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Lady Aleister

Mirai Nikki [Roleplay Sign-ups]

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~Deus ex Machina, the God of Time and Space; and Murmur, Deus' servant, has a little ‘game’ for 12 very lucky contestants.~


You will be handed a cell phone with texting data only for 90 days. This game Deus has put together last 90 days only….three months. The rules of this ‘game’ are simple: The contestants must find and kill each other before the 90 days are up. If you fail and do not kill off all, then Deus will simply banish you from existence. Here is the really weird part. You will be able to have an afterlife. One afterlife only. It will be short and you will be MORE VONARABLE. There are three places Deus has specially assigned. DANGER END, HAPPY END, and DEAD END. Your little phone is special. It names certain events that are happening to you in the future. So will you gain the title of God and Space, Deus’ reward for the game, or will you fall? This is your future, if you take the wrong path then you're dead.

This is based off the anime Mirai Nikki (Future Diary).


~PG-13 please; However if you want to get gory that is fine.

~At least three sentences please.

~ No killing other characters (unless the user says that’s fine) and using other’s characters

~ Please try to follow along, unless you just can’t. If you can’t then PM someone in the RP.

~Please only make one character, however I need to put a character sheet for Deus and Murmur.

~Please don’t abandon this unless you’re like REALLY REALLY busy, having family problems, or will be gone on vacation or something.

~We don’t have super powers or are invisible, be fair guys and get your butt kicked sometimes. No Godmodding. Just don’t go out and start murdering people unless you are on like another mission from Deus.


Taken Spots:

1- Ryo Yamaka—Random Diary— It gives the ability to read the

future of her surroundings be it present or past. This makes the diary balanced
but it won't tell her anything about herself which leaves her open to certain attacks.
Also the future on her diary is based on her viewpoint, that means on what she
believes is true. It reflects her personality.

2- Akane Shimade—Escape Diary—It’s entries reveal any escape

route available to her, if any (where to go, how long to remain hidden, etc.).
This means it won't tell her anything to attack her opponents. It reflects her
nature as a survivalist since a young age.


4-Lio Gras Verances—Justice Diary—It allows him to listen to

his own righteous deeds that he will do in the future and it seemingly allows
him to hypnotize people. It reflects him as the justice vigilante he claims to


6- Jinno Akira—Murder Diary—It gives him entries on who his

next victims are going to be, and where they are. However it does not tell him
what his victims will do, therefore he can't know which kind of attack will be
used against him. It reflects him as a psychotic serial killer.



9- Kurai Kasaragi—Foresight Diary—can predict actions done

by herself in Morning, Evening and Night, all at the same time, and give her a
certain advantage at placing traps.


11- Azusa—Friendship Diary— A pair of diaries that tell the

future about each other, which allows them great teamwork as they can protect
each other, the diaries are weakest when separated. It reflects the friendship
between the two.

12- Tsubaki—Friendship Diary—A pair of diaries that tell the

future about each other, which allows them great teamwork as they can protect
each other, the diaries are weakest when separated. It reflects the friendship
between the two.

Future Phone holder number-
Weapons (only allowing up to two unless it is daggers or something it is better to have two of)-

Voice actor(s) are also optional on the character sheet. Thank you.

My Character (Not Deus yet):

Name- Kurai Kasaragi
Gender- Female

Biography- -Kurai lived in an orphanage up until she was seven years old. Her grandfather was found and took her in legal custody. She was trained to fight by her older cousin’s side. Things started to change for her at the age of twelve. One night, her village was attacked by a man with the name “Orpheus”. Her grandfather told her cousin to take her to a secret underground hideout in the woods while her grandfather fought Orpheus. Kurai assured that she would not let her last remaining family member die. She tried to get out of the hideout and use her skills to attack Orpheus and save her father, but she could not leave. The two stood there, waiting, quiet, and sad. The door opened after a couple of hours to show it was heavily raining outside and fairly dark. The main master of the village was there with his wife. The master tried to fight Orpheus; however he retreated, not returning. The master tried to save her Uncle; however, he was too late. Her uncle was dead. Furious, Kurai attacked the master, saying it was HIS fault her grandfather was dead. Kurai, out of self-defense was knocked out by the master, soon to be awoken. She couldn’t fit in with anyone else now. She wanted to kill Orpheus; she was torn by her past. Somehow, Kurai manages to smile and act rather childish because she wasn’t allowed to act childish when she was young.
Personality- She is rather upbeat and childish, however she has another side. She hides behind smiles about what she really feels. Kurai however has another side. She can become mad because of the most idiotic things, and lead her to the point where she kills. She kills people rarely, but isn’t afraid to. Kurai often feels regret after killing one. She is a traditional Tsudere and can also be a bit of a Yandere.
Future Phone holder number- Nine
Weapons- http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u544/SodomIngaCV105/sword_zpsf9d5bc8e.png http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u544/SodomIngaCV105/th_sword_zps65514ae5.jpg (sorry it is small)

Battle Theme-

Sad Theme-


Japanese voice actor- Aki Toyosaki
English voice actor- Luci Christian

Thanks Guys~


Edited by Sodom

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Name- Ryo Yamaka 

Age- 16

Gender- Female


Posted Image

Biography- Ryo once lived in a rich family with her mother, father and brother. when she was 8, she was out in the garden picking flowers when she got terrible news that her house was caught on fire, with her family inside. She was taken in by an oncle and his family on her mom's side of the family but they were very abusive to her.  She ran away by the time she was 11 and went to live on her own. Soon she got her own appartment and started living her life normaly again but avoids talking to people since, in her mind, nobody can be trusted. 

Personality- appears and acts sweet and innocent but doesn't really trust anyone, will do anything to protect herself, even if it involves murder

Future Phone holder number- 1 (has the random diary)

Weapons (only allowing up to two unless it is daggers or something it is better to have two of)- A black pistol and a silver dagger she manage to obtain from what was left of her old home






Edited by Gumi

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Name- Azusa

Age- 17

Gender- male

Appearance- http://www.zerochan.net/868200

Biography- He has been with Tsubaki since the two were born. After being abandon by family the two somehow survive alone but they hate the world. Killing anyone when they had the chance.

Personality- Quiet type, hides behind his glasses. Calm more killing intent.

Future Phone holder number- 11

Weapons- http://ammnra.deviantart.com/art/Second-Hidden-Blade-3-0-Gravity-286962870



Name- Tsubaki

Age- 17

Gender- male

Appearance- http://www.zerochan.net/868189

Biography- He has been with Azusa since the two were born. After being abandon by family the two somehow survive alone but they hate the world. Killing anyone when they had the chance.

Personality- On one side he acts cheerful like a child then on the other he mass murder.

Future Phone holder number-12

Weapons- http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Tomahawk (he has two and the gripping part is white)



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I seriously have no idea who to use. Whatever. I did this much more detailed before I'm just going to do this faster this time *sigh*

Name- Jinno Akira
Age- 30
Gender- Male
Appearance- Pale and burnt in various places, using several mechanical limbs, and completely covered in a hooded black kimono strapped with dual scabbards and a sad theatrical mask-- needing a machine to breathe at all.
Biography- Severely burnt and wounded in a fire, Jinno was taken to a facility where he was engineered with several steel limbs, losing most, or all of his memories. His face scarred for life and requiring a machine to breathe through, a sad theatrical mask covered it.
Personality- With short and long-term memory loss, even with his own name, Jinno chooses to work solo with no true friends and no true enemies.
Future Phone holder number- 6
Weapons (only allowing up to two unless it is daggers or something it is better to have two of)- Dual katanas




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Well....I really didnt want to make them have the future diaries abilities :/my schemer is accepted :3

so how would i diaries work? would we pick the abilities? OWO

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The Watcher Diary's a bit overblown though, and how would the Murder Diary work?

yeah i hate that one

here's a list 



  • The Random Diary (無差別日記 Musabetsu Nikki?): The diary used by the series's protagonist Yukiteru Amano also known as The First. It gives him the ability to read the future of his surroundings be it present or past. This makes the diary balanced but it won't tell him anything about himself which leaves him open to certain attacks. Also the future on his diary is based on his viewpoint, that means on what he believes is true. It reflects his personality as a reclusive bystander. It is a cellphone.
  • The Yukiteru Diary (雪輝日記 Yukiteru Nikki?): Is the diary used by series's deuteragonist Yuno Gasai, it shows her entries related to Yuki on intervals of 10 minutes each. The diary will tell her everything about Yukiteru Amano, but nothing about herself unless it is related to Yuki, therefore when combined with Yuki's Random Diary, the two can make a fearsome combination that covers each other's weaknesses. This diary reflects her obssesive love for Yuki. It is a cellphone.
  • The Murder Diary (殺人日記 Satsujin Nikki?)The diary used by The Third, Takao Hiyama. It gives him entries on who his next victims are going to be, and where they are. However it does not tell him what his victims will do, therefore he can't know which kind of attack will be used against him. It reflects him as a psychotic serial killer. It is a cellphone.
  • The Criminal Investigation Diary (捜査日記 Sōsa Nikki?): The diary used by The Fourth, Keigo Kurusu. It gives him details of criminal activies done within 90 days, and will tell him only of his own investigation. It reflects him as chief of the police. It is a cellphone.
  • The Hyper Vision Diary (はいぱーびじょんだいありー Haipā Bijon Daiarī?): The diary used by The Fifth,Reisuke Houjou, it gives him 3 entries per day, for morning, noon and night. While it may seem weak, it allows him to plan his full day to attack 3 times a day, however if all of them fail, he must wait until the next day for more entries. His diary may reflect his rather impatience and childish behaviour since he's a kid. It is a colouring book.
  • The Clairvoyance Diary (千里眼日記 Senrigan Nikki?): The diary used by The Sixth, Tsubaki Kasugano, it shows entries of what her subordinates see, this means that she can have many entries and strategically direct her men. However if they are tricked, it is likely that she does not know, even if she does she won't know what is true. It reflects her as the leader of the cult, and also how she cannot see by herself. It is a scroll.
  • The Exchange Diaries (交換日記 Kōkan Nikki?): The diary used by The Seventh Duo, Marco Ikusaba andAi Mikami. A pair of diaries that tell the future about each other, which allows them great teamwork as they can protect each other, the diaries are weakest when separated. It reflect the mutual love shared by the duo. It is a pair of cellphones.
  • The Blog Diary (増殖日記 Zōshoku Nikki?, "Propagation Diary"): Also translated as the Server Diary, is the diary used by The Eighth, Kamado Ueshita, it allows her to create Apprentice Diary Users (see below). This means that while she can give anybody the power of a Future Diary, she can't read the future herself, therefore she needs somebody to fight on her stead. It reflects her loving nature as director of an orphanage. It is a laptop.
  • The Escape Diary (逃亡日記 Tōbō Nikki?): The diary used by The Ninth, Minene Uryu, its entries reveal any escape route available to her, if any (where to go, how long to remain hidden, etc.). This means it won't tell her anything to attack her opponents. It reflects her nature as a survivalist since a young age. It is a cellphone.
  • The Breeder Diary (飼育日記 Shiiku Nikki?): The diary used by The Tenth. Karyuudo Tsukishima, it allows him to control dogs and see the future of them (if they found somebody, etc.). The greater the number the more concentration needed to control the multiple dogs in teams. It reflects his great love for dogs. It is a cellphone.
  • The Watcher (ザウォッチャ Za Otcha): The diary used by The Eleventh John Bacchus, it allows him to peep in the entries of the diaries, even those from Apprentices, which allows him to know exactly what will his enemies do, and how to catch them off-guard, even to plan countermeasures. Since it only reads others, however, he can't know the degree of truth of those entries, therefore he's vulnerable to misinformation and doesn't receive any Dead End flags. It reflects him as creator of the diaries. It is a tablet.
  • The Justice Diary (正義日記 Seigi Nikki?): The diary used by the Twelfth, Yomotsu Hirasaka, it allows him to listen to his own righteous deeds that he will do in the future and it seemingly allows him to hypnotize people. It reflects him as the justice vigilante he claims to be. It is a recording device.
  • The Video Diary: (Game Only) The diary used by the Thirteenth, Azami Kirisaki, it allows her to visually record the future and shows her what she will record on her diary. It is a digital video camera.
Edited by Gumi

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