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Would you have preferred HD 1.5 ReMIX to have been delayed longer for SQ to remake days playable in HD?

Would you have preferred 1.5 HD Remix to have been delayed longer for SQ to remake days playable in HD?  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you have preferred HD 1.5 ReMIX to have been delayed longer for SQ to remake days playable in HD?

    • Yes, I would love having the chance of playing days on my PS3 in HD!!
    • Doesn't matter that much, I'm use to waiting for KH titles to be released.
    • Nah, HD cut scenes are good enough for me!
    • No way! I want the game as soon as possible!

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I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic.  I've honestly never encountered any noticeable glitches :P

I've ended up in the middle of Riku's TWTNW after being in Flowmotion and Dropping...  I ended up falling for a while, hitting the bottom, and having it spit me out the top.  I had to fall all the way back to the actual floor.  It was more comical than annoying, though.  I've also run into some slowdown, but only with lots of enemies while in Flowmotion.

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I'd like to see a remake, sure, but I'm not unhappy with what we're getting. It's nice to see that they're paying this much attention to Roxas' story at all; I wouldn't have guessed that any inclusion of 358/2 Days would be in this collection, let alone the equivalent of a 3 hour movie.  However, I do expect a full remake/port of Birth By Sleep in KH 2.5, not just the cutscenes. 

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I think it's sort of dumb it isnt remade, most of the worlds are already being remade in HD for Com and KH (Neverland, Wonderland, Agrabah, Colluseum, Halloween Town and Twilight Town) They are creating a bunch of new cutscenes anyway. So al that is left to make is TWTNW along with Beast Castle and some texts balloons, change the characters you're playing with and hooray, it might have taken some more time but it would have definatly been cooler. And even if this would be too much work they could have just added a mission mode in the already remade worlds right? they would have only needed to create some extra bosses and playable characters but at least Days would have had a playable aspect :l Let's not forget that KH and COM are descent games compared to Days, maybe the quality isn't perfect but its not nearly as poor as the graphics in Days. I think they're missing out cause they could have added the best things in Days since there is way more to improve in that game. The remake may include three games but it definatly feels like I'll be buying two,(IF we get it)  cause there'll be nothing extra that won't be on youtube. 

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firetruck no! that would delay 2.5 remix and especially KH3 even more.


Its still good to me they will put cutscenes from it. I thought they would only remake KH, KH2 e BBS in one single pack if there was ever a HD collection. And in the end we will have 2 packs with six games in total. Dont be greedy its awesome as it is ;)


Besides no matter how awesome this remakes are, KH3 is still what im waiting for.

Edited by Sakuraba Neku

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It's kinda a toss up for me.


I don't like Days (the gameplay isn't for me, didn't like the tiny screen, graphics, text, mission style etc), so I would prefer to just watch them, however if it was remade, I think i'd find it more tolerable to play again, but still, the mission style element would still be there and it's just not a game mechanic I've ever enjoyed in any game.


Ultimately I am satisfied with the HD cutscenes.

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The only thing I'm waiting for is a chance for this HD collection to be ported to Xbox 360.

Oh well.

Anyone know anybody that is willing to sell PS3?



For the days vote, I'm fine with HD cutscenes. It would be great if it was to have some gameplay. But I think it's fine with just cutscenes.

Edited by Xamtweth-ReMIXed

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I don't think that's a glitch.

He literally fell off (when he wasn't supposed to).


You fight Xemnas on the building, correct? He fell off the map after I used a few (random) commands. After a few moments, he came back to attack.


If I had a 3DS recorder (or not a potato quality camera) I'd be much easier to see...and explain.

But I know that wasn't apart of the fight. I've done it so many times.

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Yes, I'd wait. It is my favorite game so I'd prefer playing it on hd than just cutscenes. We've been waiting ages for this, we could have waited more but I'll take what I can get xD


EDIT: Since I've read some other replies, I agree that the gameplay wasn't my favorite either though I did get used to it in the end, but yes, I love the story and that's why its my fav game xD

Edited by Maffy

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I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic.  I've honestly never encountered any noticeable glitches :P

Nope, no sarcasm. I don't remember any glitches either... I always hear it has some, though.

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You forgot to capitalize "Days." :P


And, to be honest, I don't really care, if I want to play Days, I can just reach for its DS cart in my game case a couple of feet away, just having HD cutscenes in the collection is fine for me.

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