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Think Pink

Just Something I've Noticed

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We all know some hypocrites, and to a certain extent, we are all hypocrites because we oftentimes try to please others instead of saying what we really think. But what I've noticed lately is a lot of hypocrites, and I honestly don't understand: why do people preach one thing and then act entirely different? Why would someone say I WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE THIS and then say something that entirely contradicts that? Are they just a fake? I mean, honestly, I don't understand. 


For reference, my platoon commander IRL always yells at us that it's wrong to stereotype people. But then she runs around making racist jokes and stereotyping people quite obviously. I can think of about 92480823948234 other examples, both IRL and on KH13. So why do people do this stuff? I don't understand why someone so strongly preaches a belief, then is like LOL WHATEVER two seconds later, completely disregarding what they just said? Insight into this would really be appreciated, guys. Thanks.

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Ohhh boy, I agree (And I know I'm a hipocrite at some point) but considering this is kh13 we're talking about here, I don't think anyone is going to agree with this and I smell a argument or a rant heading over here.

Edited by K3YBL4D3 KHIGHT

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That happens all the time.  People say they care about others, then they go and support political ideas that do exactly the opposite .  I can't even watch the news without wondering what is wrong with these people.  It ticks me off.

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Maybe some people just have a hard time making up their mind (looks at anywhere but self :P), or maybe, as Ultima Weapon suggested, they're just afraid of not being liked by everyone else.  Still, it's annoying when people won't just speak their minds and say what they're actually thinking.  I mean, I've partly been there so I understand what it's like, but still...it does get annoying.

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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Regardless what we may say or think or do we usually end up doing the opposite may not be on purpose or on accident but still i know :/, Everyone I know does this, Hey I do sometimes but I try my best not to usually comes out when my friends are doing so:/, My friend Cory makes sooo many comments and jokes about transvestites and such It's hard not to add something to it when he's soo funny owo" 

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Not sure if that was meant to be an insult, as I don't speak Brony. As such, I'll just respond as if it weren't since it might not be. I would of used this:


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Nooon not an insult :3 It seemed to fit the thread and your post xD So :3

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Hypocrisy is a more complicated issue than we might think.  Yes, some people engage in blatant hypocritical behavior to save face, but it's not the sole reason.


The scary thing about hypocrisy is that you don't always know you're doing it.  I don't know what your platoon leader is like, but for all I know she genuinely doesn't believe her behavior is hypocritical.  People stereotype because they think those generalizations are the truth.  Your platoon leader can yell at you to not stereotype and mean it; the problem may come from how what you and she consider stereotyping are different.  Maybe she has a looser view on what it means to stereotype, so when she goes around being what you consider stereotypical, she doesn't think it's an issue at all.  As for the racial jokes, well, that might just her part of her sense of humor.  I think sexist jokes are funny.  I'm a girl and I like to say that I should be in the kitchen making a sammich instead of being productive, and I laugh along when my friends make similar cracks.  Of course, I take cracks at guys, too, because I think cracks at both genders can be funny, and my male friends laugh along just as much as they do female sexist jokes.  We joke about it because none of us mean it.  We make them ironically, and we'd punch out anyone who meant any of it.  Your platoon leader's problem might be that she doesn't know that her jokes might not be well received by everyone.  I wouldn't make those sexist jokes to just anyone; someone like Koko would throttle me if I said it to them in real life, no matter how much I didn't mean it.


There's also how it's easier to give advice than to follow it.  It's easy to suggest to people how to behave in a situation when you're not going through it yourself, because you have an outside perspective.  You can afford to be more objective because your emotions won't get in the way.  It's a different story when you're going through it yourself.  You can be a legitimately nice person, and advocate that behavior in others, but can you say for certain you've never ever ever been rude to anyone in your entire life?  That you've never been dismissive, that you've never lied, that you've never done something stupid?  When you cut someone off on the road, whoops, sorry dude, that was an accident.  If someone does the same to you, he's a firetrucking idiot who needs to get off the road.  It's why people so freely call other people idiots, as if they themselves never done something stupid in their lives.

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