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KH3 Keyblades

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In my opinion, (most) Keyblades are way too basic and thoughtless. Even some blades designed by fans look MUCH better. -_-


In KH3, I want badass, I mean BAD. ASS. Keyblades. Especially even more animated ones like Skull Noise, but have the animation much more noticeable and way cooler.


If we waited 8 years for bullshit like All For One and Fantasy Notes, omF.G.....

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Yeah, I agree some of them are a bit too simplistic, but simple doesn't always mean bad.

Take the Kingdom Key for example.


I love the Bond of Flame, Twilight Blaze and Lea's Keyblade the best.

Edited by Xalaru

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So far, these are some Keyblade Ideas I have for Kingdom Hearts 3:


Archer's Ace (Robin Hood)

Link of Ohana (Lilo and Stitch)

Toon Whacker (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

High-Flying Dreams (Dumbo)

Candy Code (Wreck-It Ralph)

Flower of Adventure (Tangled)

Cauldron Blade (The Black Cauldron)

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I agree they were simplistic a lot of the time. In some cases like Kingdom Key this actually seemed to work though. I think SE will put a good amount of effort into the keyblade designs though. Just have to wait and see for now.

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Yeah, I agree some of them are a bit too simplistic, but simple doesn't always mean bad.

Take the Kingdom Key for example.


I love the Bond of Flame, Twilight Blaze and Lea's Keyblade the best.

Yeah, Kingdom Key is a classic so that's fine as it's the first Keyblade ever and it should be simple because of that, but when they're consistently simple and boring, that's what annoys me. It's like he doesn't even try most of the time, and I know he can come up with amazing ones, like Riku's for example, he just doesn't for some reason. A 6th grader could come up with better designs than most of them, so I don't understand why he doesn't just go all out and show off his creativity.


Maybe he's saving them for KH3, but only time will tell.

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Video games, especially RPGs, have never been known for practical weaponry.  That said, there's nothing inherently wrong with simplicity, or anything inherently superior in elaboration.  It depends on the design itself.  Simple designs have the potential for being boring, or they can show how less can be more.  More complicated designs have the potential to be gaudy, or elaborate and beautiful.  It really depends on the skill of the designer.  In terms of keyblades, my personal preference leans to the complicated designs, though that doesn't mean I like all of them or that I think complicated designs are necessary for coolness.

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Simplicity isn't necessarily a bad thing, sometimes the best designs are simple, etc, etc, etc, that's been covered.


I don't think they all have to be "bad ass" (or BAD. ASS.) just appealing to look at in their own right. Most Keyblades are based on Disney worlds and depending on which one it is is wouldn't make sense for one to look particularly edgy (no pun intended). Like I wouldn't expect a Keyblade from the Princess and the Frog or Tangled to have the same aesthetic as Oblivion or one of the Ultima Weapons. Besides there's other characteristics to consider like charm or humor. That's what I always liked about Keyblades, with designs your can do so much more than just try and make them as bad ass as possible.    

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Complicated = busy. Busy = distracting. Distracting = not good. Simplicity can still look badass.

I didn't mean it has to be complicated and cluttered, actually I don't think I said that at all. I guess what I meant by "simple", was just crappy. I want more cool Keyblades like Riku's, as there are only a small handful of them scattered among the series. Riku's is one of the simplest but it's my favorite one so far. Maybe he only makes the main character's weapons cooler than the rest, because of some odd reason, who knows. I just want a LOT of really cool ones in the next game, instead of only one or two cool ones per game like they have been doing.


Simplicity isn't necessarily a bad thing, sometimes the best designs are simple, etc, etc, etc, that's been covered.


I don't think they all have to be "bad ass" (or BAD. ASS.) just appealing to look at in their own right. Most Keyblades are based on Disney worlds and depending on which one it is is wouldn't make sense for one to look particularly edgy (no pun intended). Like I wouldn't expect a Keyblade from the Princess and the Frog or Tangled to have the same aesthetic as Oblivion or one of the Ultima Weapons. Besides there's other characteristics to consider like charm or humor. That's what I always liked about Keyblades, with designs your can do so much more than just try and make them as bad ass as possible.

True, good point about the Disney Keyblades. But in KH 3, they'll have so much room on the disc to create tons of Keyblades to earn for doing all sorts of things, like finding them in chests, challenges, etc. Those are the Keyblades they should focus on the most, since they can do pretty much whatever with them. So far the newer ones, in my opinion, could have looked a bit better. They need to be freakin sweet like Xehanort's, lol.

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You see this Pepsi logo?


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It is a very simplistic, yet it is one of the most well known logos in the entire world. As some others have said here, while more awesome Keyblades would be great, I'd rather have something simple yet effective over more details and too chaotic with the design.

I pretty much meant "crappy" when I said simple. A couple posts above, I'm more elaborate with that response, since someone else said basically the same thing.


I know simplistic could be good but I just kind of hate some of the designs. Simple as that. lol


But yeah Keyblades like Oblivion and KH 1 Final Mixes extra Keyblades are amazing too, and they're quite simple. You get what I mean, haha.

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I didn't mean it has to be complicated and cluttered, actually I don't think I said that at all. I guess what I meant by "simple", was just crappy. I want more cool Keyblades like Riku's, as there are only a small handful of them scattered among the series. Riku's is one of the simplest but it's my favorite one so far. Maybe he only makes the main character's weapons cooler than the rest, because of some odd reason, who knows. I just want a LOT of really cool ones in the next game, instead of only one or two cool ones per game like they have been doing.True, good point about the Disney Keyblades. But in KH 3, they'll have so much room on the disc to create tons of Keyblades to earn for doing all sorts of things, like finding them in chests, challenges, etc. Those are the Keyblades they should focus on the most, since they can do pretty much whatever with them. So far the newer ones, in my opinion, could have looked a bit better. They need to be freakin sweet like Xehanort's, lol.


I take it as a broad statement but I'd rather have them varied then have them all aim for the same idea as in they all have to emit badassatude (although Xehanort's DOES look pretty sweet, haha!). Some Keyblades could look better, it's just if they want them to look good I think they can go for varies attributes. Like I think the X-Blade is stupid looking and while I get the idea of super gluing two KKs and a left over piece of an Ultima it's something I think it's something that should have looked more, iunno. Graceful? Ethereal?


But suppose it also depends on what one means by "bad ass" since that can be interpreted a lot of ways.    

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Whatever Nomura has in mind for keyblade designs will surely look great whether cool looking or not so much. I trust he will provide with cool keyblades. That's really all that matters.

Yeah a really good time to take advantage of getting an amazing Keyblade would be when you explore the Realm of Darkness. I can only immagine how awesome that would be. I hope he does it.

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oh why do you need to complain about keyblade designs?! whats done is done.

..:/ Really? Obviously I am aware what's done is done. But the whole point of this thread is what I want from the KH 3 Keyblades. Did you read the topic/thread title?


I for one would like more designs like Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Dive Wing, stuff like that. I'm sorry...but ice cream keyblades make me go "Waaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!"

Yeah I know, seriously.

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