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OverSoul =RP=

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VERY UNLUCKILY, Yukikuro just HAD to be in the class with the vicious Lane. Thankfully, she wasn't one of the other four people around her who ended up getting killed.

"Holy Shit..." she choked, almost laughing.

What was this person's problem? Then out of the blue the small little student with the blond hair and blue eyes managed to attack Lane, scaring Yukikuro to death. GREAT....she was probably the only uninjured student in the class. 

"Um...I'll be leaving now?" Yukikuro stated, grabbing only one thing and one thing only out of her bag, a small notebook that is very precious to her, maybe the only thing she has left from her 'parents'.

She climbed over her small desk, running full speed to the door, slamming it open she rushed through the halls, towards the front door. Yukikuro looked like an idiot, running out pretty fast.

"I am going back, going somewhere where no freaking asshole is." she snapped.

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"Wh-What the!?" she looked around, only seeing student begin to panic, running down the halls for their life. "Ryka, follow me!" she grabbed Ryka's wrist and ran through to the other side of the hall way. She threw herself and Ryka through the emergency exit stair case. "Lets go, quick!" she held Ryka's wrist the whole way. 





"What the..." he grabbed his chest, feeling a heat rise up inside him. "Hey Nachi, lets go and check it out." He spoke with a calm voice. 


What is this feeling.....i'm burning up on the inside... 





The giant fist knocked him into the wall and through it, but that didnt stop him. The amount of electricity ignited the room he was in, and a massive explosion blew out the two classrooms the two were in. The debris flew and covered the entrance, blocking Yukikuro's exit route. Lane's clothes and body had changed, though maintaining Human Form, his clothes and Aura had completely changed. "You shouldn't a done that you little Sh#t." Lane smiled insanely, and with lightning speed, stabbed the electrical claws between Joshua's head, and fried Joshua with immense power. 


Stage 2: Soreness and wooziness. 

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'Aww man....I am screwed....' Yukikuro thought, Yukikuro really at this point had no idea what to do.

"H-Hey! Over here~" she said, a bit slyly, using her inner soul to evaporate and reappear on the other side of the classroom. Yuki doesn't like using her oversoul too much, but she had too this time.

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<p>Matrix smirked. "Are you serious? Sorry but i don't fight chicks," He said with a cocky attitude and began to walk out of the school; Matrix actually didn't feel like going to class today. He didn't know why but today felt like just one of those days.</p>

Edited by Zephyr_320

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Ryka let Elie drag her out. She looked back.

"Electricity. There's electricity. Immense power...Rai, don't!"

Ryka yelped as her wrist heated up, a strange feeling rising. She looked up. Dark clouds. It was Rai's build. She might have to change...

"H-hey. W-where are w-we going?" She said. She had just met this girl. And now she was running for her life

Ryka heard some more shouting. She reachdd up to clutch Elie's wrist tightly. Something bad was happening...

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Joshua's eyes widened and his pupils shrunk, surprised at Lane withstanding the attack. Joshua was near-death now...he can only handle so much. Quickly growing pale from a lack of blood, amd the blood that remained was being shocked and boiled by electricity. "L-Lane...why are you...doing...this....?" Joshua asked slowly before coughing up blood that sizzled on the ground afterwards. After that, Joshua fainted. Hekatonkheir was still conscious though. The fist from before was summoned again, but larger. Black shadows surrounded Lane, materializing into more of Hekatonkheir's arms. Hekatonkheir-- the hundred handed one. These were his hundred hands. Clenching fists for a second or two, all of the fists went towards and pummeled Lane to a pulp, without stop.

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As the fists came, he created an electric field around him, allowing him to dodge the sudden death. His tail slashed the ground under him and revealed a circuit. "Well, I better charge up." He drained nearly all the power supply in the school's generator, causing to malfunction and explode, causing the corner torward the entrance to explode and make the building slightly tilt. "Everyone dies!! HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" with that, Lane disappeared. 




The explosion caused Elie to lose her balance and fall down a flight of stairs. She let go of Ryka before she fell though, that way to keep her safe. Elie was in pain though. "Ryka.... run..!" Elie yelled as she tried standing up. 


The explosion made Chase change his mind quicker then he thought. "This way!!" Chase grabs Nachi and breaks through a separate fire escape. "We need to get out of here before the building collapses!!" Chase rand down stares with Nachi. The Building began to tilt just a slight more. 

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Despite all of it, her shyness, the panc, Ryka ran down the flight of stairs and knlrt by Elie. "N-not w-without y-you." She stuttered, putting and arm under Elie's shoulders.

"W-we h-have to g-g-go n-now." She managed, trying to lift Elie to her feet. "Please." She added quietly. "Don't make memlose my only friend."

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With Lane's escape, the shadowy hundred-hands of Hekatonkheir dissipated and the shadowy remains were seemingly absorbed by Joshua. Fainted and unconscious, Joshua felt that Lane would survive, and probably kill him. Nothing to do here and now, though...he lied on the ground of the room, fainted.

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She limped with Ryka to wherever she was taking her. The building  tilted slightly more, and an explosion came from the top of the building. She pointed at places that would help the escape so much more faster and better. 



Chase and Nachi hit another exit door on the first floor. "There!!" He pointed at the entrance of the school building and ran with Nachi. The ceiling came down on it, closing it off. "NO!!!" Chases body ignited in flames as he charged and broke through the rubble, all in keeping Nachi unharmed. They were outside, finally free from the still collapsing building. 


How did I just...?


His body was surrounded in a flame-like energy, his clothes morphed with his form, making it as if he could have wings. He lowered Nachi on her feet carefully. "Are you alright?" he asked her. 




"Time for the finale!!" He busted through the roof of the school and began pooling dark clouds into a single point. He raised his claw and electricity began building into the sky, almost like a lightning bolt. "Let's see how you like this!!" Lane smiled crazily. 



Joshua's body fell into a bush of flowers. 

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(Sorry Yuffie, But i fixed it. )



Leo was up in a tree watching the school, his cat friends were everywhere doing their own things at the moment. Leo watch everything in the area. Neena at school, Matrix walking away and even the man in white. 'The suited fancy human smells funny... i don't think he's as normal as he is trying to lead on....' 

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"Cocky sonuva..." Neena muttered, and continued to the school. She didn't get far before seeing the place explode. "The hell happened!" Neena yelled, drawing her sword. It looked like some other oversouls had gotten out of hand. She ran in to the place, and looked for survivors to help. She ran into the building, listening for people. She heard someone yell "Ryka, run!" That was her cue. Neena ran to the voice, seeing a girl on the ground. She helped her stand up. "Come on, we have to get out of the building." she said, hoping the girl would trust her. Neena hoped that whoever Ryka was, she would either follow them, or was already out.

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The electricity came charging down towards Joshua, and the faded soul of a Hekatonkheir came from Joshua, taking the blast of lightning. It wasn't hurt though, the Hekatonkheir absorbed the lightning and brought it back to Joshua. The Hekatonkheir was a natural with lightning! Literally! The lightning healed Joshua dramatically and his eyes burst open-- one more volt and he would probably have a heart attack by now. The wounds were closed and the pain was healed, but lightning could never replace the blood Joshua lost. He was still pale and dizzy, as well as drowsy, yet Joshua still walked over to the building of the school. Joshua lifted his arms as two of Hekatonkheir's were summoned, for once mimicking the actions of Joshua. Joshua used the Hekatonkheir hands to demolish the rubble kf the school, not by crushing though. If he crushed it, more students would die. Instead, the Hekatonkheir threw it several places, mainly to Lane's energetic stream of lightning. Joshua and Hekatonkheir had wiped the rubble and debris of the school clean, leaving no danger for anyone else still here....except Lane.

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Ryka felt sore. She stumbled a bit.

"Rai...you sure?" She asked softly as the dark clouds pooled. She looked at Elie fearfully. Her friend could be hurt...at the girl with the sword who came and seemed to want to help.

"Ok Rai. You...do your thing?" She said. Ryka seemed to be talking to herself...but then the area seemed to crackle around her. She tightened her grip on Elie when she got there and grabbed Neena's hand

"This might shock you...I think." She looked away, taking a deep breath.



Electricial energy surrounded Ryka as her clothes morphed and...she grew wolf ears?

With electric blue clothes and her hair now down, she clung to Elie. "I have no clue what's going on so hang tight?"

With that, Ryka felt Rai begin to work, and then...she flew.

She freaking FLEW.

Right out a window, and set Elie and Neena on the grass. "Stay with her please.." She said quietly to Neena, rising back into the air. "Rai wants to fight this guy. He's hurting people...and I'm with him." She smiled bravely. "Be safe."


With that, Ryka rose and flew towards Lane, giving into Rai's instincts. Which told her to find a way to ground the incoming lightning.

No problems. She just used electricity to melt and snap a pole away and drive it into the earth before turning around to face Lane, hands balled into fists.

"Rai. Let's stop this jerk."

Rai's response was the shape of a wolf flashing in the clouds. Ryka smiled a bit stronger. "And I have no clue what I am doing Rai, so if I get killed, you can have my cupcake."


Ryka flew at Lane.

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Matrix was almost to the park when the school exploded behind him. "Wow! The one day i ditch the school explodes...."


Leo's eyes widened. "Neena!" He Charged into the school to save his fellow feline soul companion.


Skylar saw everything happen around him but remained in the shadows around him. 'I knew something was brewing.....' He vanished to a different part of the school.

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Elie~She saw her friend just morph in some kind of wear and fly off. She layed in the grass and surely enough, she slowly sank into the ground into a form of water, keeping herself safe. 


What is all this....




"HYAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" a lightning bolt, bigger than the building itself blasted down from the sky, blasting everything in a 3 km distance. The blast absorbed every ounce of electricity from anything running a current, meaning 1/2 the town immediately lost power. The School was completely gone, including the building itself. 




He covered Nachi with himself and his fire energy, protecting her from harm. His fire dispersed from his body, and chase passed out from pure exhaustion and loss of energy. 




The clouds cleared up, and the sky could be seen, the sun shining through the clouds. 

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Nachi caught Chase before he fell, almost falling because it was so sudden. What just happened? Everything was normal until they met, then everything changed (when the fire nation attacked.). What was going on?

"Chase???" Nachi said, trying to wake him. "Oh well."

Nachi looked around. No school.

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"NOOO!" Ryka screamed. "Rai!"

Her soul responded, encasing herself in electricity. The clouds stayed. "How dare you!"

She flew strsight at Lane, rage coursing through her. He just murdered an entire school for no reason. She was too late.

So close.

Ryka and Rai flew faster.


(I expect her to get knocked around >.> and I was hoping to redirect the blast to the metal pole in the ground. Aka impromtpu lightning rod.)


(And yuffie. I edited to include Neena. Sorry I missed your post!)

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Holy Cow...what a ride for Yukikuro, well...EVENTALLY, she was forcefully thrown out of the school building, hitting the lovely ground, unconscious. When she awoke, her bleeding had stopped but the wounds were still there, along with burns. She managed to stand up, turning pale doing so. Yukikuro bagan limping hopefully to somewhere people could help her.

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Joshua walked ahead, unbalanced, pale, weak, and exhausted, at the brink of fainting for the second time today. Ahead of him was Ryka attacking Lane. Joshua walked towards them, nearly stumbling to the ground. Looking to his left now, the two named Leo and Neena were in the distance. To his right was another survivor of Lane's first assault-- a girl named Yukikiro...Yukikoro...or something. Joshua didn't know who to help, or rather, if he COULD help. Looking back and forth from them his vision grew blurry.

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Leo was standing on the remains of the school watching the fighting around him. "Alot is happening.... who would think so many host bodies went to the same school..." He continued to search for Neena as he stayed aware of the conflict surrounding him.


Matrix rushed back to where the school once was watching the intense fighting around him. "Seems like there's actually a challenge here." He smirked.


Skylar stayed in the shadows. "Seems like they're still okay...."

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