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Haters gonna Hate on Fanfiction

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Ok, I need to rant a bit about the dreaded Hater.


I'm an author on Fanfiction and I just put up a new story. When I checked my email, I found two reviews. They were from the same guy and he was going on and on about different things I didn't 'do well' in his opinion. If he had stopped there, I would have been fine, but then he goes and shoots his mouth off about several different things to the point where I don't think he even read my story before reviewing.


For example, my story has an OC. It's specifically stated in the summary that I have one, but that's besides the point. The point is, he accuses me of self insertion when I'm doing my very best not to. I know that a lot of people do this, but it's not so much a conscious choice as your personality shining through the blank slate. He called OCs 'breaking the rules of fanfictions'.


Also, my fic is in the first person, another 'broken rule'. He then has the nerve to accuse me of not mentioning my OC before doing a segment in his POV. It may have not been a very noticeable mention, but I did indeed mention him before giving him a POV.


Another thing, my OC is friends with one of the characters and has a pet name for her. He yells at me for 1) Having a pet name at all and 2) Accusing me of not giving a reason for the pet name when I did specifically.


He also didn't like that I started at the beginning. Where else am I supposed to start?! The last half of the last episode?


Rant over for the moment. I make no promises if he reviews again.


"You make me so very angry!" - Marvin the Martian

Edited by Think Pink

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Don't take it seriously.  There are people like that who just want cause trouble and are not worth it.  The red flag goes up with these two statements.



He called OCs 'breaking the rules of fanfictions'.



 He yells at me for 1) Having a pet name at all and 2) Accusing me of not giving a reason for the pet name when I did specifically.


This person has no idea what he's talking about.

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Don't take it seriously.  There are people like that who just want cause trouble and are not worth it.  The red flag goes up with these two statements.




This person has no idea what he's talking about.


1.) Thank you for your support.


2.) Just wondering, what do you mean by 'red flags'. I mean, I know that a red flag is a danger sign, but I mean in this given instance.

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It doesn't seem like a Hater that's gonna Hate so much as it seems like a guy who's trying to do the constructive criticism thing and failing miserably.  He doesn't know what he's talking about and he's letting his biases get in the way of objectivity.


However, in a sense, I do see where he's coming from.  OCs do tend to be considered breaking a "rule" because when people read fanfics, they usually wanna read about the canon characters.  It doesn't help that few OCs are done well, leading to a discouragement in their use, if not an outright bias.  I'm heavily biased towards OCs, not because I don't think they can't be done well, but because they're not what I look for in fanfiction, even if they're well-written and interesting.  This guy's problem is reading an OC when he clearly dislikes OCs, so it's his fault for not heeding your warning.  And how the hell can he know for sure your OC is a self-insert?  That's a baseless accusation that he thinks is true solely for the fact your OC is an OC.  Like fanfic writers never treat the canon characters as blank slates that the author can write another personality into... HarpyBitch!Kairi and EmoPunk!Roxas, anyone?


But yeah, when you critique people, you need to actually know what you're talking about.

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 Like fanfic writers never treat the canon characters as blank slates that the author can write another personality into...


This is a very good point. I forgot that people did this...


It doesn't seem like a Hater that's gonna Hate so much as it seems like a guy who's trying to do the constructive criticism thing and failing miserably.  He doesn't know what he's talking about and he's letting his biases get in the way of objectivity.


You're probably right, I might have overreacted just a smidge


However, in a sense, I do see where he's coming from.  OCs do tend to be considered breaking a "rule" because when people read fanfics, they usually wanna read about the canon characters.  It doesn't help that few OCs are done well, leading to a discouragement in their use, if not an outright bias.  I'm heavily biased towards OCs, not because I don't think they can't be done well, but because they're not what I look for in fanfiction, even if they're well-written and interesting.  This guy's problem is reading an OC when he clearly dislikes OCs, so it's his fault for not heeding your warning. 


Another excellent point. I'll be sure to keep it in mind for the future.

Edited by PikachukeybladeMaster

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Ok, I need to rant a bit about the dreaded Hater.


I'm an author on Fanfiction and I just put up a new story. When I checked my email, I found two reviews. They were from the same guy and he was going on and on about different things I didn't 'do well' in his opinion. If he had stopped there, I would have been fine, but then he goes and shoots his mouth off about several different things to the point where I don't think he even read my story before reviewing.


For example, my story has an OC. It's specifically stated in the summary that I have one, but that's besides the point. The point is, he accuses me of self insertion when I'm doing my very best not to. I know that a lot of people do this, but it's not so much a conscious choice as your personality shining through the blank slate. He called OCs 'breaking the rules of fanfictions'.


Also, my fic is in the first person, another 'broken rule'. He then has the nerve to accuse me of not mentioning my OC before doing a segment in his POV. It may have not been a very noticeable mention, but I did indeed mention him before giving him a POV.


Another thing, my OC is friends with one of the characters and has a pet name for her. He yells at me for 1) Having a pet name at all and 2) Accusing me of not giving a reason for the pet name when I did specifically.


He also didn't like that I started at the beginning. Where else am I supposed to start?! The last half of the last episode?


Rant over for the moment. I make no promises if he reviews again.


"You make me so very angry!" - Marvin the Martian

He's either failing at being a trollORhe's a total dick whom you should pay no attention toalso can anyone tell me what an OC is? 

Edited by Lt.Random

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Ah, fanfictions. Very fun to write but a frustrating community to handle at times. Mostly it sounds like a critique writer who couldn't keep their own emotions and bias out of it. And the no OC thing I find very silly since somethings can't be done w/o adding a character. If you ever wanted an honest critique I would happy to read/review for you. Just don't let a jerk hold you down and keep moving on from here ^^

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Yeah, I've posted stories on FanFiction.net also and have encountered similar'ish experiences with reviewers.  It sounds like the guy reviewing didn't really read your story, and was trying to offer constructive criticism but didn't read your story correctly to do so.  I used to take my "harsh" reviews very personally but, really, it's just another individual's POV, which doesn't make it law.  Some people just like to grope and complain about every little thing that can, sometimes just for the sake of complaining--or at least I think so.


Try to let go of the harsh review, as hard as it may be.  If you know he's wrong, well, then, that's all that matters. :)

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Yeah, I've posted stories on FanFiction.net also and have encountered similar'ish experiences with reviewers.  It sounds like the guy reviewing didn't really read your story, and was trying to offer constructive criticism but didn't read your story correctly to do so.  I used to take my "harsh" reviews very personally but, really, it's just another individual's POV, which doesn't make it law.  Some people just like to grope and complain about every little thing that can, sometimes just for the sake of complaining--or at least I think so.


Try to let go of the harsh review, as hard as it may be.  If you know he's wrong, well, then, that's all that matters. :)


You're right. I once read something that probably applies.


"People will complain about everything on God's green earth. Including God and green earth." - I think it was a story about a library cat named Dewy

also can anyone tell me what an OC is? 


OC stands for own character. It's a character you create.

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1.) Thank you for your support.


2.) Just wondering, what do you mean by 'red flags'. I mean, I know that a red flag is a danger sign, but I mean in this given instance.

It's something that should warn (is that spelled right) you about something funny going on.

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Write what you want to write. The person reading doesn't seem to know about constructive criticism so they seem to just be flaming. Best to just ignore them probably.

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As a formal FanFiction Author, I understand where you come from. The thing is, you just can't simply satisfy everybody. There is always going to be people who dislike your work or criticize it. Don't let it get to you, keep doing what your doing because there are people who will enjoy what you write and can give actual decent constructive criticism.  ;)

Edited by Alagoth

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You're right. I once read something that probably applies.


"People will complain about everything on God's green earth. Including God and green earth." - I think it was a story about a library cat named Dewy


OC stands for own character. It's a character you create.

and people consider that against the rules? o_O

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and people consider that against the rules? o_O


They consider it against the "rules" because using OCs in fanfction is thought of as bad form by a lot of fanfic writers.  When we say "OC," we don't mean the nameless coffee shop employee, we mean creating your own character and giving him/her with the same focus and significance you would give to a canon character in a fanfic.  It doesn't matter how well-written (or not, which is the case more often than not) they are.  Most people don't read fanfiction for your little fan character, they wanna read about the canon characters they enjoy, so readers shy away from them.  It's not true in all cases, but the usage of OCs carries implications many fanfic readers do not like:


-OCs take the focus away from the canon characters.  Even if the canon characters do get plenty of focus, the fact remains any spotlight taken by your OC is spotlight that could be given to the existing characters that made them enjoy the source material to begin with.

-OCs are used for shipping more often than not.  Of course, fanfiction in general is used for shipping more often than not, but the romance is between canon characters, and their interaction within the source material, gave them the fuel to write their own fanfic and to read others.  Where did your OC come from?  Shit outta nowhere, which disregards canonical or semi-canonical or just preferred ships between the actual characters.  Related to that...

-OCs tend to interfere with canonical dynamics.  Imagine if there was a fourth person on Destiny Islands, probably a girl because most OCs are girls.  If there was a fourth main character, things probably would've played out differently in KH.  It's the same principle with your OC, only it didn't actually happen, it's what you wanted to happen.


There are more reasons than that, but I think those are the major ones.  Really, it has more to do with the attitudes within fanfic writing culture, not out of objective quality, though that plays a factor.  Most fanfic readers flat out do not care about your OC because it's usually not what they want to read in a fanfic, and when they see all these crappy fan characters running around, it just sours their opinion on them and decry them by default.  Let's face it, most fanfics suck, and if you can't write a good fanfic, you won't be writing a good OC.

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I am slightly wounded from your remarks about most fanfics sucking, but the majority of them probably do suck and might is most likely among them. Of course, I could be self hating...CURSE YOU PSYCOLOGY 101!!!!


Anyway, OC characters aren't an inherently bad thing, it just it has been done far too many times in awful ways and it just seems to make everyone angsty about them. If I had been writing my story ten years ago, most people probably wouldn't be complaining about having an OC. Personally, I'm willing to give any OC a chance, but that's just me.


As far as the OCs themselves go, I find that I really enjoy three types when they're pulled off well.


Type 1) This OC is like what Dracozombie used. An additional character that has been with the 'real' characters from the beginning and has grown up with them and so on.


Type 2) This OC has absolutely no contact with the canon characters, but his or her story takes place in the same universe. If you stop and think about it, the Star Wars books are littered with these kinds of OCs.


Type 3) These OCs are extremely tricky, but can be very rewarding. This OC has a purpose beyond the canon story. Think of it like Kingdom Hearts. Sora could be considered an OC in any of the worlds he visits and he interacts with the main characters, but his purpose is above and beyond any of their in-world canon. The few I have seen have been executed in a very similar fashion with the OC moving between the universes of different series in crossover type stories.

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Just ignore and keep writing. There are people who will love your work and some that won't. If they don't like it, they can look for something else to read. Just don't let it get to you owo

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I forgot to mention before, but there are the 'Out of Character' characters. It's basically changing a 'real' character's personality for the purposes of your story. This can be anywhere from 'he's basically the same' to 'WHO IS HE?!'. For whatever reason, the fanfic stigma for OOC is a lot less than what it is for OCs.


Then there's the 'Misplaced Character' or MC. These are 'real' characters that have been given a new role. For example, if Sora was Kairi's brother or something. Or maybe it was Riku who washed up on Destiny islands. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about this type of story.


Now that I think about it and how both these fanfictions can be just as crappy, if not more so, than the ones with OCs, WHY DO OCs GET THE BRUNT OF THE GRIEF?! Can anyone tell me why?!

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I forgot to mention before, but there are the 'Out of Character' characters. It's basically changing a 'real' character's personality for the purposes of your story. This can be anywhere from 'he's basically the same' to 'WHO IS HE?!'. For whatever reason, the fanfic stigma for OOC is a lot less than what it is for OCs.


Then there's the 'Misplaced Character' or MC. These are 'real' characters that have been given a new role. For example, if Sora was Kairi's brother or something. Or maybe it was Riku who washed up on Destiny islands. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about this type of story.


Now that I think about it and how both these fanfictions can be just as crappy, if not more so, than the ones with OCs, WHY DO OCs GET THE BRUNT OF THE GRIEF?! Can anyone tell me why?!


Don't get me wrong, the stigma for 'Out of Character' characters is very high.  You can read more about the 'Misplaced Character' phenomenon in TV Trope's 'Transplanted Character Fic' page:  http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TransplantedCharacterFic If you don't see complaints for those kinds of stories, you're just not looking at where the complaints are.  Sporking communities like heartless_fics and snakesonasora rail on these sorts of fics all the time.  If you don't see complaining for them on, say, ff.net, then either 1) the naysayers are keeping quiet because they don't feel like bothering with the fic, or 2) the readers don't see a problem with it because they suck at writing fanfiction, so they don't know any better.


Both fanfiction types can and are very crappy.  I love AUs (alternate universe fics), particularly KH ones because the series isn't finished and I don't feel right writing for an incomplete work when there's much more development to be done in the storyline, setting, and characters.  However, TV Tropes says Tropes Are Tools and they can be handled or mishandled, depending on the author's skill.  Someone can pull off tweaking character dynamics, like making Sora and Kairi siblings, or having Riku wash on Destiny Islands instead.  The "What Ifs" are what AUs are all about, and they can range from "What if Riku got the keyblade instead of Sora" to "What if the KH characters were in high school and there was absolutely nothing about the source material that made it interesting and everyone is OOC and gay and etc."


However, OCs get the brunt of the grief because they don't have an attachment to your characters like they do the canon characters.  People go into fanfiction already having that attachment, but your OC doesn't have that, so you need to work at giving it.  However, as most fanfic writers suck, they'll usually fail at this.  It's not enough they're infringing upon the main characters (and even during the MC phenomenon, at least we know who Sora is), but the authors have the nerve to introduce their little pet and expect us to like him/her just because they like him/her?  It's also, as I've said, a total lack of interest in reading OCs.  Because we don't like reading about them, we're much harder on them, often to the point of unfairness.  People are too apathetic to give OCs a chance because, as I've stated before, it's not what they want to read.


My philosophy is that if you wanna write about your own characters, write an original story.  Not only does it interfere with canon in a way most people hate (though they unfairly tolerate the MC phenomenon just fine), it also does your own character little justice because you're playing by someone else's rules.  When you think of developing your OC for a fanfic, you need to keep in mind canon.  If you're doing it properly, you won't be tweaking canon to fit your OC, you're tweaking your OC to fit canon.  However, if you're doing it properly, you're also limiting your character to fit a world you didn't think of.  You're conforming to someone else's idea; making your character fit into that interferes with what's already been established, and you're infringing on your character's own development.  Either way, you lose.

Edited by Dracozombie

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