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Lady Aleister

Mirai Nikki [Roleplay Sign-ups]

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Name- Akane Shimade
Age- 17
Gender- female

Posted Image
Biography- Akane lived a normal life with her parents up until the age of 14. One day a murder came into her home during the night and slaughtered her parents. She was getting out of bed at the time when she confronted the man. He held her at gunpoint but she managed to escape and slit his throat with a pocket knife that was sitting on her night stand. She felt the thrill of killing and thought of it to be very interesting but she doesnt kill unless she has to. Right now she lives alone in that same house but no one knows that she's has no parents or that she's a killer. She also tends to avoid people
Personality- a curious one, not afraid to confront people, has a sadistic side, 
Future Phone holder number- 2 (has the escape diary)
Weapons (only allowing up to two unless it is daggers or something it is better to have two of)- an axe
Theme (COMPLETELY OPTIONAL)- FF XIII-2 main theme: wish 

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Name- Lio Gras Verances

Age- 19

Gender- male

Appearance- long black hair. A detective style hat. black trench coat with no sleeves, black army boots, black pants, sleevless shirt. His eyes are forest green.


Biography- a quiet fellow with an interesting backstory. He carries the greif with him. The greif of his parents death, his grandparents death, and his aunt and uncles death as well. He lives with his teacher and learned the ways of many different combat styles. He carries many different weapons with him when he leaves the dojo. But he always feels like there is blood on his hands.

Personality- quiet, kind, helpful

Future Phone holder number- 4

Weapons- staff that can split into segements due to long chains inside of it.


A razor brimmed hat.










If not already taken then i would like the justice diary

Edited by Arrow

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I have read like ONE chapter of the manga and I've never seen the anime...



i watch ALL of the anime. loved it, the plot twists were just like OMGG  but overall it was good. 

how many more spots do we need to fill O3O

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Name- Murmur

Age- Unknown

Gender- Unknown

Appearance- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9cJTWGGNbC0/UGBFGFWQZgI/AAAAAAAAAMQ/oya5KvUSnLg/s1600/tumblr_lwtmd1DCri1qlxzrz.png

Biography- Murmur is Deus' servant. Murmur causes changes in the game and can be eliminated by Deus. 

Personality- Rather bubbly but can be really annoying and hyper and can also be REALLY mean...

Weapons- Morphing

Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XijU0idocng (SO ANNOYING O_O)




Name- Deus ex Machina

Age- Unknown...REALLY OLD...

Gender- Male??

Appearance- http://anicongruence.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/mirai-nikki2.jpg (Deus is scary >_< )

Biography- As the God of Time and Space, Deus is hosting this 'game'.

Weapons- His own abilities.

Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7VFvKBGWOQ

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Name-Jin Jugomaru.
Appearance-Resembles Shukuro Tsukishima from Bleach whilst wearing the standard clothing of inmates from Deadman Wonderland.
Biography-Currently unknown but believes the game that Deus has created will be for the "Benefit" of "Mankind" someday and so wishes to continue it whilst making others do the same.
Personality-Cool,Calm,Collected,Strange,Sarcastic and Mysterious.
Future Phone holder number-666 999.
Weapons-Carries a small Tanto that he both calls "Seppuku" and holds in a Icepick Grip.

Battle Theme-
Sad Theme-





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