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I wonder: Who will no longer play 358/2 Days on the DS when...

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but then you'll never play it again since that will only be cutscenes o.O

The cutscenes' quality in KH 1.5 HD Remix is better than their quality in 358/2 Days, so much so that people who played it just to see the cutscenes might not want to play it again. That's my theory. :)

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I never got much from days as an actual game. It has a great story, but the battle system was just a lot clunkier then I'm used to from a KH game, esecially since I played Days after BBS. So having that whole game be a 3 hour movie is amazing. Because now I can enjoy it without having to slosh through endless hours of repetitive missions.




Coded is the opposite problem. I really enjoy the system for coded, but I get nothing from the story. I won't be terribly excited to see it get the same treatment as Days.

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I stopped playing after I finished it.  I'm looking forward to 1.5 to actually get a fresher glimpse at the story without having to replay it.  I just don't like mission style games and grid system block thing.  

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Days was my LEAST favorite in terms of gameplay. But the story was amazing, I think it works better as a movie. So, no, I probably won't play the original game. I'll just watch it, and cry seeing Xion die, again! D:

Edited by DJ369

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Days was my LEAST favorite in terms of gameplay. But the story was amazing, I think it works better as a movie. So, no, I probably won't play the original game. I'll just watch it, and cry seeing Xion die, again! D:

 And it'll be even worse, cuz she'll be dying IN HD! D*:

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I've not played it in a while but I'm gonna pick it up again soon, in the lead up to 1.5.

I don't see why anyone would stop playing it purely for that reason. If anything, I'll watch the movie WHILE playing it, so at each cutscene I'll just watch the HD one instead. If you stop playing Days just because they've made a 'movie' of the cutscenes, you'll never play the game again.

Edited by Xalaru

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I liked Days as a game on the basis that despite when missions got a little tedious (not skipping missions throughout) the story was so good and so replayable that I enjoyed working to see the story unfold time and time again. Yes, it will be great to watch it as a movie, but my concern is that with it being so easy to just watch the scenes one after the other that the story will rapidly lose it's novelty. I never just sat and used theatre mode on the DS to watch the story in cutscenes, so I don't see why having the story as a movie on PS3 would change my opinion and tendency to play. I'm sure I am not totally alone here....

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I will always play it :D
but then you'll never play it again since that will only be cutscenes o.O
I've not played it in a while but I'm gonna pick it up again soon, in the lead up to 1.5.

I don't see why anyone would stop playing it purely for that reason. If anything, I'll watch the movie WHILE playing it, so at each cutscene I'll just watch the HD one instead. If you stop playing Days just because they've made a 'movie' of the cutscenes, you'll never play the game again.

Cool legendary games cannot be forgotten and left

These, I will probably want to complete it 100% someday. If KH: Xehanort Saga remix came out in the future, I'd imagine completion for 1.5 and 2.5 would be on others minds as well. Or not.

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Days is my least favorite of the series, although I am trying to replay it at the moment. Just done KH2FM+ and as I always do, I replay them in order of release. It's just a pain cause this is always the least fun one to go through.

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