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Reincarnation RP (Sign Up Thread)

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Long ago...there was a Kingdom known as Utopia,who ruled by the King of Justice.Then,there was the Demon King,who waged the War between the King of Justice's army to dominate the Kingdom.while many midst of hardship in these wars,the King of Justice was emerged victorious.But as soon as before the War ends,the Demon King use the Time Impetus,the Curse that the time will be frozen on that Kingdom and will shrouded by the fog where people from outsiders forbidden to go there including the people on that Kingdom frozen and lost in the Dimension of Time.


In 2013,the fog lifted.....but Utopia Kingdom has become Utopia City and the people in the City begins to move but they are the Reincarnations of the original persona before they were froze in time unless they remembered since they don't know who they truly are,even the two King itself.....


Now,this will be the Second war in this Reincarnation time that they have to ended it,once and for all....




KH13 Rules apply

No Cursing below 15

No Romance below 12

This RP will be like Once Upon a Time Series,so you have to posted two post in a different timeline

You MUST create two characters on this RP,one for the original persona and one for the Reincarnation form

You can't control or kill other characters unless you have their permission

If your character is about to die,make it epic

Put 'Reincarnation' at the end of your sign-up sheet to prove that you are read the rules




Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name :

Age :

Gender :

Personality : (Your Reincarnation form must have a little similar personality to your Original Persona)

Appearance :

(Your appearance can be different or look alike to your original persona if your age are different)

Bio :

Weapon : 

Theme :


Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name :

Age :

Gender :

Personality : 

Appearance :

(Your appearance can be different or look alike to your Reincarnation form if your age are different)

Bio :

Weapon :

Special Skills :

Theme :



okay,now for my character :




Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name : Hazimie Azhar

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Personality : Happy-Go Lucky,Calm,Wise and concern others

Appearance :

Posted Image

Bio : A Student in Utopia High School.He was one of the best Athlete that the School have.he was good at Kendo in Kendo Club since Elementary School.One thing that he does not know that he was the Demon King long ago...

Weapon : 

Wooden Black Katana

Posted Image

Theme :



Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name : King Xeimizah

Age : 400

Gender : Male

Personality : Calm,Wise,Pragmatist and a little Catalyst

Appearance :

Posted Image

Bio : King Xeimizah was a Demon King who rules over Ten Thousands of Demons in order to rule the Utopia Kingdom but failed by being defeated by the King of Justice.As soon as before the War ends,Xei begins to use the Time Impetus Curse to trap all of the people and the Kingdom itself in time.As the time begins to move like normal,he appears as a different person...

Weapon :

Demon Sword

Posted Image

Special Skills : Can use dark Magic and his Magic will be stronger during the dark and he also can manipulate Time in movements,objects and himself.

Theme :





Sign up never closed,and we will start if we have more characters.Oh,there's only ONE room for those who wants to play the role as King of Justice.... :D

Edited by Hazimie

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I like this idea >.> I wanna be the King of Judgement. But my imagination is overtaxed <. < can you hold the king's spot for me? I should have something thought of after work.

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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So i don't fully get the reincarnation/persona deal going on. 

Do we need to fill out both character sheets or what

It's like this....your original persona was a Knight or Mage or Citizens or etc,who was become the reincarnation form in this present time,so all you have to do is to find out who you are during in normal life by posting and you also have to post for your original persona's life in the past that leads hints to your reincarnation form in order to end this war by knowing who is the villain and who is the good guy.understand?

Edited by Hazimie

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Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :
Name : Sadako Tsumako
Age : 49
Gender : Female
Personality : Smart, Cunning, Manipulative, Sadistic, Twisted, Violent, and Malevolent
Appearance : Looks like a tall white-skinned woman with long black hair, with it hanging on her back and over her face, covering it, she wears a long short sleeved white dress and black high heels
Bio : Sadako Tsumako is a woman who has strange psychic powers, including the ability to give people Hallucinations. She is very aware of this power and plans to use it in her plans of evil. She plans on making the entire world suffer a terrible fate through Time.  She clearly remembers herself as Okamust Okadas 'S' very well, and plans to make sure that the second war get's underway.
Weapon : Long black sword, with the very top of it looking like the head of a devil dragon.
Theme : N/A
Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :
Name : Okamust Okadas 'S'
Age : 300
Gender : Female
Personality : Cruel, Smart, Cunning, Manipulative, Malevolent, Sadistic, Twisted, Violent, Collective, and Solem
Appearance : A black demon with four black demon wings and has very, very long black and silver hair and has entirely red eyes, including a third eye in the shape of an X on her forehead. She has Demonic-looking knight armor on her entire body to make herself look dangerous. She has gauntlets on her hands to fire deadly Nensha and Psychic blasts.
Bio : Okamust Okadas 'S' is a demon who served  King Xeimizah a long, long time ago. She got frozen in Time by the Time Impetus. Like Sadako Tsumako, she had psychic powers just like her, but, her powers were much, much, much stronger than hers. She creates the Hallucinations much, much faster and scarier than her. She can use Nensha to burn images and fire into her victims. Sadako Tsumako is her descendent.
Weapon : The very same weapon that Sadako Tsumako wields.
Special Skills : Creating Hallucinations to plauge her opponents and using Nensha to burn terrible burns and images on her victims.
Theme : N/A
Edited by Tom13

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Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name : Yuro Kaai 

Age : 16

Gender : female

Personality : laided-back and bubbly at times, sometimes cocky

Appearance :

Posted Image

Bio : Yuro is a typical  A student at Utopia high. She easy to get along with but prefers not to have a huge crowd of friends following her everywhere. She always wondered why she has these markings on her face and arm and why she always wanted to carry a whip with her everywhere she went. obviously, she had no clue about her past.

Weapon : a brown and white whip that she carries with her often 

Theme : 



Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name : Tsuna Yamashi

Age : 395 

Gender : female 

Personality : serious in battle, laided-back, intelligent, can be a bit cocky

Appearance :

Posted Image

Bio : Tsuna is one of the top mages under the King of Justice. She took a big part in the war and they were succssful, however when the demon king used the Time Impetus Curse to trap everyone, her magic is left branded on her face and shoulder (in her rencarnation form) as she appears into a different person. 

Weapon : whip in the picture and a set of daggers

Special Skills : talented in geokenisis and telekenisis, has some knowledge with healing magic

Theme : 




(i just noticed u used music from K >w<)

Edited by Gumi

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I totally meant King of Justice earlir. Blame me rushing to get to work D:


Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name : Jeremy Hunter

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Personality : Calm, collected. Has a strong sense of justice and a desire to defend people who are in need of a hero.

Appearance : Contrast Go!

(Your appearance can be different or look alike to your original persona if your age are different)

Bio: A normal kid, Jeremy for some reason always wanted to help people. Being pretty cunning and athletic helped, despite his affinity for video games. He has no clue of his past, which is the reason for his chronic heroic tendencies.

Weapon: Greatsword

Theme: Holding out for a Hero - Jennifer Saunders


Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name : King Avalon

Age : 400

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, patient. Cunning. Tactful. Heroic

Appearance: Pic (looks a bit older then his reincarnated form - only difference is his armor)

Bio: the King of Justice ruled Utopia has a benevolent King. He made himself open to his subjects and would personally go and ensure problems were rectified. He defended his Kingdom and it's people with all his being, and defeated the Demon King...and then came Time Impetus.

Weapon: The Coming Dawn - Avalon's Greatsword

Special Skills: stronger during the day; strongest at dawn. Can summon his greatsword in a flash of light and highly skilled at any sort of Light based power. Has an affinity for manipulating Lightning to use a railgun shot, mostly with rocks.

Theme: Castle of Glass by Linkin Park


Soyeah. Hope its good :s


Yes Daedric.


And I love Once Upon a Time :3 it and Grimm are amazing shows.



Edited by Oathkeeper136

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I totally meant King of Justice earlir. Blame me rushing to get to work D:


Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name : Jeremy Hunter

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Personality : Calm, collected. Has a strong sense of justice and a desire to defend people who are in need of a hero.

Appearance : Contrast Go!

(Your appearance can be different or look alike to your original persona if your age are different)

Bio: A normal kid, Jeremy for some reason always wanted to help people. Being pretty cunning and athletic helped, despite his affinity for video games. He has no clue of his past, which is the reason for his chronic heroic tendencies.

Weapon: Greatsword

Theme: Holding out for a Hero - Jennifer Saunders


Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name : King Avalon

Age : 400

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, patient. Cunning. Tactful. Heroic

Appearance: Pic (looks a bit older then his reincarnated form - only difference is his armor)

Bio: the King of Justice ruled Utopia has a benevolent King. He made himself open to his subjects and would personally go and ensure problems were rectified. He defended his Kingdom and it's people with all his being, and defeated the Demon King...and then came Time Impetus.

Weapon: The Coming Dawn - Avalon's Greatsword

Special Skills: stronger during the day; strongest at dawn. Can summon his greatsword in a flash of light and highly skilled at any sort of Light based power. Has an affinity for manipulating Lightning to use a railgun shot, mostly with rocks.

Theme: Castle of Glass by Linkin Park


Soyeah. Hope its good :s


Yes Daedric.


And I love Once Upon a Time :3 it and Grimm are amazing shows.

you forgot to put "Reincarnation" at the end owo

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Sign-up Sheets for Reincarnation form:

Name: Kurai Kasaragi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: She is rather upbeat and childish, however she

has another side. She hides behind smiles about what she really feels. Kurai

however has another side. She can become mad because of the most idiotic

things, and lead her to the point where she kills. She kills people rarely, but

isn’t afraid to. Kurai often feels regret after killing one. She is a

traditional Tsudere and can also be a bit of a Yandere.

Appearance: http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u544/SodomIngaCV105/29317ac1-c583-4988-b17e-ee84fdb90512_zps3c35166b.jpg

Bio: Kurai lived in an orphanage up until she was seven

years old. Her grandfather was found and took her in legal custody. She was

trained to fight by her older cousin’s side. Things started to change for her

at the age of twelve. One night, her village was attacked by a man with the

name “Orpheus”. Her grandfather told her cousin to take her to a secret

underground hideout in the woods while her grandfather fought Orpheus. Kurai

assured that she would not let her last remaining family member die. She tried

to get out of the hideout and use her skills to attack Orpheus and save her

father, but she could not leave. The two stood there, waiting, quiet, and sad.

The door opened after a couple of hours to show it was heavily raining outside

and fairly dark. The main master of the village was there with his wife. The

master tried to fight Orpheus; however he retreated, not returning. The master

tried to save her Uncle; however, he was too late. Her uncle was dead. Furious,

Kurai attacked the master, saying it was HIS fault her grandfather was dead.

Kurai, out of self-defense was knocked out by the master, soon to be awoken.

She couldn’t fit in with anyone else now. She wanted to kill Orpheus; she was

torn by her past. Somehow, Kurai manages to smile and act rather childish

because she wasn’t allowed to act childish when she was young.

Weapon: http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u544/SodomIngaCV105/sword_zpsf9d5bc8e.png







Sign-up Sheets for Original Persona:

Name: Mirai Kuzuki

Age: 118

Gender: Female

Personality: Rather mature and having to kill people only

for reasons. She smiles a lot and is positive. However she is rather merciless.



Bio: Mirai is a loyal warrior who works for the demons,

trying to get her work done. ( >_< Poor Biography…so short)

Weapon: http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u544/SodomIngaCV105/sword_zps65514ae5.jpg

Special Skills: She is telepathic and can turn her eyes to

an unnatural silver color to get answers out of someone.








IDK what is up with my font so....I can't help it O_O

Edited by Sodom

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Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form :

Name : Kiyoshi Yuki (Pure Snow)

Age : 16

Gender : You'll find out soon enough, may be

Personality : Doesn't talk at all, headphones speak for Yuki. Super calm keeps this to itself. Can have slight emotion not a lot.

Appearance : http://www.wallpaperfo.com/People/Boy/headphones_pants_colorful_text_school_uniforms_tie_belts_jacket_short_hair_anime_boys_white_hair_pur_25682 (ignore the background xD does have white wolf ears and tail)

Bio : Yuki has always been wondering throughout it's childhood who it's ancestors where. Since Yuki never had family it liked to believe his ancestors are always watching Yuki. Being always alone has taken a toll on it. However it doesn't mind it too bad. He always loved winter and snow just sitting in the middle of a blizzard. And the fastest person in the whole school

Weapon : http://cloudminedesign.deviantart.com/art/Ice-sword-311861028 (ignore the lady I know soooo much ignoring, uses two of the same sword)

Theme : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfzZqCLuAY0


Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :

Name : Tsuyoi Fubuki (Strong Blizzard)

Age : 200

Gender : You'll find out soon enough, maybe

Personality : Very calm, a person of few words. Unemotional, very loyal.

Appearance : http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/okami-amaterasu/images/7255947/title/human-itegami-fanart (ignore the huge horn thingy)

Bio : Is on the Demon side do to the treatment Fubuki has always gotten from the side of King of Justice. Torn away from it's family and abused. Sent to the military Fubuki escaped into the demon side of the war. Making friends with the demon children Fubuki wanted to protect and be on the demon side. So it has trained and trained. Went to the military and became a short ranged fighter Manila because Fubuki was very fast.

Weapon : http://www.miccostumes.com/blog/collectors-edition-assassins-creed-iii-connor-tomahawk-replica-axe/ (keeps in pocket not usual weapon)


Regular weapon: http://www.123rf.com/photo_5154265_steel-sword-of-the-knight-in-a-vector-isolated-on-a-white-and-black-background.html


Special Skills : can turn into a pure white wolf and is fast. Can create ice and snow.

Theme :



Edited by SolarFlare12

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All of you accepted!  :D




how would posting as your persona work? arent they dead? 

No,your Reincarnation form and original persona are the SAME PERSON,so yeah...


i will start this RP immediately ...

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For clarification:Will this work like in Once Upon a Time, where we switch between present and past?


I think so,yeah i guess... :)  

Just want to ask, are sign-ups still open? If so, I'd like to join at the last minute if that's alright.

Sign-Up never closed so yeah,you can create during the story! :D

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Reincarnation form :

Name : Silver Gail


Age : 16


Gender : Male

Personality : The kind, quiet type. Though he may seem young appearance wise, he is very wise and is very perceptive of his surroundings.

Appearance :


Posted Image



Bio : An average teen from Utopia City, and like everyone else, he does not realize he is a reincarnation of someone else entirely. A student at the local high-school, he lives an amazingly average life for someone like him. Not that he minds, but the fact he is nimble on his feet, and his surprising strength, lead him to think there's more to him than meets the eye.


Weapon :  One of his favorite past-times is fencing, and he hides a basic steel sword in his closet. Mostly for decoration. Or is it?


Theme :




Original Persona :

Name : Argent Cecil


Age : 413


Gender : Male


Personality :  A knight with a friendly -yet awkward- attitude. He is kind person, and is an amazingly perceptive strategist.


Appearance :


Posted Image




Bio : A noble Mage-Knight who worked for the King of Justice. A brilliant strategist, he helped win several battles by pure mind alone, and at the cost of few lives. As a Mage-Knight, he wields a sword that he imbues with magical elements, and unleashes the energy in powerful attacks. But even then, his strength and mind were no much for the powerful Time Impetus, which froze him and everyone else within a cursed trap.


Weapon : A blue, ornamental long-sword that is imbued with crystals to absorb energy, and transform it into elemental attacks.


Special Skills : As stated before, he can imbue his blade with various elemental enhancements.


Theme :





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Sign Up Sheets for Reincarnation form:


Name : Uri Yakuza


Age : 13


Gender : Male


Personality : (Your Reincarnation form must have a little similar personality to your Original Persona) : Quiet, strange, distant, but empathetic and friendly


Appearance : (Your appearance can be different or look alike to your original persona if your age are different)



Bio : Uri has recently moved into Utopia, after his parents mysteriously disappeared, and left him alone. He has been relocated to Utopia to a foster home.


Skills : Has occasional visions and premonitions, telekinesis that grows more powerful the more he discovers about his heritage


Theme : (it won't let me pull up a link) Song of Healing Majora's Mask theme song


Sign Up Sheets for Original Persona :


Name : Uriel


Age : 23


Gender : Male


Personality : Twisted, conniving, evil, dark


Appearance : (Your appearance can be different or look alike to your Reincarnation form if your age are different)

Posted Image


Bio : Uriel served under the demon king as his personal psychic, and was even the one that proposed the curse to him. However, before the curse was implemented, he escaped and continued his family line. Ironically, his descendant Uri has been returned to Utopia, to continue the endless cycle.


Special Skills : Able to call upon premonitions and visions at will to aide him in his intentions. He has also mastered his telekinetic abilities


Theme : Dark knight rises Selena Kyle theme



Edited by VIIth Angel

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