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this is all true not bullcrap

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this is all true not bullcrap but i found out a couple yrs ago that i could see stuff about myself other things and other ppl, from the past and the future, but it only happens when im asleep and somtimes awake, but for the last month or so i dreamed and thought of one thing, which was about kh3 and last night i dreamed of some of the characters for the game and i noticed there is going to be a new keyblade bearer which is a chick, and this is all true

any comments

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no its not deja vu, stuff like this has been happening to me for the last 5-6 yrs every single night so its all true, this is the first time i told any since i told my friend from last year, so its all true not shit or bullcrap

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well this is how it goes,somtimes between a couple weeks to a month and a half i dream of one thing, when i close my eyes in the day i still see the stuff going on, and other times itss different things at nights that i still think about, which is going on in my head till the next night

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This is strange indeed... VERY STRANGE.

Could this be like a hidden 6th sense? Hmm...only time will tell.

Mainly some of my dreams happen in like a Month later, its so strange.

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Oh my god. Your psychic? Can you predict when im going to die?


Don't be silly, Aaron, he can't just tell you something like that. He must focus his energy on it at night, and come up with a vision of the future. Please roxas#13, do this for us. Focus on Aaron's death and predict its details. It will be much help.

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well its not my fault every couple out of 6.5 trillion(just guessing) every amount of years has a different 6th sense


i snoozed a little and srry aaron, i dreamed a couple bad ways of you dieing, srry


one of the ways i see Aaron die is by a nuke, another way was a knive wound in the stomach from a random person who wants to kill him in a big crowd and the last way was accidentaly ran over by a tank, srry bud

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srry Aaron but this is true, for some advice DONT EVER GET THE GERMAINS MAD, i dozed off during class, and in about 5-10 ur going to piss some germains right off to kill u in a nasty way, and if u run they'll get help, i was kinda freaked out about this my self

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i just hope Aaron doesnt get any germans mad and how can this be dejavu when someone has somthing like this every single time when they fall asleep for the last couple yrs rox?

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thats true b/c like i said before every couple ppl out of who knows how many ppl on earth every sertain amount of yrs has a different sense

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