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KHCoM He won't Die! DD:

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So, I'm havin' some issues on KH:COM on attempting to defeat the evil and cranky scientist known as Vexen... He won't die, y'all.


Haelp~ D: Advice, tips, anything, y'all~? ;.;


...Cause he won't die... dangit. ><;







Did I mention he won't die? DD:

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I haven't played re:com .. so I can't help you D:


we .. we can send axel to kill him! ... then I can kill him! .. no ... kairiwilson and i'm-axel-fear-me-now would kill me ... hmm ...

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Aw, well. xD


Axel would be able to, wouldn't he?


But yeah, the ice-throwing dude won't DIE. D<


-shares the game file with Summer- ...>> << Yousawnothing. -poofs-


EDIT: ...Woah, that signature is so distracting, luzzekatt. xDD

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urgh, vexen was annoying! >.<

i ran out of cards in the middle of the fight (too many sleights, lol xD) so all i have is two cure cards and a zero attack card...

but what saved me was Pluto. xD

All these random Pluto cards kept coming out of nowhere, so i collected them and then Pluto would dig up more cards for me. The only problem with that was that Vexen would card break Pluto and then attack me with his ice needles. >.> that's when the zero card comes in handy! xD XD xD

but yeah, i turned probably a 5 minute battle into and 45 minute battle. xD

i beat him on my first try though!! :D :D :D :D :( :( :D

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To luzzekatt : Ah, Axel, the ever so famous red head~ <3 Yes, I can see him whooping tail! >D Let's go for it, shoot, I feel daring! Mwaha!


To Mixim : Ugh, I know rite!? Ah, but we did! I saw! With my eyes! OOx Ohmygoshx8!


kairiwilson1 : Ohmygosh! xDD I hate the pluto cards! They're so annoying, but I love Pluto, so I can't help but love them too! Oh, it's a love-hate relationship.


45 minute battle, niiice~


Shoot, I give ya props for patience though. I would've given in after about 20 minutes and been like 'well, bump this' but yeah. xD

Andohmygosh! The zero card rocks~ Yeah~ Finally, another sleight happy person! lol! xD

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to axel-fear me: O.O ... *back off*


to summer: the famous dead red haired guy >D





hehehehehe well ur supposed to!!!!!!! FEEEEEEEAR ME!!!!!!!!!


nobodies dun die remember? they "disappear" not that that makes much of a difference. and i dun think hes dead!!!!! but lez just leave tat on the other thread :D


aaaaw iz ok *pats on head* ur siggy rawks my socks off

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Well, it helps in ANY boss battles...to learn their patterns. Because let's face it, every boss has a pattern of attacks. Once you crack Vexen's, use it against him.

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how he can't die in the proof of exitence there where u see who is alive from Org XII all are red except Roxas cause he is inside Sora all the other are dead



and his weo is red= he is dead

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Build a deck around sonic blade (I think that's what the sleight is called). Then spam triangle. You can win almost any battle in CoM that way.


But Vexen guards from the front like a Large Body and it stops Sonic Blade. Firaga's your best bet. Then Fira when yous tart running low. Then BOOM! Mega-Ether. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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