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KH1 Differences between KH 1 and the Final Mix Version

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Well, Final Mix added stuff that was added to the North American version, like Sephiroth. In addition, they added a keyblade for beating Sephiroth and for beating the Ice Titan. They also added a bunch of new mushroom encounters. They also added Gummi Ship missions. Besides that, all of the heartless were recoloured, as is typical of Final Mixes, a new secret boss was added, Xemnas, and the secret ending was changed.

Also, new abilities were added, like explosion from KH1

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Well, Final Mix added stuff that was added to the North American version, like Sephiroth. In addition, they added a keyblade for beating Sephiroth and for beating the Ice Titan. They also added a bunch of new mushroom encounters. They also added Gummi Ship missions. Besides that, all of the heartless were recoloured, as is typical of Final Mixes, a new secret boss was added, Xemnas, and the secret ending was changed.

Also, new abilities were added, like explosion from KH1


didnt we get expert mode in the usa or was that also in japans original release?

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I've been playing KHFM for a few years now. Here is about everything I can find.


-Everything that was added in the US version that wasn't in the original japanese version.

-2 new Keyblades. (One-Winged Angel and Diamond Dust) Donald and Goofy get a few new toys as well.

-Many new attacks that were used in Com and KH2FM. (Slapshot, Slide Dash,


-Several other new abilities. (Tech Plus, Encounter Plus, Leaf Bracer, and many others)

-New fight with Xemnas. (Sephiroth has had his AI changed as well, he can't be looped anymore)

-Gummi Ship missions (Enemy gummis also got an extreme boost in power)

-New Gummi Ship pieces. (One of which makes you pretty much invincible on Beginner)

-Pre-Fight Cutscenes are skip-able if you die. (Only triggers if you die and go back to fight again)

-Difficulties were modified. It uses the now-standard "Beginner", "Standard" and "Proud". The actual difficulties are different too, they didn't just change the names. (FM Beginner < US Normal < FM Standard < US Expert < FM Proud)

-New Cutscenes. A few showing Riku's side of the story, a scene between Sephiroth and Cloud and the new KH2 teaser "Deep Dive."

-Emblem Heartless were recolored. (Pureblood Heartless are still pure black)

-1 to 2 new Heartless were added into each world. (Most of the time being either very difficult or very tricky)


Let's see... *Looks at notepad*

Yep, I think that's everything... Overall, its much better. Its nice being able to skip scenes but you shouldn't have as much trouble as with KH1, despite Proud being harder then Expert. Having access to Slide Dash and Leaf Bracer just tear the game apart.

Edited by supersaiyanmikito

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I was wondering if someone could provide a list of the differences between KH 1 and the Final mix version. I never bothered looking into it since I never though I'd get a chance to play the FM versions, haha.


Thanks in advance

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The only main difference I know of is that there's additional scenes in the Final Mix version.  Otherwise, I think they're about the same.  I haven't played the FM version to know for sure, though.

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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A special trailer at the bottom of the start menu for a final fantasy game. More difficulties, items, keyblades, gummies, bosses, enemies etc. Gummi missions. New colors on enemies. A battle report at the end and skipping cutscenes you've already seen.

Edited by Keysofblades

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2 new Keyblades (Diamond Dust and One Winged Angel)

New Heartless & New Heartless Textures

New Cutscene after Sephiroth Fight.

New Secret Boss in Hollow Bastion (The Unknown)


There are probably more things that I'm missing, but those should be a good amount of them.

Edited by Keyblader

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A special trailer at the bottom of the start menu for a final fantasy game. More difficulties, items, keyblades, gummies, bosses, enemies etc. Gummi missions. New colors on enemies. A battle report at the end and skipping cutscenes you've already seen.

The skipping cutscenes thing is a lifesaver.

That Tarzan boss cutscene is practically burnt into my mind.

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