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Keyblade Master Xine

What is your favorite video game music?

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Hello there. The title says everything. What are your top 3 favorite ending songs of videogames?
(you can use links to the songs if you want to)

My top 3 is:

3.- Heavens Divide- Donna Durke - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

2.- Lullaby For You- Jyongry - The World Ends With You

1.- Sanctuary- After the battle - Utada Hikaru - Kingdom Hearts 2 - 3D - 358/2 days


Edited by dusk

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Not gonna list KH songs, as that would already take up two spots on my list, SOOO

1. Heaven's Divide- MGS Peace walker (not posting song because its in the first post)
2. Maybe Tommorow- Xenosaga ep III (

) I also like the Hepatica- "I believe in You" song that precedes it ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZpcyYVRoAo )
3.Ring a Bell- Tales of Vesperia ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIQu6pJrbb4 )


Edited by dusk

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I will tell four. o3o

1. 358/2 Days - Sanctuary (After the battle)
2. Lullaby for You
3. Ghost Trick Epilogue~End of the Night
4. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Special Episode End - Life goes on!


Edited by dusk

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Everything the TC said. I'd also add "Calling to the NIght" (MGS PO) there too. I know it's top 3 but you just can't leave that out!


i had to choose between them... i also wanted Calling to the night but, as my topic said , just 3 xD

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What's wrong with you guys? How did one of these not make your lists?

Seriously, Still Alive has more views, likes, and favorites than everything else listed here COMBINED.

Edited by dusk

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Does anyone else here think this music is awesome? This is already one of my favorite songs in the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Especially at 0:50, It sounds like something that people in America would sing or something. I can just picture people crowding all over th White House singing this song along with the President lol.



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  • damn its good.i can imane it when Big boss and Radian are having a fight.i think big boss would hate him.though to me Radains cool.its nice to play some one different

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This is my favorite track in the MGS series. I think it captures the game play the best. Sneaking around and planning ahead while waiting for the right moment to let all hell break loose.


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