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Altered Fates - Fan Game Idea

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-Story line changed (Especially towards the end)

-Looking for a talented mmf2 turn-based combat AI developer (Or else people are just going to be throwing things or moving in a straight line at each other to attack the entire game)


Screen Shots:


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image


I've gotten decent with Multimedia Fusion 2 and am working on a fan game of sorts.


I probably will hit a programming obstacle and have to quit, but here's the idea in case anyone is interested:




-Native 640x480

-Image of the world Sora and Riku are at

-Click People to interact

-Stats: Health, attack, defense, and mp

-Criticals with extra sound effects

-3 vs 3 limit of characters on stage per battle

-Combatants launch items at each other to represent attacks (Slashing symbol, fireball, etc) or use a motion path

-PNG Images of static characters (No animations)

-Limited Heartless and Nobodies (6 Heartless so far and 3 Nobodies)

-Lots of tracks from actual games

-Integrated cutscenes from actual games

-Chat boxes with avatars for the person speaking


As you can see, it's not going to be that impressive, gameplay wise, but I may try to add some of the fancier aspects later. However, that is only if I can manage to create all this, and if I do, there's a large chance that it will be after a long period of time.



The part I'm most excited to reveal is the story:


Remember this cutscene?



The plot behind the game, "Altered Fates," is based around what would happen if Sora actually reached Riku's hand and embraced darkness.




Destiny Islands

-Ability to talk with Kairi

-Option to fight Tidus or Riku with wooden swords

-Button for moving on to next day

-Darkness takes the world

-Sora goes out to the island and gets the Keyblade upon his first encounter with Heartless

-Reaches Riku, and they get sucked into the darkness


Traverse Town

-Sora and Riku wake up in Traverse Town

-Fight Heartless (Riku and Sora vs Shadow and Soldier types)

-Explore three districts

-Fend off Leon

-Defeat Guard Armor in Third District

-Get recruited by Maleficent


Hollow Bastion

-Hearltess will no longer attack Riku and Sora

-Sora gets Blizzard

-Riku gets Dark Fire

-Mission from Maleficent: Defeat the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland, who is interfering with the Heartless there



-Fight a three cards

-Fight Queen, flanked by two cards


Hollow Bastion

-Maleficent is overjoyed

-Sora gets Cure

-New Mission: Help Hades defeat Hercules


Olympus Coliseum

-Before facing Hercules, Phil makes them prove themselves by surviving three rounds of the Games

-Round One: Two Shadows and a Soldier

-Round Two: Three Soldiers

-Round Three: Cloud

-Hades gives Sora Fire and Riku, Dark Fira


Hallow Bastion

-Ansem in Coat Form is present

-He gets Riku to open up his heart to darkness (Later allowing him to take over like in the actual game)

-Riku gets the new Darkness outfit

-Riku gets Dark Aura

-New Mission: Go to Mickey's Castle and destroy the Corner Stone of Light (KH2 related)


Disney Castle

-Throne room: Fight Donald and Goofy

-Corner Stone of Light Area: Fight King Mickey, who also has a Keyblade


Hollow Bastion

-Ansem tells Sora and Riku that Maleficent intends on betraying them to get Kairi's heart inside Sora

-Fight Maleficent

-Ansem betrays them and takes over Riku

-Sora fights Ansem-Riku to free Riku and stop Ansem from killing him to getting Kairi's heart and finish the Keyhole

-Free Riku

-Fight the actual Ansem alongside Riku

-Get recruited by Organization 13


The World That Never Was

-Get cool coats

-Explore, Meet the members

-Get a heart collection mission from Xemnas (358/2 Days style) at Twilight Town


Twilight Town

-Kill Heartless


The World That Never Was

-"Times passes doing missions," and Riku gets older (KH2)

-New Mission: Defeat the members of the Organization in Castle Oblivion because of their betrayal (Actual Chain of Memories story line)

-Axel, loyal to Xemnas, will help


Castle Oblivion

-Meet up with Axel

-Don't lose any powers or have to use cards because of the Axel's help

-Axel gets added to your party

-Defeat members of the Organization one by one, Nobodies on the floors in between, and end with Marluxia


The World That Never Was

-Find Xehanort talking with Xemnas

-Xehanort explains his plans and the Thirteen Darknesses (But only Saix, Xemnas, and Xigbar are present)

-Sora and Riku are on board until they find out that Sora has to become a Xehanort

-The other members of the Organization aren't happy with the idea of becoming minions of Xehanort

-Xehanort tells Xemnas to take care of Sora and Riku

-Xemnas grabs them, and they wake up in the Realm of Nothingness


Realm of Nothingness (End of KH2)

-Defeat Xemnas

-Get transported back to World That Never Was


The World That Never Was

-With Luxord, Demyx, and Xaldin's help (Automated NPCs/You don't get direct control over their attacks), defeat Xehanort, Saix, and Xigbar

-Sora dies in the process

-Riku goes off to find Sora's Nobody, in hopes of reviving Sora

-He finds Roxas and gets him to join The Organization

-If The Organization can access Kingdom Hearts, they can all get their hearts back, and it may help Sora

-Play as Roxas for some heart collecting missions with Axel


Twilight Town

-After a few missions and as time passes, Axel and Roxas become friends

-Axel tells Roxas that he will have to die for Sora to completely wake up

-Kingdom Hearts is nearly formed


Final Battle at Destiny Islands

-Nostalgia and whatnot

-Choose which side to play as

-Riku, Axel, and Roxas square off

-Sora's memories go through Roxas, as Kingdom Hearts is nearly ready

-Battle begins

-Riku will surely lose

-Riku is forced to unleash Ansem's power to handle Roxas and Axel

-Battle resumes

-Different endings if player wins as each side


Hollow Bastion

-Kairi finally wakes up, utterly confused




Note: I am not responsible or liable for any damage or harm that comes upon the machine of one who downloads this application. There is no warranty, support, etc. Square Enix has the rights to much of the content in this program. This KH13 Forum thread is a source of updates and downloads for the project, and any other sources may contain added on malicious software, which was not originally part of the program.


PC Version


Feel free to report bugs.

Edited by nick11h

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This sounds really awesome, besides Sora being featured in Super Smash Flash I don't think anyone has tried to do a Flash-based Kh game. Looking forward to it.


It will be an executable file, but I'll work on a Java Applet port when completed, which will lack Direct X cutscenes, maybe music, and some other special effects.


I'm developing it with mmf2, which is much easier than programming, but it will be difficult all the same.

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It will be an executable file, but I'll work on a Java Applet port when completed, which will lack Direct X cutscenes, maybe music, and some other special effects.


I'm developing it with mmf2, which is much easier than programming, but it will be difficult all the same.

Lol, well good luck. I meant I was looking forward to the demo anyways, as a project like this seems like it would take a long time. Kh3 long. But like I said, a flash version of Kh would be nice.

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First demo is out.


Sorry it took so long, but I got rid of most of the bugs.


You can press N during a battle to see some statistics, health doesn't update on the Destiny Islands screen after leveling up for some reason, and I'm not sure why, but you one hit KO the heartless after killing the first one, towards the end (This actually works out well because the battle was a tad difficult otherwise).

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First demo is out.


Sorry it took so long, but I got rid of most of the bugs.


You can press N during a battle to see some statistics, health doesn't update on the Destiny Islands screen after leveling up for some reason, and I'm not sure why, but you one hit KO the heartless after killing the first one, towards the end (This actually works out well because the battle was a tad difficult otherwise).

Dude, the quality is amazing. I felt like I was playing 1.5. Really nice choice on using Hikari rather than Simple And Clean btw. I feel it helped differentiate from the Kh1 opening as well. I also got some lag, but I'm not sure if that was just my computer though.


I like that you used Hooded Roxas and Master Xehanort as the icons. And, lol at Kairi breaking the fourth wall. A suggestion of mine is to make the text boxes stay longer or being able to toggle them, since I'm a fairly slow reader. The images you used to represent the characters on the island works well though. The critical voice clip was a nice surprise too. Overall I really enjoyed it, you did a good job.

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I took some large photos and shrunk them down, which is why they look sharp (And take up a lot of memory  :unsure: ).


I'll certainly slow down the text.


The next demo will go to Wonderland, and the third will get really complicated with the Olympics Colosseum, which you will be able to revisit with different sized parties, powers, etc.

Edited by nick11h

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I took some large photos and shrunk them down, which is why they look sharp (And take up a lot of memory  :unsure: ).


I'll certainly slow down the text.


The next demo will go to Wonderland, and the third will get really complicated with the Olympics Colosseum, which you will be able to revisit with different sized parties, powers, etc.

No problem, haha.


Oh cool, and don't worry about the memory.


Thanks for doing that.


Sounds fun, I'm looking forward to them.

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Gotta say I luved how you mixed the opening together. The title screen is nice. I actually like the battle system a good bit so far. And how you did Critical hits is also pretty good. I do think with the text boxes it would be better to have the player physically get rid of them rather than wait for them to leave that way slower readers can keep reading and faster readers can go ahead and get rid of the box. Don't know if you can do that with your program but it's something I thought I'd suggest. I'm really looking forward to more of this as it is an interesting concept and I will definitely play it when you get a new demo or finish. Good luck and keep up the good work.

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This seems like a really cool project man! A really good effort. Maybe once you make a little more progress/ fix all the bugs you can produce your own trailer for the community to get wider use and feedback? Seriously though, a zetta good job!

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Check out the news bit at the top of the original post.


I could really use anyone who's good with turn-based combat AIs.

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