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Sometimes You Should Just Shut Up

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Hey guys, I just wanted to talk with you guys about a little thing that went down at school today. It's been bugging me, and what better way to get over something than by talking about it on the Internet?



So, there's a guy at my school who can't really control his temper, and is known to throw fits and literally start throwing things from his shoes to a chair. EVERYONE knows this. Today at lunch, I'm not exactly sure what happened, so I'm going to put what from my view first, then what little I learned later.


I'm eating lunch, and about two tables down there's a group of sort of nerdy boys. Among this group is the afore mentioned boy who has anger issues (Kid 1), and another who has a the same problem, but a bit milder (Kid 2). I look over, and I see a crutch swinging out at Kid 2, and he is obviously freaking out. So does everyone around him. Apparently, Kid 1 is on crutches and is swinging them at people. A milk carton or shoe or something flies across the room. Some girls are screaming and everyone is sensibly backing away. Around is here is when I start to get annoyed at everyone. They're mocking Kid 1. 


Finally, a janitor splits the two up, although there is a police officer on the other side of the room who is eating his lunch. The rest of lunch is a bit more peaceful, aside from the fact that a group of normally giggly girls walk over there and interrogate Kid 2, because they need the details for the rumors that will inevitably spread before the next period. I walk a bit faster to my class, because even though I'm not scared of being hit in the face by a crutch, I don't want any drama. On the way down, I can hear people teasing and taunting Kid 1. I don't blame him for getting angry, if people were doing that to me, I hit 'em too! However, there is one guy, bless him, Kid 1's friend maybe, who is trying to keep everyone away from him.


Of course, the classroom is locked and Kid 1 and 2 have classes in the same hallway as me. Everyone else starts to come in, but a few wander to Kid 1's class to . . . what? See him, then laugh and run away? Mock him? Jee, I wonder why he got so mad.


The teacher unlocks the door, and everyone floods in quickly, scared. I don't why, maybe Kid 1 looked at them. Everyone's freaking out, and the teacher is obviously annoyed at their over-reaction like me. I mention to my table-mates in frustration: "Maybe if everyone just left him alone, he won't start hitting people! If someone taunted me like that, I'd punch them too." Only one girl responds saying something about Kid 1 being scary and that we should into lock down or something. I am seriously annoyed now.


The class is still freaking out but laughing, saying we should go into lock-down (like that would help, even if there was a real threat). One boy, a class clown, says that he really needs to go to the restroom, but since Kid 1 might be in the hallway, its too dangerous, of course! The teacher asks sarcastically if he wants her to walk down the hallway with him. He reluctantly walks out with people snickering. I say in annoyance "It's not like he walking into a mine-field." the girl from earlier says "But Kid 1 might be out there." Now, I really think I'm to walk to the front of the room and tell everyone what idiots they are.


Next period, I tell my really good, awesome friend what happened. She somewhat agrees with me about everyone's reaction.



Later, I learned that on the way down the hall after lunch, Kid 2 is telling Kid 1 to not walk too close to the lockers (are you supposed to avoid walls on crutches?) because he might hurt himself. Kid 1 tells him to shut up. Kid 2 backs off slightly, but tells him to watch out, and again the reply is 'shut up'. I know he was trying to be nice, but sometimes the nicest you can do for someone is to be quiet and leave them be.


So, what do y'all think? I think that everone was annoying Kid 1 on purpose and get away with him throwing a fit, because they were 'just trying to talk to him'. No, you weren't. You knew you were annoying him.


AGH! As you can tell, I'm not exactly fond of my peers. It felt good to type that though.

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I know how the kid feels. I was like that until sophmore year really. I am pretty mellow now thabkfully...but I hate these stories. Bullying is wrong. Your peers deserve to have their asses handed to them by him to be honest.Sorry you have a crappy school.

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I know from personal experience that the angrier you get, the more exciting and fun it is for everyone else.  If people were legitimately afraid of Kid 1 then they'd know better than to start anything with him.  His overreacting is hilarious to everyone else so they exploit it.  This is a guy who apparently has a history with going nuts and throwing tantrums (and objects), in a culture full of little shits and the people who know better but usually can't do much about it.  So, your peers are stupid, but Kid 1 has some things to work out.  If his behavior isn't acceptable in a place like high school, imagine how he'd fare in the working world where people expect you to have your act together.

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It's just ridiculous. I used to have a hair trigger temper and every stinking day someone would go out of their way to tick me off and then straight up lie to any teacher who asked what had happened. Like kid 1 probably ended up, I'd always be the one in trouble! It's like a bunch of sharks with blood in the water. They sense a kid has a temper/is having a bad day and then they attack! That alone makes me feel disgusted to be a human, but what's worse is half the time it's just for the $#&% RUMOR MILL!! Sometimes I swear High School kids are worse than two year olds with picking on people.


I could probably rant for a while yet, but I'll finish here.

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I know from personal experience that the angrier you get, the more exciting and fun it is for everyone else.  If people were legitimately afraid of Kid 1 then they'd know better than to start anything with him.  His overreacting is hilarious to everyone else so they exploit it.  This is a guy who apparently has a history with going nuts and throwing tantrums (and objects), in a culture full of little shits and the people who know better but usually can't do much about it.  So, your peers are stupid, but Kid 1 has some things to work out.  If his behavior isn't acceptable in a place like high school, imagine how he'd fare in the working world where people expect you to have your act together.



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