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Reincarnation RP (Sign Up Thread)

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<p>Name: Lyon Umzaki</p>

<p>Age: 367</p>

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Personality: Quiet, Complex, Distant, Intelligent</p>

<p>Appearance: <img alt="" src="http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy108/Nightsong-15/anime_girl_warrior.jpg" style="width: 260px; height: 486px;" /></p>

<p>Bio: Lyon was always a precocious girl. She would be able to comprehend large amounts of information quickly, with a photographic memory, and an uncanny ability to remember everything she hears. As she grew up up, both her parents died of a sickness, and Lyon began to care for herself. She managed to distance herself from other people, so that no one knew much about what she was doing. However, the fact that she was vulnerable got to her, and she trained her body as well as her mind. When she turned 18, she went to the king for a job as an espionage officer. Quickly impressed with her various skills, she was taken in.</p>

<p>Special Skills: Able to remember everything and anything she has ever heard or seen, proficient with a whip and staff combination of weapons, and uses great amounts of agility</p>

<p>Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30wdBIaNsCc</p>

<p> </p>


<p>Name: Li Zaki</p>

<p>Age: 16</p>

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Appearance: <img alt="" src="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=30833215" /></p>

<p>Personality: Quiet, Complex, Intelligent, Distant</p>

<p>Bio: Li has lived in Utopia City all her life, but still has very few friends. Her distant nature is off-putting, and many find her memory skills creepy, giving an air of strangeness nobody wants to go near. She is physically adept, and smart, but people still find her odd. This has made her slightly resent everybody.</p>

<p>Special Skills: Able to remember everything and anything she has ever heard, physically adept combat-wise, a proficient gymnast</p>


Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Why is everyone evil?:| I feel like Optimus Prime now >.> where is mynspell to Change...into a truck?

Whoops I didn't know everyone was evil lol I jar assumed everyone would choose good so I picked evil lol. Although even though The original persona is evil, and my main character may have an evil tendency, he may still be good that's what I was trying to go for :)

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original persona


name: raim kuzumi


age: 13


gender: male


personality: nice except when people mistake him for a girl.very optimistic in horrible situations unlike a few other people.will risk his life for a friend so i guess rather brave.


appearence: has short girly haircut that is light green he has bright yellow eyes that peirce through the night. he wears a dark warloch outfit but without  the whole long robe thing going on instead its just shirt sized with red swils on it.


bio: a warloch who had tried helping the king in the past but now just looks to save other people.he had no parents after he was five for they where killed by demons.he went on his own from there after burning his home in the woods to the ground no letting any proof of his existance remain.after two years he met a kind couple who took him in and finally cared for him but they too couldn't save him from sorrow once they both fell ill and died.he continued on helping people like him and teaching them magic the couple had taught him in his short time with them.


weapon: twin daggers


theme: breaking the habit by linkin park


special skills: can use mostly healing magic.


reincarnation persona


name: rechi kuzami


age: 13 ( yes yes i knowt hey should be different ages by i ton is what you might be thinking but nyet i would really like them both the same age)


gender: male


personality: same as raim


appearence: looks like raim but has one orange and one pink eye plus he wears a regular school uniform.


bio: a regular boy who lived a almost happy life.he had fell ill and almost died countless times but something kept him alive and he knew it wasn't just the treatments and medicine.rechi soon began going to a cemetary at utopia feeling as though something there ould tell why.when he was about 10 his parents got divorced and he was serperated from his father. he spent the rest on his life in a public school instead of being homeschooled.


weapon: dagger



theme: same as raim



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Original Persona:

Name: Sikota Urinakano

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality : Faithful to his king and to his allies

Appearance: Iron armor, broad shoulders, rather buff, clean-cut hazel-brown hair.

Bio: A general serving under the "good king"; can't remember his official title

Weapon: Rapier

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at his side and a pair of these

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over his back

Theme: General:


Prepare to battle:




Harsh battling where dual wield comes in:




Name: Kyameron Gaiti

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Friendly. Very friendly, will go to almost anyone for the sake of getting to know them, rarely shows negative emotion unless he's sad.

Appearance: pretty tall, kinda messy hazel-brown hair; kinda lanky but not too scrawny.

Bio: New kid in town, was drawn to the area, enrolled in Utopia High almost just for the sake of making new friends

Weapon: Foil

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carried in a cylindrical sheath often slung over his shoulder or hanging at his side.

Special Skills: abnormal speed, agility, and reaction time (this probably belongs with Sikota but I don't want to edit this dang thing anymore, besides, Kyameron can still be speedy)

Theme: General:


Pepare to battle:


While Fighting:




Edited by cdgerrity

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Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name : Neisan

Age : 14

Gender : male

Personality : arrogent, quiet, intelligent, analytical, often bored, plays video games when bored

Appearance : unremarkable in general, short brown hair, brown eyes, slightly short


Bio : Has switched schools often because they haven't been challenging him. Recently started at Utopia High. Quickly became friends with Kyameron. Had a run-in with some of the jocks. He has vowed to avenge himself.


Weapon : thick gloves with  some wires attached. Neisan has rigged up a battery which he can use to shock people through the gloves.

Theme : to be determined


Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name : Sporus

Age : 25


Gender : male

Personality : anaytical, intelligent, arrogent, quiet, often bored, explodes things (usually evil things) when bored

Appearance : same as Neisan, but older


Appearance in combat (roughly):



Posted Image



Bio : a leader of the Mage Guild (there can be one, right?) for the King of Justice. Has a bone to pick with some of the Demon King's generals (because he thinks they are brutish). Is good friends with Sikota (Kyameron's original persona).

Weapon : heavy gauntlets he designed himself to help target and amplify his magic. Likes lightning because it is powerful and accurate.

Special Skills : powerful magic, tactical skills, knowledge of magical opponents and effects


Theme : to be determined (will be the same as Neisan, most likely)


If I get accepted, I will follow this up with a description of the Mage Guild in the main RP section.



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