I got down from the trees and went towards the captured demons. I took out my tomahawk and cut the ropes they thanked my greatly but that got the soldiers attention. I was detected I was at least hooded, so it would take them awhile to figure out who I was beside ps the fact no one would know me. Took out one of my swords keeping the tomahawk and jumped attacked the first soldier. Stabbing the tomahawk into his head and stabbing the man behind me with the sword. I slashed the next man with the sword hitting another man with the back of the tomahawk.

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(Silver Gail)

Silver turned, getting the feeling someone was looking at him. A girl passed by, with odd-looking symbols adorned upon her face and arm. Silver shrugged at that, this place was weird enough.

And yet, the girl seemed strikingly familiar, and Silver could've sworn he had never seen her before. "I must be going crazy..." He murmured aloud, rubbing his forehead as he walked to class.


(Argent Cecil)

This 'feeling' of mine is getting increasingly worse. Argent thought, stepping away from the balcony for a moment, turning around to walk down the open-air hall. All was quiet where he was, and it didn't help ease his worries. Clenching his armored fist, Argent paced around the corridor, debating his next move.

"Ergh..what do I do.." He murmured, leaning against a brick wall.

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(Sadako Tsumako)
Sadako Tsumako smiles at Hazimie passes her to the bathroom. She keeps walking in the hallway, until she comes to a metallic looking black door with a lock on the knob. She takes out a black key and put's it into the lock. She then twists it and then she opens the door and enters the room and locks the door. She walks down a dark candlelit hallway leading to somewhere. She then thinks about Hazimie when he passed her in the hallway earlier. "It seems the boy is bothered by my presence.....Look's like he's starting to see flashbacks of his previous life.....Perfect....." Thought Sadako Tsumako, as she walks down the hallway.
(Okamust Okadas 'S')
Up on the 2nd floor, the invisible group unit of demon soldiers and archers are seen slicing and dicing up to eighty-nine Utopian soldiers with their swords and arrows, when Okamust Okadas 'S' heard Tsuna's scream. She smiles and she tells the unit to keep killing other soldiers, as she teleports to behind of Tsuna and she takes out a long black sword, it's tip looked like the head of a black devil dragon. She is still cloaked in her invisivility magic, so , she may have the advantage. She then takes her sword and slashes Tsuna in the back four times in an X shaped way. She then smiles at Tsuna and grins at her in a sinister way, as she then speaks to Tsuna while invisible. "Hahahaha!!!!! Fear me, little girl, you cannot defeat what you cannot see!!!!" Shouted Okamust Okadas 'S', as she slashes Tsuna again by teleporting to in front of her and slashing her in the chest thirty times.

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~Yuro Kaai~ 

The sensation in her face becomes more intense and Yuro mangaes to struggle through it until first period was done. "now class, dont forget to read tonight's pages" the teacher said but yuro was already heading out the door. She quickly ran into a nearby bathroom and leaned against the wall. Luckily, nobody was in there. She Looked into the mirror. Her marks were glowing and so were her eyes. Is this something to go to the doctor's for, she thought, no, nobody can know about this. Soon they stopped glowing but the small sensation stayed. She sighed and walking out and into the hallway towards her locker. What is happening to me, she thought


~Tsuna Yamashi~

Tsuna fell to her knees trying to endure the pain. She placed a hand on her chest and she started glowing green. What, this bastard thinks i would die that easily, she thought as her wounds started to turn into scars but the pain was still there and her armor was covered in blood. With her eyes still glowing, she placed her and on the ground and felt the vibrations as to where this certain demon was. Found you, she thought and the ground shook harder. Huge boulders arose from the ground and was zooming towards her target, landing a deadly blow. Tsuna made an attempt to stand but was her legs was kinda throbbing with pain under her. She was breathing heavily as she pulled out her daggers and gripped her whip

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(Sadako Tsumako)



Sadako Tsumako arrives to a black medium-sized room with a throne in the center of it, and sits on it and the door behind it closes. Purple Light shines from several lines below the throne.  She smiles as she continues to sit on it. She always comes here to think about the reincarnated people that she sees every day. She then thinks about the room and the reincarnated people she saw today. "This room.....Was made to see who reincarnated from who......This room....Is connected.......To the past......The Room of Souls....." Thought Sadako Tsumako, pondering in her thoughts about the room and the people.





(Okamust Okadas 'S')



Okamust Okadas 'S' sees the boulders coming at her. She smirks at Tsuna, and then she holds out her other hand and the gauntlet on the hand glows a green colors, and the boulders suddenly stop in their tracks, floating in the air like toys. She smiles at Tsuna, an evil smile. She then throws the boulders right back at Tsuna with her Psychic powers, with very, very fast speed. She then speaks to Tsuna about herself. "You foolish human.....Don't underestimate me.....I'm stronger than you think...." Said Okamust Okadas 'S', talking about her strength to Tsuna.

Edited by Tom13

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Kiyoshi Yuki~

First class was over and I got up going to the next looking at the notes I got. I reached my next class sitting in the spot I was told to sit and stared out the window again remembering the time when I was little and played in the snow. But what was that first image...It confused me...what was it....what did it mean?


Tsuyoi Fubuki~

One soldier managed to knock me back and be held by another soldier. I flipped the tomahawk backwards and stabbed the man in the head. Flipping the tomahawk back again I stabbed more soldiers slashing them aside with my tomahawk. Soon enough I killed them all with the help of the freed demons. "Thank you so much. We owe you our lives. Yet we know nothing of your name."

"It doesn't matter." I left disappearing into the woods and headed towards a well populated town. To hear the news...

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Avalon spun around at the screams. "Battle stations! Deploy all soldiers!" He thundered. His armor flashed into life, and his mighty greatsword fpashed into existance.

"They attacked during the day. Fools."

He strode into the main hall, lightning crackling and reaching from him and hitting metal everywhere. "Demons in my castle. Killing my soldiers. Endangering my people!" His voice thundered throught the castle as if thunder itself had descended. "I am Avalon, and this Mingeom shall remain to see the coming dawn with happiness!"

Lightning would shoot from his armor, killing any demon it would come in contact with. "Argent! Tsuna! Leave none alive!"

Avalon felt arrows ping off his armor. He swept his greatsword, and two archers were fried.

The King of Justice found himself in the main stairway. He rose on wings of light. Demons in his castle.

They would feel The Coming Dawn.


Jeremy walked into his first class on time, and toom his own window seat. He snuck and earbud into his ear and played music as he read a book. Another boring as hell lecture. Oh joy.


(It can be the class you are in gumi if you want. I kept it vague.)

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(Sadako Tsumako)




Sadako Tsumako keeps sitting on the throne, resting on it. She smiles as she has her eyes closed. She is still thinking about Hazimie, and his aura. She then thinks about him some more. "I can now see that boy........May be.....The descendent....Of someone I once knew....As my original self......" Thought Sadako Tsumako, pondering in her thoughts about Hazimie.





(Okamust Okadas 'S')



Okamust Okadas 'S' smiles as the invisible group unit of demon soldiers and archers teleport to her side. She knows that the alarms are going off in the castle right now. But, this didn't matter to her though. She had managed to have her unit kill up to 10,088 Utopian Soldiers, she was told by one of her demon soldiers.  She smiles at Tsuna and waves at her. She then speaks to Tsuna before leaving. "I hate to break this fun short, but, I must be heading off now.....I killed enough soldiers for now....Bye!!" Said Okamust Okadas 'S', about the amount of soldiers she killed. Okamust Okadas 'S' throws a smoke bomb on the floor and smoke fills the room and she and her unit of demon soldiers and archers turn invisible again and jump out the window, and run all the way back to the Demon Kingdom.

Edited by Tom13

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(Hazimie Azhar)

After Hazimie went to the toilet and headed to his class,he saw another student (Jeremy) that was sitting on his place."That guy....why do i feel....something.....funny about me?....is it because of him?....or is it just me?....man,i'm seeing things..."Hazimie said as he sitting on his place and began to learn at the class.


(King Xeimizah)

"My Lord!King Avalon arrived and help his Utopia troops to fight back our troops!"The Demon said as he give the reports to his Majesty."I see....i think the ambush will have to stop for now...."Xeimizah said as he went to his throne room and sitting on his throne back.Then,he saw Okamust and her armies back with safe and sound."You have arrived..."Xeimizah said with smile on his face with full of mystery....

Edited by Hazimie

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(sure thing owo)

~Yuro Kaai~

Yuro walked back into class and looked around. there was a guy sitting by the window but he looked oddly familiar. There was a seat available in front of him so she went to go sit there. She was lost in thought as the lecture continued but she couldnt get over on what happened so far. My eyes and markings glowed, the pain in my face, and now im seeing people that looks familiar but never actually talked to before. Yuro took out her notebook and looked at the picture of the daggers she drew and stared at it for a long time


~Tsuna Yamashi~

The boulder was coming quickly at her but she spit it in half with her mind and the remains of it zipped past her and into the ground. Tsuna watched with boredom as the demon and her allies disappeared into the smoke. Tsuna didn't bother chasing after them since she knew that they'll be back. She placed her whip back on her belt and wiped some blood off her face as she looked at the amount of soldiers dead before her. Such a gruesome sight, she thought and sighed 

Edited by Gumi

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(Sadako Tsumako)




In the Room of Souls, Sadako Tsumako smiles as she sees memories of the past flows through her mind. She feels as if they were hers before a long time ago. She opens her eyes as she smirks evilly. She then thinks to herself about the memories. "I've finished viewing the.....Memories of my original self......Who was known as......Okamust Okadas 'S'....Her name was much an an anagram of my own name....." Thought Sadako Tsumako, pondering in her thoughts about her previous self.





(Okamust Okadas 'S')




Okamust Okadas 'S' nods at King Xeimizah, as she bows down to him. She can tell she did a fine job and looks at him with an evil smirk, as she put's away her weapon. She then folds her arms to her chest as she looks at the king. She then speaks to her king to answer what he just said to her. "Yes, I'm back....Up to 10,088 soldiers have been killed before being called back...." Said Okamust Okadas 'S', revealing the amount of Utopian Soldiers she killed.

Edited by Tom13

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(Hazimie Azhar)

Many School Periods has passed,and Hazimie begins to go to the Gym for his Kendo Club."Alright,now i have to train for the tournament!"Hazimie said as he take his Wooden Black Katana to exercise.Hazimie trains and trains at the Gym before the Kendo Club has started.But as soon as Hazimie tried to waving his sword,the sword hit the ground and receive a fatal damage."Uh-oh.....how did i become strong until the the ground is almost destroyed?..."Hazimie said as he thinking to himself....


(King Xeimizah)

"For now.....we wait for the Utopia's Actions.....and for the troopers,you can torture all you like.....you all may now dismiss..."Xeimizah said as the Demon troopers leaves."Just a moment,Okamust.....i've seen your actions.....and it seems that you are worthy to become a Demon General...."Xeimizah said as his hand filled with the power of Darkness and he begins to make spell on Okamust to received her own Dark Aura around her."Right now.....you have the right to use the power of the General that i have given to you....do your best,Okamust.....or should i say,General?"Xeimizah said with pleased....

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