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Mystics Apprentice

Which Final Fantasy was the most depressing?

Which Final Fantasy was the most depressing?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Final Fantasy was the most depressing?

    • Final Fantasy I
    • Final Fantasy II
    • Final Fantasy III
    • Final Fantasy IV
    • Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
    • Final Fantasy V
    • Final Fantasy VI
    • Final Fantasy VII
    • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
    • Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
    • Final Fantasy VIII
    • Final Fantasy IX
    • Final Fantasy X
    • Final Fantasy X-2
    • Final Fantasy XI
    • Final Fantasy XII
    • Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
    • Final Fantasy XIII
    • Final Fantasy XIII-2
    • Another I didn't have room for? Tell us!

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Out of every Final Fantasy, which would you say was the most depressing to you?  It doesn't necessarily have to be a game you completed, but instead one you watched cutscenes for, read about, et cetera.


And I don't mean which game you thought was depressing in terms of a "bad" or "lacking" game, but one that you just felt was sad, dark, and, well, depressing.


Me?  I thought Final Fantasy VII was the most depressing.  Don't get me wrong, I loved the game to death (my 2nd favorite FF, with VI being the first), but everyone was just so hopeless and the overall mood of the characters was pessimistic.

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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Final Fantasy II, for sure.

Seeing as how...well...

about 80% of the world's population dies by the end because of the Cyclone, pretty much every temporary party member save for Leila and (maybe) Leon don't make it to the end, and there's the fact that you literally go through Hell to defeat the Emperor

Even the overworld theme itself is all minor and insanely depressing.


Edited by JillSandwich93

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Um, hello? Final Fantasy 6? Apocalypse? Suicide? Multiple cases of mass-murder?

Y'know, now that you mention it...I guess Final Fantasy VI is partially depressing.  I'd never really thought it to be before, since all the characters still seem so optimistic and upbeat (well, except for Celes--but she had her reasons), but yeah...I guess VI is a depressing game.  But it is darn good, is it not?

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X-2.  A different sort of depressing.  Not in an appreciable way.  Bleh.


On a more serious note, I'm most familar with VII as a depressing story.

There's the usual tragic-backstory-for-every-character, but saddest of all..


...Biggs and Wedge died. By giant metal pizza.  The rest of sector 7, too.  But BIGGS AND WEDGE!!!  T~T

Edited by Zola

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Final Fantasy VI.


Terra never got to know her parents and spent most of her life in a lab and then was abused by Kefka and the slave crown and then when she's freed she looses her memory

Locke's lover Rachel looses her memory and thinks that Locke is a criminal so her Father pushes Locke away from her daughter, when Locke comes back the Empire kills her.

Edgar/ Sabin's Mum died in childbirth. Then when they are seventeen they loose their Dad due to the Empire killing him. They both want freedom, but freedom means never seeing each other again. Edgar gives up his freedom so his twin brother Sabin can have it.

Cyan looses his Wife and child due to Kefka poisoning the rivers of Doma. This haunts him throughout most of the game and he struggles to move on from it.

Setzer is a depressive alcoholic 

Celes tries to commit suicide at one moment throughout the game.

Mog the Moogle looses all of his Mog friends and family and his Moogle girlfriend after Kefka damages the world, he's the sole surviving Mog. He's the last of his race.

Shadow had to make a choice to kill his partner in crime or let the Empire capture him, he refused to kill Baram and most likely spent the rest of his life in torture by the Empire. He spends most of his life in guilt and then at the end of the game commits suicide, and unlike Celes he makes it.

Relm. She has no idea that who her real parents are and what happened to them.


The sadness level with FF VI is just over the board. I mean... two of the characters try to kill themselves...

Edited by axele

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Probably Crisis Core, I haven't played it yet but I think Nomura said Zack's fate was more sad than Xion's. When I get around to it I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the feels if that's true.


Final Fantasy II, for sure.

Seeing as how...well...

about 80% of the world's population dies by the end because of the Cyclone, pretty much every temporary party member save for Leila and (maybe) Leon don't make it to the end, and there's the fact that you literally go through Hell to defeat the Emperor

Even the overworld theme itself is all minor and insanely depressing.


Um, hello? Final Fantasy 6? Apocalypse? Suicide? Multiple cases of mass-murder?

I haven't played FF6, but I did play FF2. The cyclone's effect on the world never really hit me. I guess it's because even though it's sad, you would probably grieve more for a friend dieing than half of the worlds' population. That's how I would react anyways, it's probably different for each person.

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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII-2, but the one who takes the crown for most depressing is the yet to be released outside Japan Final Fantasy Type-0, since I imported it I was able to play it and see th ending, anyone with a custo firmware on their psp can download the iso to satisfy their curiosity, or you can try the faster method, youtube.



Final Fantasy Type-0 ending with english subshttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3836704650981&set=vb.1678941746&type=2&theater

Edited by Cricket

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Crisis Core.

It was even more depressing as I thought, because I thought, he would be able to see Aerith one last time, lol.


Edited by Henne

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Crisis Core. I played FF7, I knew he was going to die, but just watching the ending cutscene before I even played the game had me crying. Even the game testers were bawling. I know there's that scene in Advent Children with him but still...

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Crisis Core. 

I mean, the game starts off in a cheery mood, but then Angeal supposedly betrays you, and leaves Soldier. Genesis teams up with Lazard to stop himself from dying of degeneration. And it gets worse once we get to Nibelheim. Sephiroth goes mad, and almost kills you, Tifa, and Cloud. Then Hojo traps you and Cloud and poisons you with Mako, and leaves you trapped for 4 years. Then once you escape, the organization you once worked for, is trying to kill you, Cloud is in a comatose state, and Genesis is still on the loose. Then once the last clone of Angeal dies, you find out how long you've been imprisoned and head off to see your girlfriend, only to be cut off by a battalion of soldiers from Soldier(No pun intended) and are killed, intrusting Cloud to carry on your legacy. And then of course, Cloud absorbs your memories and impersonates you. And then the events of FFVII occur

If that isn't depressing, i don't know what is.

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