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Daniel Black

Text Final Fantasy - The Fall of Magic Update 3/05/13 - Chapter 10

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Chapter 03- The forbidden truth.


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70 years ago, Tellus was divided into many nations. On the northern continent, the Ravenarg family ruled with peace and order, on the east, the forested kingdoms of Altair and Domina bringed life and color to the land. On the southern, the Kingdom of Lilian and the recently founded nation of Tecnais. To the west, the Theocracy of Rausten and the Kingdom of Aquaria . According to legends, after the darkness was sealed away, the crystals were given to the most prosperous nations, in order to protect it´s powers... 

But after the beggining of the Ancients Genocide.....


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Reyner and Illeana quicky ran towards the moogle chased by the Antlion. the sand began to move as they got closer to the monster.

Reyner: Take this!!

Moogle: Huh?


Then Reyner began to hit with his swords the monster trying to do a open for Illeana. 

Reyner: You! take cover! We will protect you!! Illeana use your magic! Now!

Illeana: Alright!

Illeana charged her energy trying to focus his force to the monster.

Illeana: Take this!! Flare!!

But then a healing spell covered her, making her to recover energy.

Reyner: What are you doing?!

Illeana: S... Sorry.. I just.. my magic do what it wants...

Reyner: What!?


But then he was hit by the pinzer of the Antlion. Reyner then lied on the floor...

Reyner: Ngrr... Really... You could have told me before...!... Damn it´s strong... just like that monster on Winfall...

Illeana: Watch out!

Reyner: What?


The Antlion was charging at Reyner. Another hit of it´s pinzers and it would be all for him...

Reyner: Dammit!!

Moogle: Blizzara!!


Then as the tiny moogle shouted, many ice blocks appeared hitting on the Antlion. 

Moogle: Are you alright? Kupo!

Reyner: You can use magic too? .... anyway, Thanks.

Illeana: Cura!

Said this, the spell worked this time, recovering Reyner of his wounds. But then the Antlion came back again to strike.


Reyner: Never gives up huh? Alright, lets do this. 

Moogle: I need you make an open for my attack. Kupo!

Reyner: Alright... Illeana, heal us when you need to.

Illeana: I´ll try. 


They Reyner began to attack the Antlion. 1,2,3,4 hits... Reyner was fast... the Antlion was confused but then it hit Reyner again.. but this time...

Reyner: Now!!

Moogle: Shiva!!!


Then from nowhere, a crystal of Ice appeared. over it, a young woman of blue hair and skin appeared, then she launched a powerful Ice attack at the antlion. With that hit, the antlion finally retreated to the underground... then, as she came from.. she vanished to the tiny green orb on the moogle´s neck.


Reyner and Illeana were in shock at the moment... again many questions came inside their minds... but the silence was broken by that tiny creature who helped them...


Moogle: Looks like it won´t come back for a while.. kupo.  I just nailed this time.... thanks for your help, kupo.

Reyner: you are a moogle... right?

Mog: My name is Mog. And yes I´m A Moogle, Kupo!

Illeana: what was that magic? 

Mog then looked at the sky... he then looked back at the two of them.. 


Mog: Looks like it´s goona be dark in no time. Follow me. I´ll take you home, I´ll explain you there, Kupo!

Reyner: Your home?

Mog: Sure. The others would be nervous...I hope they won´t get mad on me....

Illeana: Thank you... 


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It was a hallway filled in red. the walls were decored with stained glass as red curtains make the place warming... if it wasn´t the Imperial headquarters. Then someone came walking. A young woman, dressed in a military red uniform with a saphire on her neck. Her hair, golden and long and her gray eyes. Without a doubt, Audrey Ravenarg was the jewel of the family. On the other side, someone else was coming... Draco, returning from the Courtroom...


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Draco: If only those fools weren´t that weak.. maybe I would have more fun....

Audrey: Good afternooon, Draco. How was today´s training?

Draco: As usual... pure weak bunch of army we have... they didn´t stand one fight against me...

Audrey: By the way, Father has summoned us. He wait for us on the Strategy Room.

Draco: Surely the old fool wants to dispach another kingdom...

Audrey: Control your words, Draco! Is the Emperor who are you talking about...

Draco: Sure... Heheh nevermind... I´ll be there.... I wonder if your "land" would be the next one Hehehehehhe... 

Audrey: Did you say something?

Draco: Heh... nevermind.... Witch...


Then Draco walked away. Audrey looked by a window... as she saw the ocean... a ocean that she remembers... but it wasn´t there...then...

???: Hello Audrey.

Audrey: Oh, Leon.

Leon: You looks disperse... something wrong?

Audrey: Nothing... must be because i´m tired. That´s all. 

Leon: I see.... I´ll see you on the Strategy Room?

Audrey: Alright...."What was that... feeling...." Nevermind I need to move on. Time never waits for a lady after all.


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It was almost night time. They walked all the desert to the west... then Mog reacted to something.

Mog: We are here, Kupo!

Illeana: This is ... your home? 

Mog: Yes, here my family and I live. Kupo!


Then Mog ran to the place, a old ruins like a castle... buried in the sand. Then illeana said to Reyner.


Illeana: This is .... 

Reyner: Domina´s ruins... As far i can see...


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Reyner and Illeana entered the ruined castle... inside, many buildings were in ruins as well... but in the middle of it, a bunch of plants and trees were growing green, despite the desert surrounding it... a fountain was the source of water of that place.. on the back... tower in ruins was the highest point in the ruins... with a yellow roof. Then Mog reached the center, and then he said:


Mog: You can come out. They are not enemies or monsters. Kupo!


Then three more moogles came out of hiding... One was a white moogle, with a brown jacket on him. Other was a moogle with a purple tunic and the last one, and elder moogle, brown in color and with a staff... 


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Mog: They are Moggy, Muggo and Moglar. They are my family. Kupo.

Reyner: It´s nice to meet you.

Illeana: Nice to meet you.


Then Moglar got closer to the group...


Moglar: So you are travelers... we haven´t seen travelers around here, Kupo.

Mog: I was out of route, then a monster attacked me... they saved me, Kupo.

Moglar: Then you´re welcome to our place. Muggo, can you give them some food? the girl looks like she is about to fade, Kupo.

Illeana: It... It´s not neccesary....

Muggo: Dont worry we have so much food. Kupo.

Reyner: Thanks... Mog, can I ask you something? 

Mog: What is it, Kupo?

Reyner: What kind of magic was that? Well I haven´t see much magic.. until I met Illeana... but that was a blast of magic...

Mog: .... Well ...

Moglar: It´s a long story... Mog... is a special case... usually moogles cannot use that kind of magic....kupo.

Reyner: I see.... Then why are you living here?

Moglar: We took refuge after our village was destroyed. And our kind as well... maybe we are the last moogles on the world... Kupo.

Illeana: .... The Empire wasn´t?

Moggy: .... They chased us.. like monsters... we lost many people there, my family... Muggo´s family... even Mog´s family... kupo.

Moglar: When we thinked that we were lost we found this place.... it was inhabited... so we take refuge here. Kupo.

Illeana: That´s horrible....

Muggo: Two days ago we say a big torch on the north... Kupo.

Reyner: My town.... was burned by the Empire.

Mog: I see that´s why you were on the desert... kupo.


Then Moglar got closer to Illeana...


Moglar: You have the Ancients blood running on your veins, doesn´t, kupo? 

Illeana: .... yes...

Moglar: Then you  need to meet someone...Is he going to dinner, kupo?

Reyner: Who?

Mog: The one who teached me to use my "special magic", kupo.


Then someone came closer to the group... a young around 16 years... he weared a white jacket with golden lines, a yellow shirt below, and brown pants. His hair was black like night... and his golden eyes shined on the dark...


???: Looks like i haven´t luck on hunt today... sigh... eh? We have visits?

Reyner and Illeana: Who is he?

Muglar: This people saved mog in the desert. 

Ramuh: Oh I see. My name is Ramuh... nice to meet you. 


Then all of a sudden Illeana was shaking... as she has seen a ghost.

Illeana: N...No way....

Reyner: Something Wrong Illeana?

Illeana: That name...

Ramuh: Huh?....


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After the beggining of the Ancients Genocide.. .the nations of magic were decimated by the imperial forces. Leaving to the erasure of the people of Aquaria and Domina. Also creatures like dragons and moogles were almost on the brink of extinction.... In 70 years... magic was about to become history.... 


End of chapter 2.

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Chapter 5.- Alquilea under attack, Tecnais under treason.


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"Alquilea, a kingdom surrounded in mystery. What lies on their territory is unknown for the other nations. Known as the haven of magic, the rumors said that many ancients ran away to that legendary land. How many people make it there? that´s another mystery behind."


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It was a place like a sanctuary. Blue walls decorated with wave shaped forms, an echo of water falling.... On a pedestal in the middle, a round crystal, blue as the deep sea, was shining with a warm light. In front of it, a young lady, dressed like royalty, al in blue and white, blonde hair and blue eyes... her hair was tied up like a round ball on the back... Sarah...it was her name...but in her thoughts....light wasn´t there...


Sarah: The crystal...is crying..... but why?


Suddenly a voice came out from the entrance of the sanctuary, there an old man was yelling: 


???: Your Highness!! It´s an emergency!!

Sarah: What happened minister Arcana? she asked with a pale face...

Arcana: Th.. The Empire!! The Empire is coming!!

Sarah: What?!! But... how?!


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High on the sky, where the clouds were the only horizon, a group of airships was flying over it. The Red Dragons, the airship float of the Empire. There on the one leading the group, a man was standing looking at the horizon... a devilish smile was lurking inside him.. as if he predicted what was going to happen. 


Draco: Finally, the last kingdom of Ancients... Alquilea. Over many years protected by his reefs and mountains, but now with the airship technology, those rats will be exterminated. 


Then another man came close to Draco, It was Leo, who came along with him. 


Leo: Overconfidence is not a great virtue for a leader, Draco.

Draco: Shut up Leo! let me enjoy this moment... the last moment of this Ancients!

Leo: The Emperor´s orders were to bring the Sea´s Heart, not to kill people.

Draco: People, ancients, rats, What is the difference? We will make history today brother. Just wait and see.

Leo: ....


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Sarah and Minister Arcana were running on their way to the Throne Room. The extended room was filled with the people and guardians living on there. then, Sarah took place on the throne, with a desperate voice she asked to Arcana:


Sarah: What´s the report of the situation?

Arcana: Twelve floating ships coming from the East. 

Sarah: Floating ship?

Arcana: If they reach the city though air, we will be nothing but defenseless. 

Sarah: "The crystal"

Arcana: Did you said something, princess?

Sarah: Take the civilians to the castle basement for taking refuge, Arcana, I will need you to delay the empire assault to the castle...

Arcana: What about you, Your Highness?

Sarah: ... I´ll go to Rausten. If we manage to ask for help to them, maybe we will have a chance. Also I´ll bring the crystal. 

Arcana: The crystal!!? don´t you think the Empire...

Sarah: They are after the crystal, I´m sure of that. 

Arcana: .... Very well. Guardians!!! Evacuate the civilians to the castle basement. Their safety comes first place!!

Guardians: Yes Sir!!


said this, the guardians left the throne room, alonside the workers and civilians. 


Sarah: Arcana.... Protect the city... 

Arcana: I will Your Highness.


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After Gregor left, Cid´s office he took seat on his desk... looking down...as if something bothered him...

Cid: When this would end...?


Then a voice came out from his desk, a trasmitter was speaking, it was one of the engineers of the place.

Eng.1: Lord Cid. We have a trouble with the machinery.

Cid: What is the situation?

Eng. 1: The Crystal´s pulse. It´s out of control.

Cid: What? Mmm I´ll be right there. Give me a moment. 


then Cid get up of his desk and walked near a bookcase. Then he pulled a book out opening a door at the side. It was an elevator, then he pushed a button, going down. F50....F20....F2... U3. It was a long way at least 5 minutes.... on that time, Cid was thinking about a reunion that he has before with the Empire.



Cid: So... do you want an airship fleet?

Draco: The Emperor requested that, of course your country will be rewarded. 

Cid: For what purpose, if i should know?

Gregor: I think that´s not of our matters. 

Cid: Gregor, I rule over this country, and this company, so it´s my choice, not yours!

Gregor: Ngrr...

Cid: Well then?

Draco: Mmmm We need to extend our horizons, that´s all, of course if you don´t want to by the good way...well we have another methods...

Cid: We are a country out of this senseless war. Fine... we will develop your airships...

Draco: hehehhee... right choice....



Cid: "I´m doing what is right? I don´t know anymore.


Meanwhile, on the high floors of the skyscrapper, Gregor was there along the other executives. The discution this time, was about Cid.

Gregor: So we will be under his orders all the time? What is this little brat thinking?

Exec.1: Gregor, this is the Teimes family company. We are executives but we have no power over his choices.

Exec. 2: Plus, I really doubt he would approve our plan.

Gregor: This kid is just a problem after another... If only he just dissapeared...

???: And that´s why you called me.


Then Gregor was unterrupted by a woman, red hair and a purple dress, her figure was gorgeous, but her face showed her true nature, pure evil. Her name...Nerissa, secretary of the Emperor Lucius.


Gregor: Lady Nerissa, surely you have make up the arrangemets. Right?

Nerissa: Tecnais interest are the Empire interest. If Cid Teimes is a menace to that, well we will make sure that he wouldn´t make another move.

Gregor: Hehehehehe... And of course, the Empire would gain control of this land. With your political and Economic power, Tecnais will be greatest among the greatest!

Nerissa: Teehehehe.... "Just as planned"

Gregor: Hehhehehehe....


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Imperial Soldier: Lord Draco! Look! the citadel!!

Draco: Alright! Knights of the Ravenarg Empire. Prepare the cannons!!! Get ready for battle!!!

Imperial Soldier: Yes Sir!!


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Then from the sides of the airships, a lot of cannons were ready for launch. 


Draco: Leo! are your troops ready? 

Leo: As always... 

Draco: Well then, All ships!! Fire!!


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The echoes of the cannon´s blast across the land, when crashing on the citadel and the castle... people running at the castle in despair,all in chaos.. just withing the castle, the face was other. On a passage beneath, Sarah and Arcana were ready. 


Arcana: Please take care princess.

Sarah: Don´t worry about me, I will be back. I promise. 


Said this Sarah crossed the door to the passage, closed behind by Arcana. She then looked for a moment the blue shining crystal in hand.... I´ll be back I promise. Then she began to run on the passageway, looking behind as caution. But then in front of her...


Sarah: What? monsters?


A group of goblins and floating eyes were waiting for her....


Sarah: " This is not good... but I need to get to Rausten. There is not turning back" Get awaaaaaaaaaaay!!, she shouted as she ran to the monsters, pulling out a staff, she began to hit the monsters with it... but then a Goblin hit her with it´s claws.


Sarah: Nrggg.... No.. You are not going to defeat me... Light!!


Then a blast of white magic crossed the place, hitting on the monsters... then she began to ran again....


Sarah: I need to make it, I need to make it...


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Reyner, Illeana, Mog and Ramuh were crossing the desert, they were near the town of Replito, just when all of a sudden Illeana stopped for a moment... she was pale, and with a look of worry...

Illeana: .... This feeling....

Reyner: Something wrong?

Ramuh: Are you alright Illeana?

Illeana: .... The wind.... is angered...

Reyner: Huh?

Mog: What do you meant? kupo.

Illeana: .....


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Eng. 1: Sir, the Crystal!!

Cid: What is this?

Cid reached the engineering lab. then he looked at the crystal in the center of the room. The power of the Airships... the Sky crystal.. was resonating...

Eng.1: all of a sudden, the crystal reacted to something sir.

Cid: The other crystals..... We are in more danger than I thought.


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End of chapter 5

To be continued in chapter 6.- The white emissary

Edited by Daniel Black

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Chapter 01: Past buried in the sand


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The Empire Ravenarg. Rulers of the northern continent. 70 Years ago, they raised against Ancients and their plans of rule the world with magic as their weapon. Casting the ultimate spell, Artema, they tried to destroy the source of life, the Holy Tower. But in the end, the cast failed, destroying the lands surrounding the tower, and the menace of the rebel Ancients. The world was saved and the Ravenarg Family became heroes for all nations. But the fear of the power of magic was still on people´s mind. For prevent  another attepm, and allied with the kingdoms of Altair and Tecnais, the Empire began the extermination of magic. The Ancients´s Genocide. 


That´s what the legends said. But....


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It was night. the forest shadows were lightened by the fire of a torch... there two people were walking on the middle of night.. then they stopped. It was Reyner and Illeana, who escaped the destruction of Winfall City. 


Reyner: this looks like a good place to rest for now... let´s make a bonfire. 

Illeana: Alright...


After lightning the fire, the tow looked at each other... obviously they were many questions running of both minds... Why he helped me? How an Ancient reached Windfall? Was it my fault that the city were burned? then Illeana broke the silence.


Illeana: Reyner... What are we gonna do now?

Reyner: Well.. I don´t know. I can´t leave you behind. I don´t want to think what the Empire would do with you if they catch you.

Illeana: I see... It was my fault... you rescued me... but I ....

Reyner: .... Well.. you also saved me, remember? When that huge beast attacked me... you used your magic allowing us to escape...

Illeana: Yes.. but...

Reyner: Don´t think too much about it... but I want to ask you. What were you doing on Windfall?

Illeana: .... I wanted to talk with Queen Arlene. Warn her about the Empire.

Reyner: With the Queen? but... that´s ...

Illeana: I was too late... The Empire must have captured her.

Reyner: ... Why the Empire attacked Windfall? I don´t get it. Both nations were allies.  

Illeana: .....

Reyner: You know something. Right?

Illeana: ....


She was pale... as if her spirit were far away... whatever the reason were, it scared her... but why?


Reyner: We need to rest. If We reach Replito on the southern continent, on Esthar Desert, maybe we will have a change to avoid the Empire.

Illeana: Maybe... but...

Reyner: Looks like we are together into this. Heheh

Illeana: But.. you don´t have to take care of me. Why are you doing this?

Reyner: Well Sargent Biggs said "Defend the civilians". You are a civilian, so if I fail to protect you, the Sargent would kick me out. Plus hey, you saved me. So I owe you one.

Illeana: Reyner...

Reyner: Take some rest. Tomorrow will be a large day.


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The soldiers were marching back to home. The trees of the forest changed into walls of a city, the Empire´s capitol, Saronia. the soldiers entered on the gates of the castle. A huge fortress with a pointy red crystal tower on the center, also known as the red castle, home of the Ravenarg Family. the soldiers alongside with a armored knight entered the courtroom. A huge and luxurious view. On the middle a throne occupied by another red, golden and blue armored man, a helmet covered his face, but anyone in the place wouldfind out who he was. then the armored knight removed his helmed. A young one with golden hair and blue eyes, his face, refined but with a sadic smile, the smile of Draco Ravenarg. then he reached the throne.


Draco: Your Highness!. The kingdom of Altair was defeated in your name!. We also bring here the ruler of Windfall, Queen Arlene.

Emperor: Bring her here.

Draco: Bring the prisoner here!!


Then the soldiers bringed a woman, brown hair and blue eyes, she was chained as prisoner.


Emperor: Well, lady Arlene. Looks like you decided to make a permanent visit to my Empire after all.

Q. Arlene: Lucius! what are you trying to do? We had and alliance! Why you betray me?

E. Lucius: For generations, House Ravenarg ruled the Northern Continent and we have erased almost all of the Ancients on my lands. However the purge must continue. Also... you have something that I want from you.

Q. Arlene: What do you meant?


Then the Emperor get up of his throne and walked at Arlene. Whispering on her ears he said:


Bring me the secret of Altair Kingdom. The Forest Crystal.


Q. Arlene:  ... How did you know about the crystals?!


Then the Emperor removed his helmet. looking at the eyes of Queen Arlene, he smiled. A more devilous smile.


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Reyner and Illeana walked on the morning through the forest. Finally the countless trees surrounding them become less and less... then front of both of them, sand becomes the new terrain. 


Illeana: This is... the Esthar Desert right?

Reyner: Yeah... well if we go west from here.. we will reach replito for the afternoon. It´s a long road... 


Then he looked at her... 

Reyner: By the way... you don´t have a weapon, right?

Illeana: A weapon?

Reyner: Yeah... Well, the desert is full of monsters, so we need to be careful.. but if you have a weapon you can protect yourself.

Illeana: I.. I see. But i have one.. a staff.

Reyner: A staff? but.. where?


Then Illeana took her blue orb collar on her neck. The she began to say some words... in just a moment the blue orb begans to shine. then from the base of the orb, a rod appeared fusing with it. 


Reyner: .... Wooooow...

Illeana: With this i think I can fight too... I think at least..

Reyner: ... Ok.. then let´s go.


They began to cross off the desert. Sand and a blue sky was the only picture around... the time passed.. at least two hours since they began to walk on...

Illeana: huff.. huff... 

Reyner: We can rest if you want to.

Illeana: No.. i´m fine...

Reyner: Really? well if you sai...


Then Reiner stopped for a moment. He began to look around searching for something.

Illeana: What´s going on?

Reyner: Someone is shouting...

Illeana: Huh?

Reyner: Looks like is coming rigth here. Be on your guard.

Illeana: Alright.


Then a shadow appeared on the distance. then it became closer and closer as well the scream.. finally both of them could see and hear it clearly... a tiny flying creature with a red orb hanging on it´s head was running at them.


???- Help me! help me! kupo!

Reyner:  Huh? is that...

Illeana: A moogle? but they are extinct, right?


then behind the moogle something big was coming. then it raised out of the sand. A huge monster with pinzers on it´s mouth... 

Reyner: It´s an Antlion!! Look out!


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When Tellus was born... Light and Darkness were born as well. For mantain balance between the two forces.. the world created four crystals. The Forest crystal, the Sea´s Heart, the Burning flame, and the Sky crystal. Nations grew under the blessing of the crystals, and the world was in balance... 


-End of Chapter 01-


if u need another artist id be glad to help... your a great artist tho too :O one of the best ive seen :)

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Chapter 6: The white emissary


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Rausten, the holy capitol. This is the place where legends said white magic was born from the Holy Tower. Also is the place where the Sacred Religion was born as well. Considered a neutral nation over the times of war, it has the most influence around the world, as many emissaries from there are traveling teaching the Sacred´s way of living in harmony. But even this place wasn´t safe rom the echoes of war. Sooner or later...


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I don´t remember how many times I was sent as ambassador of my country to another nations. Maybe it was my fate, that i need to follow to reach the light illumination. As Pontiff Alustor said, we white mages are responsible for seek peace for the world. My next destination was the kingdom of Alquilea. Here I needed to contact a royal person, who I need to escort here, to Luminus city. 


I pur my hood and took my staff... then I walked out of the town taking the ship to the north shores.... Usually I could use the Teleport spell, however, lord alustor asked me to not do that. The reason, he said, it was because Alquilea was in great peril, and that I needed to be careful with the Empire. that was about one week. The waves moving the ship was a charm for me... I wish that I could say that about the other passegers....


Then a voice called out for me... I walked across the hallway to the proa, there were the captain of the ship. 


"Miss Zola, we have reached the closest point to Alquilea´s shore... we can´t go any further. From here, the rest is up to you."

"Thank you, captain. Your services for Rausten will be granted someday."


Then I concentrate myself, trying to focus the far away shore in front of me, the ship couldn´t get close because of the reefs surrounding the shore. Alquilea´s continet was a fortress for land and sea troops, so in my thoughts I never expected to see the Empire reach this place someday. I charged my spell and with a strong echo I shouted... Teleport! 


In one moment I was on that shore... the mist over it was a signal of the uncoming night. The sound of waves crashing on the shore was a melody that I can enjoy, however it wasn´t the time, as i looked at the sky, that´s when the horror began to show in my face... as I saw the Imperial Airships bonbing the defenseless city of Alquilea. For a moment, I couldn´t believe that, but as I have talked with Cid in Tecnais, the Empire was looking for their Aircraft technology. I feared for Cid, if the Empire has airships under their command, nothing good would happen on the heart of the advanced city. I began to walk to the reunion point, thinking about the events surrounding the last year.  


After half hour, I reached a tiny cave on the side of the great mountain, that´s when i heared a noise inside it, the blast of something hitting on the walls was a sign of a fight inside, so i ran there looking for the sourse, i pulled out my staff and charged it so it began to shine, llluminating the place... it was like 200 meters when I saw a young lady fighting again a group of green, round, winged and one eye creatures, her blonde hair and red and blue clothes were moving as she was using the "holy blast" spell. This spell consisted of tiny chained spheres of white magic, working as a whip against enemies. 


I came close enough to use my own magic, in just a moment I used the same spell, hitting on the creatures as well. A low voice exclaimed in that moment

"What? who are you"

" Keep the attack! we will talk later!"


We keep moving and using the Holy blast as we could. About 10 minutes later... the monsters were vanished.

" Let´s go outside"


I said as i ran out of that cave. It was strange, the monsters were peaceful against humans... but now they were attacking them? why? As I asked myself about that, both of us reached the exit of the cave. It was nightime already, but the sounds of blast coming from the citadel were still on the air. I turned back to the young girl behind me, she was on her 16 or 17... and her blue eyes were in peace and distress at the same time. Unmistakably she was Princess Sarah. 


"Your Highness? What are you doing here?"

"You... you are the emissary from Rausten, right?"

"Yes, my name is Zola, Zola Austrid. It looks like I´m going to escort you to Rausten, but ...what happened in the citadel? How the Empire reached this place?"


I looked at the princess... she was in shock as she saw the airships over her city, now in flames. 


"I... I need to save them.... so for now this is all what can I do."

"huh? what do you mean?"

"Please... take me to Rausten. I need to talk with Pontiff Alustor at once!"


I was.... surprised I must say... looking at her acting like taht. I met her once 4 years ago... then I still was a trainee on the white magic, alongside my master. She was like a porcelane doll, fragile and charming at the same time, but now... it was if like the throne has made a change on her....


"alright your Highness"

"Please... call me ... Sarah". 


Then I used again the Teleport spell, but this time with destination to Luminus City. Just what´s going on in the world? 


- - - - - -  - - - - -  - - -  - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - 

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It took me about 1 hour to fix the machinnery and control the Crystal´s power again. Why the Crystal reacted like that? I don´t know. I would assume that maybe the other crystals were... or maybe, the Empire.... I was thinking about those possibilities, as i returned to my office. I was along with the engineer that helped my before. The elevator was moving upstairs...


"Lord Cid, what do you think happened before?"

"I don´t know.... maybe just a overloading?" 

"Mmm i´m not sure... it was almost like it... "

"It what?"

"Almost like it feeled something that we don´t"

"Mmmm... maye...after all it´s a Crystal."


then before I noticed we reached the 1st floor. 


"See you soon, lord Cid."

"Take care"


Then he left out. I had a feeling that i won´t see him again for a long time.... I don´t know why. Soon I reached the last floor. Then I enered my office, but for my surprice, some people were waiting for me. It was Gregor along the other executives. But what worried me the most was the Imperial soldiers behind them. 


"Lord Cid, looks like we need to talk seriously with you" Gregor said with his moody face. 

"Well. Looks liek we have guess, don´t we?


I slowly walked to my desk, calm as I wanted to be. I knew that Gregor was plotting something but I never imagined something like that. As I got close enough I pushed a button hidden on the base of my desk lamp without calling the attention of the people in the room.


"So... what do you need Gregor?" 

" Oh nothing, really. I just came to say to you, that we don´t need you anymore."

"So do you want me out? As i suspect... but tell me Gregor... why now?"

"Heehehehe... a big plan needs to be factoried slowly... I just waited for the right time to come."

"Making an alliance with the Empire? ... how brilliant... "


I figured out what´s going on in the place. As I expected, General Draco didn´t wanted to depend of my approval... I just needed a little more time.... 


" Now what Gregor... do you really think you can take on the control of the company and the city as well? "

"Oh of course not. for that she came here."


Then I looked at my right. A woman with red hair and purple eyes, her red dress was a sign... as her beauty as well... 


"Lady Nerissa. How long since our last meeting."

"Lord Cid. In the name of the Empire, I invite you to the imperial capitol at once."


Then the soldiers walked at me at a slow pace... 


"Resistance is useless, please we don´t want martirs for this country..."

"Truly a nice word, Nerissa... however..."


Then I looked at my clock.. just 5 seconds... and....


"I won´t make your work easy!!" 


Said this I pulled out a gun from my toolbag, shooting at the window behind me, in one moment i was jumping out into the void. 


"What!!? Foolish boy" Gregor said


"Something bothering yourself Nerissa? 

"See for yourself Gregor"


As she said this, I was outside, standing on the floor of one of my airships. With a victorious smile i said to them:


"Sorry guys! Better luck next time" 

"He´s escapping! Do something!!"


For Gregor´s bad luck I was moving out of the reach of them, I ran inside of the ship, there I looked at him, the engineer from before, driving the airship.

"Thanks for that!. See? Everything happened as I predicted..." I said to him.

"Lord Cid, How did you know about that?"

"Well... you need to be clever for take one step forward of your enemy." 


I looked by one window, looking at my city getting far away... I abandoned my home... but I´ll return someday...to reclaim my place. 

"So what is our destination sir? " 

"Mmmm... Alquilea." 

"Alquilea!!!?? but... why there?"

" I have a bad feeling about that place, if the Empire reach them... we need to hurry."

"Yes sir!"


Then we began to move to the northwest... that´s where i needed to go... as my fate was designed to me getting there....

But then... as if fate was playing today with me... someone appeared from nothing. Her white dress decorated with red triangles, her blonde hair and her blue eyes, it was a old friend of mine. With her someone I knew  appeared... she was from royalty like me... 


"Zola... what are u doing here? Wait... what are you doing with princess Sarah here?"

I asked confused....

"huff... huff... Rausten... Rausten and Alquilea were.... "

"No.... it can´t be"

- - - -  - - - - - - - - --  -- - - - - - - - --  

End of Chapter 6


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Next chapter: The battle in the magic capitol. 

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And now Zola has arrived into the story.  I thought that specific face and staff looked familiar...




I have to limit your Teleport spell... ¬¬ i don´t want a paradox in my story.... 



better not wreck this thread with a hole in the universe.  i want to know the rest of this story.

Hehehehe... just wait for the next chapter. I know already how it ends but... Not-Telling :P 

Bravo, bravo. This cameo has made the story 10x better

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But in all seriousness, great job on this chapter! :D

Thanks. xD and... 10x??? LOL

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Very nice! I like how the plot is going. Also, I like that you've switched from script format to quotation marks. The descriptions of setting and characters are good as well: we get a good idea of what things look like and where we are, without it being too much. It's a very good balance. I look forward to the next installment. :)

Edited by Dave

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Very nice! I like how the plot is going. Also, I like that you've switched from script format to quotation marks. I look forward to the next installment. :)

Honestly this is my first time writing something seriously. So i didn´t know what format use + my original language is Spanish so.... i need to put my best effort into this. xD. Finally after reading a few light novels, i liked this format, maybe I´ll modify the other chapters to this format too. Anyway i like you like it. xD wait for chapter 7. +

Edited by Daniel Black

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Chapter 7- The battle in the magic capitol


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The sound of blast were across the streets, the echoes of cannons resonate around the air.. it was about two hours since the bombing to the capitol began, finally as if the heavens heared the pleas of the people inside Alquilea´s Castle, the airships ceased fire. A moment later, two airships units, landed near the castle gates, the fire burning on the roofs, the smoke flying with the wind, the ashes floating with an orange bright... it was the scene into the eyes of the Imperial soldiers, soon, General Leo and Draco reached with a squad of soldiers the castle entrance. 


"Leo, let me handle them!"

"Draco, sorry but orders of father!"


Draco´s desperate attepms of trying to interfere into Leo´s strategy were because of a letter. Ironically, the Emperor asked Draco to stay behind the lines, and leave Leo take charge on the operation in Alquilea. Leo´s mind was calm, that gained him the fame of the Ice General. His squad never meet defeat, not once. LEo moved the door opening it. Usually someone would have expected another move, or resistance, however, the inside of the castle was empty. 


"Where are they? Are these rats hiding from us!!?" 

Draco exclaimed dissapointed as he entered the place, suddenly Leo shouted:

"Stop you fool! get back!!"


Said this a fireblast came at Draco, he jumped back avoiding the attack... the heat of fire envelopved the air... at the same time, a man around his 40, in white and blue clothes, with black hair, walked at the group. 


"Long time not seeing you, Lord Arcana" Leo said as he walked as well into the room.

" How dare yourself to set foot on this land!!! Leave at once!!" 


Leo´s face was calmed, even after that show of power. Draco was anxious as he wanted to strike the enemy quickly, however, as the room lluminated, many mages were around pointing at the group.


"Hmmp. Looks like you are taking things too seriously Arcana. Very well, then I have a proposal for you"

"A... proposal? I think you are not in position of negociation!" Arcana said as he pointed at the squad enraged.

"I think we are stuck, if you attack us, the airships will leave this place into ashes too. I don´t think your Highness would like it. I want to have a duel with you, if I win you all will surrender at once, if you win we leave immediately this place."

"L...Leo!! What are you doing!!? Let´s end with this rats at once!!"


"Draco shut up!"


Leo wanted to end this too, however if they attacked the ancients and viceversa, the red numbers would be high. He wanted to end this without victims as always. For his surprise...


"Alright. I accept the terms." Arcana Said while walking the stair way to the lower floor where Leo and the others were. The voices of the other ancients were of worry, others of resign... in both cases, this was a duel for their safety. Leo pulled out his sword as he walked at Arcana at slow pace. 


- - - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - - - -  - - - - - - 


It was night already, when Reyner and his group reached the town of Replito. The town, surrounded by mountains was also a harbor for tradin between Rausten and Altair. the bay on a crescent moon form, was reflecting the stars and the moon itself, you can call it a true beautiful image.


"Thats beautiful!!" Illeana exclaimed as her eyes looked at the star ocean.

"Hehehe... first time on Replito as i can see huh?" Reyner said calm and relaxed. 

"Well we don´t have time to hurry, a ship will depart soon towars Rausten, from there we can get close enough to Alquilea."


Behind Reyner and Illeana, Mog and Ramuh arrived as well. 

"Woooow Kupo. What a view!"

"Mmmm looks like this place doesn´t change huh?" Ramuh said sarcastic as ever. 


After a long travel across the desert anyone would like to rest in the town however, they had hurry to get to Alquilea. The group walked inside the town, crossing the stone streets they reached the harbor after 15 minutes. Before getting into the boat, Reyner looked at Mog. 


"Mmmm i don´t think it would be safe for you stay with us for now... how we can hide you?" 

"Mmm maybe with a box?" Illeana said with a innocent smile. 

"A box!!? I´m not a toy, kupo!"

"Well we have no options so.... just for a little while, now..." Ramuh said while grabbing Mog and pulling him inside a box.

"Wait! Ramuh! woooa!" Said this, Mog was inside... you could hear the punch that he gave to the box... it was small... indeed.


Then all of us reached the boat.

"Destination?" a man asked them.

"3 tickets to Luminus." Reyner said

"It would be 700 Gil* for all of you. "

"Fine... here take it" Reyner said as he gave the Gil, then the man gave them the tickets.


The boat was small, but not too much, it was decorated like a dragon, or something like that. Before we knew the ship was moving... little by little the lighs of Replito were vanishing.


"I want to visit properly this place later eh Reyner?" Illeana said pouting. 

"Yes... we will come later." 


The clock began to move and te time passed... just like the sound of the waves. 


- - - - - - -  - - - - - - - -  - - - -  - - - - -- - -





The voices were shouting as you can see them moving. Arcana´s speed was greater than expected to Leo. He keep using the Figara spell as he can. Leo blocked the moves as he avoided the blast of heat, coming from the spell. the white and blue walls of castle Alquilea were shining at each attack of Arcana. He was too concentrate into attacking Leo, that´s when it happened...



Arcana exclaimed, but the spell didn´t worked. 

"Huh!!? No! my magic energy! "

Leo then ran at him at full speed... 




It was one hit... just what he needed to end the duel. Arcana was thrown at a pillar  in the room... he was weak enough. The mages looked, desperate to help his master. Leo reached Arcana at slow pace... he prepared his sword. 


" Nggg.... y...you waited... for my attack ...to e... end my power..." Arcana said all weak.

"Finish him off Leo!!" Draco said as he fierly looked at the Ancients avobe.


Leo finally reached Arcana, he lift up his sword... and then... 



for surprise of everyone in the room, Leo keep his sword into his sheath.


"What are you doing!?" Draco exclaimed annoyed. 

" Soldiers! take the Ancients as prisioners! Search for the Crystal!"

"Y..Yes sir!!" 


The Ancients were in shock...however, they accepted defeat.... the soldiers chained them and move them to the airships....

Draco walked to Leo... angered he shouted:


"You always making the things boring!! You have to kill him! not to spare him!!"


"Sir we found it!" A soldier exclaimed as he walked with a round blue crystal in hand.

"Excellent" Leo said as he turned to Draco.

" I want you to leave this crystal to Father at once!"

"What!!? You can´t do that!"

"I´m in charge so I can...." Leo said to him, calmed as always. 

"Ngrrr... Fine!" Draco shouted as he walked away of the room, at the Airships... 

"I really hope... that things work as we planned"... He said looking at the nightsky....


Then the airships and Draco leaved the place... with only Leo´s troops and airship left behind to control the city. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


The sea moving the ship was in calm.. it was almost midnight. Walking on the deck, Reyner was looking at the sky... many things happened in just a few days... what happened to his friends, with his family... with everyone in Winfall... 


"I miss them.. I hope they are alright" 

"Sure they are..."



Reyner was shocked as he looked back. Illeana was smiling at him...


"How much do you hear?" 

"Not much.... In fact... i missing my family too...." 


Then she walked to the edge of the deck, hanging on the bar. She looked at the moon reflected in the waves.... 

" I´m sorry for getting you into much problems...."

"I told you before... this wasn´t a problem at all..."

"Yes... but still...." 

" Reyner... I... " 



Illeana´s eyes were brighter than ever... her heart began to move faster, she became pale and with a face of nervious.... Reyner looked at her... he didn´t know what to say... as he never had seen that face before... 


"Reyner... I ... I ..." 


But, for luck of one of them... and relief to the other... the voice of someone shouted in the empty air. 

" A storm ahead of us!!"

The nightsky filled with starts, soon became cloudy, lightnings began to make noise around and the once calm sea, began to move bravely... 

Reyner and Illeana took refuge inside... the waves began to move strong... moving the ship like a defenseless toy in a tank of water. Mog and Ramuh were inside as well, but then a yelling voice was heared for all of them.


"Help!! somebody please!! it´s the- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" 

"Lets go!! Reyner said while taking his swords alongside. Ramuh and Illeana follow him, while mog flied over them. As they were out on the deck... the enemy in front of them was a big... one, tentacles came from everywhere,.... it has like 8 eyes... and a big sharpened teeths on it´s mouth...

"Kraken!" Ramuh shouted as he looked at the monster. 

- - - - - - - - - -  - -  - - - - - - - - - - - 

End of chapter 7.

Next chapter: The beast from the deeps.


*Gil: Money used in the Final Fantasy Universe.

Edited by Daniel Black

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Chapter 8.- The beast from the deeps. 


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The rain was strong, the wind blowing everywhere with rage, the lightnings stroke on the wild waves... the clouds, darknened and evil, transmitted a clear message, death. Since that day on Windfall, I haven´t feeled that fear... the fear of dying. I pulled out both of my swords, looking back to Ileana, even with this rain she was... cute... since i met her, i had the need to protect her, just like she protected me.... but now my feelings... however this wasn´t the time for it.


We reached first the deck, looking for the ship´s crew. Nobody was on sight. A few moments ago we heard the echoes of someone shouting in pain. But now... 


" Be on your guard, Illeana" 

I said while looking on all directions. if that was something big, or it was something faster, then we will be in great problems. But that was the moment when, from the wild waves on the sea, a wirlpool began to form. 


"What is that?" Illeana said confused.

" ...."


Suddenly, from the wirlhpool formed on the sea, a giant creature came from it. It´s light blue skin, it has many tentacles, a big round mouth with many teeth coming from it. It´s eye, partially opened was looking at us. Just looking at it you would say it was dangerous, it was my idea just when i noticed Ramuh and Mog coming at us.


"It´s Kraken!!"


The voice of Ramuh destroyed the moment of peace before the storm. Said this, the creature moved at us a great speed, it was in just a moment, when it hit on the boat, the giant tentacles surrounded the deck, trying to grab it. 


"Look out Reyner!!"


I heard Illeana´s voice shouting at me. That´s when I noticed the big tentacle comming  at me, trying to kit me. I jumped forward, rolling on the wooden floor wet by the rain, the move of the ship made things harder. I moved as fast I could, grabbing with a lot of strengh both of my swords, and then I began to cut the big tentacle. LEft to right, left to right. My moves were faster, I don´t remember if I was focused on it, I was just attacking it. I hit it around 10 times before i finally cut it of. I turned back to me, and the others were also attacking the monster. 


Ramuh, who I had never saw fight before, was using a spear, with a big yellow like gold point, and a blue line made of crystal holding it. He charged the lance with electricity, hitting on the monster while it began to roar in pain. Illeana and Mog were using the spells they knew trying to cover us. 


"Keep going!!" That was the only thing I could say for now. 


- - - - - -  - - -  - - -  - -  - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


"Is she alright?"

"Yeah... she was tired. She put all her energy on the battle... "


I looked at Sarah´s eyes... her blue eyes, reflecting sadness and worry for and unconciousness Zola. What happened in Rausten? I had to ask about it... but for now...


"You should rest too, You must be tired of all of this."

"... CId... I´m sorry to put you on this troubles"

"Nah, it´s alright. Anyway I ran away from Tecnais... so you can say we are on the same situation"

"I see... I hope everyone will be alright...."


I just left her on the other bed in that room. I closed it, Maybe the engine´s noise would be unconfortable for her, but i thought the door would be enought to reduce the noise. I walked on the corridor straight to the control room. Here, the engineer than helped me before was riding it. The engine worked using the water stearm on the air so... as long as air runs out, we´ll keep flying. 


I took seat on the chair of the left, and then I asked:


"How far we are from the Headquarters?"

" 4 hours... Sir..."

"How many times i need to say this... you can call me Cid, Wedge"

"Oops... sorry about that. So what do you think Gregor would do to the city and the company?"

"I don´t have any idea, however it can´t be good... sigh" 


In fact that was truth. If the empire were controlling Gregor then, all of Tecnais will be in great peril. I feel inside myself remorse, remorse for not being able to stop  Gregor... 


"Cid look at this!"


Wedge pointed at the big window as we moved on the sky, far away, but visible for us, the Empire´s airship float was moving to Northeast. 

" Are they....?...."

" Looks like they finished with Alquilea... " 

I closed my hand as a fist. I put strengh on it.. I don´t know... perhaps... I  was the one to blame for all of this.....


- - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The tentacles were fading one by one, becoming a purple dust in front of our eyes. I moved, avoiding the attacks of Kraken near Illeana, Ramuh did the same as me, Mog was still covering us with his Blizzara spell. As the monster was of water type, i really doubted that the attacks of Mog did a lot of damage to it. By the oppose, Ramuh´s attack were faster and effective, as I finished of one tentacle, he has already finished three of them. 


He was good, I must admit it, however, the weather wasn´t helping us. Just on that moment the monster began to shine. 


"What is it doing!?" Ramuh said confused for a moment. 

"Looks like it´s gonna do something, get ready kupo!" 

"Reyner... " Illeana was shaking, as if she felt something. 

"Alright everyone! let´s finish it off! Ramuh, use your lightning on him!" 

"Got it!"

"Illeana, Mog, cover us from behind!"

"Sure, kupo!"

"A... Alright"


Said this I began to run at the monster´s body then I moved my arm up high, sword in hand, I slashed the monster vertically, as i began to move faster, slashing and slashing as fast as i can. I could her Ramuh shouting "Thundara!" more than one time. He was attacking as well as we began it, however, just for our surprise, a big blast of power shacked us and sent us flying over the deck, just near Mog and Illeana.


"Ngrr... what..."

"Reyner! Ramuh!"

" Hang on, Kupo!"

"! ... Look back!!"


I said as i looked the Kraken getting closer. It was our end, if he attacked us once more..... I turned to everyone just in that moment, Ramuh, Mog, Illeana... all of us were dead if he attacked us. That´s when that happened. 



" Illeana? "

" I won´t let you hurt them! "


Her hair began to shine, in a green pale color... it was gorgeous... but at the same time, it was shocking. All her body was covered in a pale green glow... she began to walk to the monster, as if she was on a fiend, calm. 


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"Illeana! turn back!!"

"Illeana! kupo!"


Ramuh, even Mog were worried as me. She was insane! walking at that huge thing, It would kill her! I tried to get up but the pain was strong.... 


"illeana! don´t do that!


The Kraken lifted up one of it´s remaining tentacles, and launched it at Illeana. She was dead, or she was if she didn´t use that... that power, all the pale green gleam turned onto a shield, it was magic, for sure, but ... what kind of magic.... She began to move faster and then she charged all her energy on the enemy´s mouth. With only that word: Sanctus!! 


A big green blast, illuminated the area, as if the storm stopped just for a moment... many green pale orbs were floating and moving at fast speed, crashing on that monster, it was like a meteor shower, hitting onto it. In that moment... we were launched out of the ship by the impact force.... 




What happened next... I don´t remember....




... "hey... are you alright?"

"look! he´s reacting!"



I slowly opened my eyes... i could hear a noise like a machine, an engine, perhaps... in front of me, a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, wearing a blue miter, and a young man, black hair and blue eyes, wearing a suit, were looking at me. He then began to talk.


"Hey.... looks like you are fine, you all were lucky that we passed just on that place... after all it was impossible not to see that light."

"Light..... !"


That´s when i reacted to that word. 

"Illeana!! Where is she?"

"Oh that lady with orange hair? is sleep on another room. The others are there too."

"I.... I see... "


How we survived... One thing I can say for sure. It was a miracle. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

End of Chapter 8.

Next chapter: The rapier master: Audrey

Edited by Daniel Black

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Chapter 9 .- The Master of Rapier: Audrey


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I Tried to get up of that bed, somehow I was almost healed... just like... magic. Then I turned to the girl of the blue miter. A bright blue light was shining on her hands.. as she put them on the body of an unconcious Ramuh, She said Cure, and in that moment the light covered all his body... It was different from the spell that Illeana used in the desert, maybe... not all the spells are the same... that was what I thought. 


Then the young man of the suit entered the room, then he behgan to talk to me.


"Reiner, right? How are you feeling?"

"Fine... thanks... Emmm...."

"Oh sorry. I haven´t introduced yet. I´m Cid. Cid Teimes." 


Somehow... I have heard that name before.... however I couldn´t remember at that moment... 


"Oh Cid, How is Zola?" The girl of the blue miter asked. 

"She´s awake already. A little tired but she´s alright Sarah."

"Really? ahh what a relief.."

"Hey can you come for a second?" He said to me.


I get up of the bed, and then began to walk, following Cid to the next room. There, Illeana was sleeping, she looked like a little girl, with an innocent smile on her face.. she must be dreaming with something good, I thought for a second, on the other side, another girl was on a bed. Well not a girl exactly. She was around 20 years, golden hair and blue eyes. Next to her, on a chair to the side of the bed, it was a bunch of clothes, all of these were white, with red decorations on it. As it looked, she was a white mage from Rausten. 


Rausten was the religious state. A Theocracy ruled by Pontif Alustor, under the rules of Divine Judgement. The Divine Judgement was a kind of protectors of the  old religion of Rausten, the Luminaire. Their belief in gods as their protectors, living within the Holy Tower. Just as legends said, the gods created the tower as a way to save humanity from the Dark Core. However, they were just legends. However, their religion spread quickly around the world, having many churchs and Cathedrals on all the nations. However... what was a hurt White Mage doing here?


"Who is she?" I sked to Cid.

"She is a friend of mine..."

"Zola... are you ok?"

"Cid... How long I was asleep?"

"Just a few hours. What happened on Rausten?"

"... Audrey... Audrey Ravenarg"

"Audrey!! But she was on the capitol. How did she?"

"... I don´t know..." 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - 


The red walls of the palace were always the same, at least for me. How many years have passed since I took my first mission? I don´t remember exactly... I crossed the gardens and netered into the Main Gate to the Great Hall. Like always, the big red crystal tower up on the castle, illuminated the night over the city of Saronia. I liked that light... it was like am shrine of hope for the citizens.... however... it became a symbol of destruction.


I crossed the corridor and finally reached the two big doors of wooden, decorated with golden lines like flames. The guardians opened the doors, allowing me the entrance, i walked to the middle of the corridor, and then I reached the staircase, I bowed at his Highness, who was sit on the throne like always. His grey eyes always looking like a wise man. He was my father but still that look into his eyes..... Then I began to talk...


" Your Highness. The Theocracy of Rausten is yours to command."

" As expected, General Audrey. Your abilities are exceptional."

" The Pontif and A group of White Mages were arrested and are held prisioners on Luminus City, as you asked for."

" Very well, Audrey. You are dismissed"

"Just one more thing, your Highness"


Said this i put my hand inside my pocket, moving it a little, I grabbed a certain item inside it. I pulled out to the sight of him, it was a deep blue round crystal. covered into light... 


" I reclaimed this from the place. As well I saw her..."

" This... this is... The Heart of water!!" How did you!!?"

" Princess Sarah from Alquilea was taking refuge on Luminus, however, she escaped alongside a white mage."

" You let her escape!!?"

" I´m sorry your Highness." For a second... I thought he was about to incinerate me with his eyes... however he looked at the crystal now in his hands.... 


" We will take care of that later. I expect your report on the morning. You can leave now. "

" Yes your Highness."


Said this i walked outside of the Throne Room. When I was out, I took a long and deep breath... I was nervous at this... that crystal was one of the legendary crystals, alongside with our Burning Soul, the Spirit of Earth and the Sky wind Crystals, these were the center of legends and myths of the Ancients... but why Father want the Crystals? 


I walked to the East Wing of the castle, there were a room, my room for be exactly. I opened the door, taking a look at it, the red curtains and the white walls it was... confortable. I looked at my right and there were my desk, just like i leaved in the afternoon. It was almost midning... I wondered how things worked for Draco and Leo... I really hoped they were alright.


I took seat on my desk and I began to write my report for the officers and militia. The report was simple... just I needed to explain the operation, number of loss and retrievals. If only I could say... what I really feeled inside me....


- - - - - -  - - -  - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - -- 


It was a bright room just like clouds on the sky, you could hear the birds sing around... the pillars were decorated with stained glass, forming figures like shines of light. All in a white, green pale and sky blue color. The floor was also white and plain divided into squares forming the symbol of the Rausten Theocracy. It was of course the Throne Room, Sarah and I arrived from Alquilea, thanks to my Teleport spell... Sure i had practiced it before... but still it was one risky to use. But then something called out my attention...



"What´s wrong, Zola?"

" It´s too quiet..."

"Well is Rausten, surely the people are praying or something..."

"Not this room... this place is always a mess with sound... but now..."


Even the Pontiff wasn´t here. He always was here so that was weird... too weird.. but then I heard footsteps coming from the main entrance. I pulled out my staff, If that was just another white mage or a cleric it was alright.. however...


"Be ready..." I said with a loud voice to Sarah....


But then for my surprise, it was one that I didn´t expected. Yesterday I meet her on the church in Saronia, by view... her long blonde hair like a long ponytail, tied with a pointy blue tiara. her red clothes and her rapier holding on her belt. Audrey Ravenarg was here.


"Mmm... surely I didn´t expect someone else here...."

"... Audrey! What are you doing here?!"

" Heh...  sage Zola, I thought you were in Saronia... traveling here usually took about 5 days on ship." She said with a clever face. Of course, I never said that I was a White Mage, that would have been suicide in the Imperial Capitol. But if she was here then...


"What do you what with Rausten, Audrey?" I said with a serious face.

"I don´t have time. However, as you tricked the Empire.. I think I will need to fix that mistake." She said as she pulled out her rapier. 


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I looked at Sarah on that moment, she also pulled out her own staff, ready to battle as well. She was a general from the Empire, what we could do against her? Looking at Audrey I began to speak. 


"I what you to run if something goes wrong, alright?"

" But... "

"Trust me... she is dangerous..." Then I walked at Audrey, checking my guard everytime. 

"Hehehe... this will be quick"


Said this, Audrey launched herself at me at fast speed, I blocked the slashes of her rapier. It was too quick to follow with. Quickly I used my spell. " Holy chain!", then I ran moving the green pale orbs of magic at her, but she began to block them with her sword.


"It´s that all what you got? Ancients!"


Then she maded a vertical and horizontal move, slashing and cutting my cape. It was too quick.. even for the Holy chain to work. I was launched at the floor. like if I was tackled by a bunch of Chocobos*. I tried to get up as far as I could...


"So.. are you pretending to defeat me with magic and a staff? Ridiculous! but don´t worry, it will end soon...."

Sha sai while walking at me at a slow pace. But then... "Holy!"


Suddenly a big blast hit near Audrey making her retreat a little..

"Sarah! don´t get closer... Ahhh!!" 

Yes... that was my mistake.....


"Sarah? Well well well... how lucky I am. Could you be Princess Sarah, from Alquilea?"

How fool I was! revealing her identity TO HER!!? That´s when quickly moving I grabbed Sarah and used Teleport... It was too quick...  Then ....


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


"That´s all what I remember..."

"I see Zola... Well you are safe now, don´t you? Just rest for a while... " Cid said with a calm voice. However Sarah wasn´t quite calm as them...

"Something wrong?" I asked to her 

"Reiner´s right... you look pale....what happened?"

"The crystal.... I lost the crystal!"



- - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - -- - 


Ironically.. It was luck indeed... when both of them teleported, something fell on the floor.. I reached it slowly and grabbed it with my hand...It was blue like the sea... and it was warm... and seeing it trasmitted .... peace...just like... the crystal in home. "Could this be?" I quickly keeped it on my pocket.. that´s when she arrived... 


"Everything alright, her young Highness?"

" I have done everything with Rausten... I leave it on your hands.... Nerissa."

"As you wish milady"


End of chapter 9


Chocobo: chocobo  is a fictional creature from the Final Fantasy universe. The creature is a large and normally flightless bird with a resemblance to galliformes and ratilles, capable of being ridden and otherwise used by peopleWhile most chocobos that appear in the games are yellow, certain rare breeds are of different colors and have special abilities, including being able to fly or use magic. Chocobos are also occasionally used as lightly armored war mounts, assisting their riders in battle with their beak and claws. 

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(Well... time to get back to business.)

Chapter 10: Divided Paths.

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The world flows in so many ways... just like people chance, so does the world itself.

Happiness, joy, dreams, hope, everything gives shapes of the future itself... but when the world fell on nothing else except a strong line of death and despair... that´s when the world is destined to no other thing than fall. 


- - - - - - - - - - 


Reiner stood up at the side of a sleeping Illeana. She was cute as her orange hair become fluffy and dizzy as she dreamed. Reiner felt inside guilty, If he were more strong, strong enough to defend her... maybe she were awake already. 

"... What should I do?"


He said as he checked his pocket in search of something, when he found it, he pulled out it from his bag. It was a green spiky stone, he played with it a moment and then he pulled it inside again.


"I wonder how everyone in Windfall will be doing... They must be rebuilding everything after the attack of the empire... yet still"


He was saying to himself when someone knocked the door. a female voice of certain white mage called out. 


"Reiner, it´s me zola. Cid want us to get to the Control Room" 

"Alright, I´ll be there in a minute."


Reiner then leaved Illeana to rest, taking a look at her one more time, he closed the room´s door, walking the wooden corridor to the control room. Somehow the engine noise become something familiar, relaxating, as he pushed another wooden door, he entered in the control room, even when the steam around flowing you could see all the mechanism around it. Gear and tubes, and another devices. Tecnais was known as the developver of the steam technology, helping to make a better world for everyone, but also helped to the empire to reach his own purpose. When he stopped looking around him, he took a look in front, there were Zola and Cid, alongside Wedge who was driving the airship all the time. Cid, making a funny face began to talk.


" Well, looks like you are feeling better, just the perfect timing."

" Perfect timing?"

" Yes, we need to discuss what to do now." Cid said, changing his face for a serious one, then Zola began to talk.

" As we know, the Empire Ravenarg is seeking the Crystals, and he has three of these already."

" Three? What about Tecnais´s Crystal?" Reiner said confused.

" Well, thanks to my security design, I only can get off the Crystal from his chamber. It was a tiny trick my family maded up just for a event of this would happened" Cid said, then he turned his mouth to a happy smile.

" I would pay 10000000 of Gil just to see Gregor´s face right now, trying to get the crystal, Hahahahahahahahhaha"


He began to laugh, as he imagined that face of frustration. 


"Cid..." Zola said with a moody face. 

"Oh right, sorry about that. anyway, we need to decide what to do now. And we have two ideas..."

"Well then what are these ideas you have? " Reiner said with curiosity on his tone. 

"As you know, the Empire must be seeking for erasure of all the ancients, so their next goal must be the Western Isles."

"The western Isles? Why there?"

"The dragon village." Cid said with a serious face.

"Dragon...village? but the dragons were...."

"Protected by Rausten." Zola said interrupting Reiner as eh was about to say they were eliminated. then she began to talk. "The dragons were just like the moogles, people who can transform into the myth beast you must know. When the empire chased them, Rausten took and then hide them from the world, just in the western Isles, safe of the reach of the Empire, but now than they have airships..." Zola´s face then become one of worry.


"So let me guess, you want to save the dragons." Reiner said calm.

"Then we have the other thing. The town of the schoolars, Filden; It´s said to have many information about the ancients, so it would be a good place to find out why the empire needs the crystals and for what purpose." Cid said as he turned to the window, looking the nightsky reflected on the sea below them. 


"So... we need you and your friends to help us." Zola said as she turned to Reiner. "If we go to one place and the empire goes to the other we will waste a chance in both cases, so we thought on split all the group into two parties. One leaving to the Dragon village and other to Filden."


Reiner became serious again. If he was to accept or decline the proposal... but what about his friends? what would they want to do? and what about Illeana? she would be alright? Reiner´s mind was lost on his thoughts, however one thing was sure of it: Than he won´t allow the Empire to do more damage.


"I´ll go. But I can´t answer for my friends. You will need to wait for their answers tomorrow."

"Alright we understand." Cid said.

"Alright then, I need to do arrangements for tomorrow." Zola said moving to the hallway. "You should rest a little Reiner."

"Yeah... I suposse."

Said this, Reiner leaved the Control Room too.


" Will this..will this really? " Cid thought as he looked the sky again. 

" Sir, you must rest too, leave the travel for me." Wedge said, but then he noticed his mistake as he saw Cid´s face.

" I give up with you Wedge." he caid putting his hand on his face of frustration. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - -  


It was cloudy... you could hear the noise of blast coming from a huge airship, walls and buildings colapsing, smoke coming from the burning houses, the steps of soldiers marching at hurried pace, with weapons in hands. you could hear the echoes of people running to safety, as a girl with orange hair and blue clothes looks at the horizon, holding his hand onto a big green crystal with a mysterious glow. Alongside her, many people were holding the crystal as well.. just when everything goes blank ... as well as the echoes of the word... Sanctum....



Suddenly Illeana woke up, with a pale look and her heart´s pulse accelerated. She was sweating and also she has tears on her eyes...

"Was... that a dream?"

Then she turned to her right. There on the chair in the corner an sleepy Reiner were laying. 

"Was only a dream... was only a dream..." she said to herself.


- - - - - - - - - - - 

It was morning already, just when Reiner opened his eyes, that´s when he noticed that Illeana wasn´t there. He got up of the chair and walked outside of the room, walking on the corridor again to the room where Mog and Ramuh were resting, but no one was there too. He reached out the Control Room, there were Mog, Ramuh and Wedge. 


"So you are awake. kupo!"

"Looks like You have a hard night, isn´t it?"


"Where is everyone?" Reiner asked to them. " Well, the girls are changing their clothes. As for Cid..." Ramuh was saying when from the machinery someone arise. The high class suit that cid used, now was a full engineer attire with a blue jacket and grey pants. He turned out to the group and then: 

"Sorry guys. The engine was failing so I needed to fix it." He said while moving to the control panel, directed by Wedge. 


"Everything alright, Wedge?" 

"Yes... all normal he- what the!?"

Then all of a sudden a noise like a beep came of from nowhere. It was a radar marking one, two, not, five elements coming closer to the airship. 

"What is this...?" Wedge exclaimed all surprised...

"The Imperial fleet!" Cid said all shocked and moved. "We need to move now! Wedge, All potence to the turbine!!" 

"Yes sir!!"


Said this, wedge began to move in the panel some levers and buttons. Then the engine began to move faster as well the steam around became more stormy. In just a few seconds, the speed of the airship aumented too much. 

"Zola! we have to go!!" Cid shouted as he keep on his bag the guns and ammo he brought from Tecnais. 


Then from the corridor, Zola, and sarah came first, each one of them with a new suit, just for travelling. Behind them, a now short haired Illeana walked into the room she was beautiful for Reiners eyes already. But now as a plus the new look of Illeana moved Reiner. "Are you blushing, Kupo?" Mog said with a sarcastic smile. "Ehhh no, not really" Reiner answered trying to come back to senses again. "Well are you ready?!" Cid exclaimed as the ship moved across the ocean. 

"I´m still thinking it´s a bad idea!" Sarah said as she looked at the side window on the room. 

"We have no time for this. Reyner, Mog! Go with Zola to the Dragon Village! The rest will go to Filden!"


Said this the groups formed in a moment. Just then Illeana turned to Reiner, and with a sad face she said "Be careful", "You too" he answered. 

"Wedge! Be careful too" Cid said while looking at the rest.

"You bet, Sir!!


Then the two groups grabed hands with Zola and Sarah, then in one moment after another the word "Teleport" sounded across the room. After that... the noise of the engines and the gear and steam, all of it dissapeared... as well the menace of the Empire Ravenarg.... for the moment. 


- - - - - - -  - - - - - - 

"Let´s the game begin then..." A voice said while a strange purple glow began to shine on the dark... the glow revealed the form of a orb... on the hands of someone who´s only visible part in the darkness were those purple eyes.... those purple eyes reflecting nothing but darkness....


End of chapter 10.

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