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KH2 Has anyone ever beaten Sephiroth?

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well- here is what my brother did


went to the world that never was, went up and down to level up b/c the heartless there give you alot of exp.

after until he went up 5 level he tried to beat him, if he failed he wud level up again.

he got to 88 b4 he beat him.



there~! hope i helped

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i beat him but it took forever but all u need to do is have the ultimate weapon and reach level 99 and any time does the triangle think do it!

to get quick level up go to pride land and go to the top of the mountain place and use a lot of magnica

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black orbs =use reflectga

fire volcano= run! run away!

slashing like mad maniac=block then attack, not to long or he will disappear

knock into the air= aerial recovery then attack

meteors= second chance and if hit and ends up with 1 health doht aerial recover


loads of eluxers if u get hit by heartless angel

heartless angel= attack

i did this when my level was in the sixites and i only had high jump level max fron my forms

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Ok, when I beated him I mostly used berserk charge and sora's trinity limit (I think that's it, it's been so long since I played it xD) and equip the ultimia keyblade that way you can use countless limits and attack him constantly C: I hope that helps!

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I recommend being at a high level with berserk, Ultima Weapon, glide and perhaps aerial dodge.

Also, reflect and trinity limit will save you, and having heaps of potions, ethers and elixirs will help.

Once the battle starts, hit him as much as you can, but watch out cause he'll disappear and re-appear behind or beside you, so be careful.

Hope that helps! ^^

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I am proud to say I beat Sephiroth on Proud Mode in KHII. But I must say it took me many days of trying to beat him. Of course, maybe I should have leveled up more, but I was too stubborn to go and do so. But now I have the Fenrir keyblade... may you claim it yourself , only tip I can give is fight on!!!

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When he casts the black orbs around you, quickly casts Magnera. (Make sure you equipped it in shortcut keys...) beside that, have a lot of max elixir in shortcut keys too. If you noticed, he has some openings for you to attack. But beware of its long sword...


or reflectra


I am proud to say I beat Sephiroth on Proud Mode in KHII. But I must say it took me many days of trying to beat him. Of course, maybe I should have leveled up more, but I was too stubborn to go and do so. But now I have the Fenrir keyblade... may you claim it yourself , only tip I can give is fight on!!!


its all about the timing (40minutes) i guess cuz i go hard wit it:D

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I'm just curious to know how many people have beaten Sephiroth..I have had a lot of close calls,but,everytime i think i'm going to win he flings me into the sky and does the same moves from the beginning only this time i have no time to dodge his attacks.

Any tips on how i can fight him?

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Many of us have beaten him already xD

Well I recommend to use reflect, guard, glide, high jump and double jump ability. With those you can prevent almost all his attacks. 

Leaf Bracer, Second Change and Once More are good for survival. 

Also using Trinity Limit against him is pretty effective. 

Then have one elixir in your pocket if you fail to prevent his One Winged Angel attack

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Just realized no help is need but still posting xD

Wow lvl 90 and didn't beat Sephiroth

Having Ultima makes things insanely easy, because of MP Hastega. if you don't want to bother getting it, equip Decisive Pumpkin or Oblivion.

I personally hate Bersek Charge, you can't give Combo Finishers, what deals the most damage. So I'd unequip it if I were you

Equip Once More and Second Chance. You should have Curaga, not only Cura, and the only not mandatory Cure Element is in 100 Acree Wood I think.

Don't use Curaga every time you take damage. Save it till it's low. Avoid healing with only HP though. Also get items for emergencies. (Hi-potions, and a couple hi-ethers)

Study his attacks. There are ways of doging and blocking his attacks. Equip an abiltity that has something to do with reflection, after you block one of Sephiroth attacks and press X, he'll stay open.

High Jump and Aerial Dodge are good for that attack which he leaves you with 1HP and no MP. (Itens are good for this as well)

I like using Reflect in the Dark Spheres, most of them are scattered, and can even hit Sephiroth. I personally don't like Magnet. Almost never use it.

All Drive abilties lvl 3 is a good idea as well.

And seriously, Sephiroth can be challlenging with no level and equip, but lvl90 and Oblivion...

Edited by AntonioKHT

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