itsamemariomario 107 Posted February 9, 2013 "You might wanna take it easy." Nachi said, putting her hand on his shoulder to make sure he stayed down. "What happened?" Nachi was totally in the dark here. She has practically no idea what was going on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted February 9, 2013 Ryka touched the ground, shaking with fear. She turned yail and ran, heading home. Her new friend was missing. Her school destroyed. And Rai was agitated. So she ran home. She never stopped for breath. She juat ran. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 9, 2013 Skylar released his over zoul and dropped to help Matrix who was laying on the ground with a broken leg. "are you okay?" Matrix looked up at Skylar, "yeah im fine but... my leg...." Matrix tried standing up but feel. "its broken..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted February 9, 2013 (Yeah, Matrix's leg is TOTALLY broken. ) Chase~ "I'm not to sure.... all I remember was getting wings....crashing...... falling.... and finally....... saving you......" Chase smiled as he passed back out. The sunlight ripped through what was left of the dark clouds. The sunlight shined against the two who had escaped. Chase's body emitted a slight glow. ================================================================================================================================ Elie~ She woke up in her bed, confused to how she got there. "How did I?" she felt like smiling, and so she did. "Whatever it was... it sure was crazy...." she grabbed her phone and looked at the time. It was only 11:30 a.m.. " what..." She closes her phone and lays in bed. Rain... she was dreaming, seeing it rain heavily onto her and the area around her. A baby-like serpent fell to her gently as she caught it with care. "You are my power... please....let me help others who need it..." the baby serpent squee'd lightly and formed into her body. ========================================================================================================================= Lane x He stood up, his form barely there anymore. "Shit...." he looked around and saw that not everyone was here, but the ground had been moved. "So....he was here... like he said.....bastard..." Lane eventually snuck away, being able to live another day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted February 9, 2013 Nachi sighed, Chase passed out again. "Gosh. I'm hungry. I'd go see if there was any food around here, but I can't leave Chase here alone..." Nachi said to herself as she sat against the wall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CloakedSchemerX 1,011 Posted February 9, 2013 Joshua fell back and sunk slightly into the sand, unable to move any further away from that spot. In fact, even falling back into the sand hurt a little bit. (Looks like I'm all alone...) he thought rather sadly. (I'll just have to sleep here until I can move again.) He continued as he lied down in the sand with all hope lost. Everyone else was already gone, even the man and his Golem. Joshua just tried to sleep in sorrow, pain, and fear. Afterwards, Joshua would work against the enemy alone. But...who was the enemy...? Maybe different from the rest... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted February 9, 2013 Ryka burst into her home, luckily running directly into her elder sister, Ellie. Ryka clutched her, sobbing a bit. Ellie blinked, confused, but carefully hugged her little sister. "Um. You alright?" Rika shook her head. Ellie sighed. Great. "Everything ok?" Ellie looked over to the staircase to spot Jeremy walking down, earbuds hanging around his neck. She shrugged. Jeremy sighed, walking up to rub his little sister's hair. "Guess not." Lightning discharge. She is slightly charged. Rai has used some of his power. You sure Raiden? You do know who you're talking to, right? Point taken. Jeremy sighed. What next? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 9, 2013 Skylar just appeared out of the shadows of the wall that Nachi and Chase were setting up against. "Hey... thanks for getting him out of there." Matrix was on his shoulders, Skylar was carrying him because of his broken leg. Leo began to dig through the rubble looking for Neena. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted February 9, 2013 "Hey... Who are you guys? Like, name wise. I'm Nachi, you may have known that. Seems like everyone does." Nachi laughed a little. "I've seen you guys around before. Never stopped to really say anything. Chase was up a couple minutes ago. He just passed out again." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 9, 2013 "I'm Skylar" He began... "I just a guardian of this city. I protect this place from hosts with OverSouls just like those three that destroyed your school. I sensed their arrival yesterday and i felt them heading to the school. They are after your friend here. They want his OverSoul..... the phoenix..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted February 10, 2013 "Oh.... What's on over-soul?" Nachi said to Skylar. (Short post. .-.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 10, 2013 Skylar set Matrix down and propped him up against the wall next to Chase. "An OverSoul is a special type of soul; this soul has a mind of it's own and chooses it's who it want's to be with. Each OverSoul is in the form of an animal; like that man in white is a dragon and Chase here is a phoenix Also the special thing about it is that there is only one of each animal. Each OverSoul has abilities that relate to there animal form. Chase is a phoenix so he has fire and flying abilities and my OverSoul is a crow so mine a shadows and flying." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted February 10, 2013 One of the waken parties (Nach and Skylar) might have detected his approach. It was hard to not follow them; the electrical residue left by Lane's blatant disregard for public safety by use of lightning bolts (aka massacre with lightning). And following residue of massive electrical warfare was Raiden's specialty. Jeremy turned the corner and stood easy, hands in his pockets and was somewhat relaxed. "Mostly correct, Skylar. But tell me...what about a creature with multiple types?" He said, grinning. His teal eyes flashed a gold color. Sneaking up on people. I thought...ohwait. nope. We're outnumbered. Oh pipe down Raiden. We're not here to fight them. I smelled the remnants, faint remnants of dragon on Ryka. They might think it was is, or that we are affiliated withf whoever caused Rai to fight. Jeremy frowned a bit, paying attention to the group as well as thinking. Raiden was right. This could get ugly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 17, 2013 Skylar turned to face Jeremy "Multiple? As in more than one element? Because i just explained myself....... if your talking about more than one OverSoul than that is impossible; unless for some strange reason you have more than one soul in one body but I seriously doubt that is possible." Skylar exclaimed. (Soory i didn't post before -_-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted February 17, 2013 "You said the man was Dragon. The correct answer...was Dragon of Earth." Jeremy smirked. "There is more then one Dragon...can't you tell?" He asked, leaning against the wall. (Np mate. Now go post in KH Revelations D:< ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 17, 2013 Skylar looked down, "Hmmm......... True... but they are rarer then ..."He looked over at Chase. "Well....him." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CloakedSchemerX 1,011 Posted February 17, 2013 Joshua slowly woke up in the same place as he slept. Alone in the sand where the Golem was before, where the man in white and Joshua's other peers were. Where Lance massacred so many people and almost killed Joshua as well. Joshua twitched his fingers a little bit, and slowly stood up. "I can actually stand now...." He mumbled to himself with a bit of relief and plenty of sadness in his voice. (I need to find that man from before. Nothing else to do, nowhere to go, and no one to go with....) Joshua thought to himself as he limped a few steps ahead before regaining his ability to walk. (But, where could he be?) He thought while wandering around in search of the 'man in white'. Joshua walked around in search with his eyes unusually sadistic and cold. He was against no enemy, and with no allies...did he even need to bring himself into this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted February 17, 2013 "Another dragon, rarer then the phoenix? I thought that was rarer." Jeremy chuckled. "So. I'm extremely rare?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 17, 2013 Skylar shook his head"No his type of dragon is different than your dragon. He is not the Dragon of the element of earth....he is the Dragon of The Earth. There are five levels of the rareness of OverSoul......D)-Normal animals, C)- Elemental Dragons, B)- Mystic Uniques,A)- the Two Dragons; the dragon of earth and the dragon of heaven, and then S)- the one....i have only heard myths of the one. The One was the first Over Soul ever." He looked at the two injured boys against the wall. "I am a rank D and your a C,.... Chase is a B and the man back there is an A." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted February 17, 2013 Nachi got up and looked at them. All of this was confusing. "Well...... I was in a dark corner the whole time. I never knew about any of this." Nachi said to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted February 17, 2013 "So... that would explain that crazy feeling I had before I passed out the first time." Chase stood up slowly, holding his arm. "It was a dragon's power..." He cringed. His body was exhausted and needed rest, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted February 17, 2013 "A dragon far more powerful then me and Raiden. Raiden can still detect the residual energy he exerted. Not a lot..." jeremy sighed. "You guys seen a red-haired shy girl with a solid metal cross on her hip by any chance?" He asked. Maybe they'd explain why Raiden felt Rai's remnant electrical power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted February 18, 2013 "Skylar shook his head...."Sorry.....But i do think we should keep moving, most likey out of this city. He will be back to get him so we need to keep moving... we're not stroung enough to fight him." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CloakedSchemerX 1,011 Posted February 18, 2013 "Where is he...?" Joshua said aloud in reference to the man in white. He needed answers. Whether he'd get them or not, it'd be nice to at least confront him. I wasn't so confident about getting the answers, actually. But I had no other option, and nowhere to go. "Is it this hard to find a white-dressed man with a Golem?" Joshua said, despite him being dressed in almost pure-white as well. Even his pants were just...white and formal, rather than simplistic blue jeans. Joshua sighed and continued searching. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted February 18, 2013 Chase~ He nodded. Was moving on the only way to do things? I should tell my parents before I even try to leave or anything. "Hold on... could I be taken home real quick.. I need to tell my parents where I am heading." Chase asked. ========================================================================================================================= ????~"Do you refer to me, boy?" The man in white sat casually on a bench across the street from Joshua's position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites