Zephyr_320 65 Posted January 26, 2013 Martix- Matrix laughed "That's right! no one dares to face me." He gave of a cocky smirk as the bell signalling lunch was over rang, Matrix head back to class. 'I am I a great fighter or what?' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted January 26, 2013 School ended for the day. Chase made his way to the park, when that man from before, the man in all white and his cane was watching from a distance, always smiling. He simply read a book called "The way of the Two." A book by some famous guy. Chase sat at a bench and looked at his hands, seeing the past two people he put in hospital memories. It's nothing top worry about.... sheesh.. Chase decided to read while at the park. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted January 27, 2013 Nachi started off home, walking past the park on the way there. She decided to stop for a minute and feel the beauty of the day. She then sat under a tree, planning to leave in only a few short moments, not to worry her mother. She knew if she was late home her mom would probably freak out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 27, 2013 Ryka liked the bog oak in the park. There was a big sturdy branch that she could hide on, napping or reading, maybe some handheld gaming. She was just daydreaming, sitting there, slightly bored. "Why does it sucm being shy? You end up...alone..." She sighed, toying with her cross. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkaeroga 1 Posted January 27, 2013 After lunch ended Soma walked back to his class room and sat down. Man I wonder who that guy who kept winning was. I feel like I have seen hime somewhere before. Soma went through another lesson and left early for a certain appointment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted January 27, 2013 Just as school ended, Yukikuro stood up and headed out of the school, slowly walking down the road. Her parents weren't home yet so she headed to the park to start on her math homework. She sat down and pulled out her math book and began working. There were a lot of people there and she sword she's saw them before at her school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkaeroga 1 Posted January 27, 2013 Soma walked out of the dentists with a new toothbrush and plaque blocking toothpaste. Guess I should go to the park and sit under my favorite tree. When he got to the park he saw tons of his classmates there too so he only stayed for a few minutes then started to leave. He tripped over his Arctic Fox pet that got out in the morning. "Oh so this is where you were, you know you almost made me tardy today but I got to class just before they started to take roll, I knew buying you on my trip to Antarctica was a bad idea but I was so attached to you like was you." He started to go home with his fox. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted January 27, 2013 Soon school ended and wendy was free to go home. Finally, she thought as she made her way to home. The normal breeze around her was blowing again. I'm still curious as to why it's so windy all the time, she thought, the weather couldn't have stayed like this for so long. She past by a park was was located close to her home but kept going anyways. " Nah I should just head home..." she muttered to herself and paused before crossing the street. Leaves were swirling harshly around her feet. Wendy narrowed her eyes and they went faster. Odd, she thought as she turned around the corner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted January 27, 2013 "Looks like somebody cant hold there own cup of tea." A man in white spoke as Wendy turned the corner. Chase saw that a lot of his classmates were around. "Huh, looks like I'ts around that time." ...friends...the only friends i'd ever had transferred a long time ago... Chase sighed as he closed his book, picked up his bag, and began to leave, what he didn't know, was that he dropped his Cellphone on the ground. It was Blue, with black around everything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted January 27, 2013 Nachi decided it was time to leave, considering her mother and she started back. She crossed the park, noting her classmates, and continued on home. "I don't think I have to rush. It's about thirty minutes till I SHOULD be home." Nachi thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 27, 2013 Ryka pickd up the cellphone, and triee to call to the boy but choked up. She looked helplessly at the phone and slidit into hef messenger bag and "Dammit." Was all she could say as she started walking home. Her luck.Her rotten luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CloakedSchemerX 1,011 Posted January 27, 2013 (edited) (Sorry I haven't posted...) Joshua mostly tried to avoid people during school. Being eleven in a high school made him a primary target because it was 'easy' to mess with him. Perhaps he should have declined the offer to skip those Elementary grades. With a slight sigh, Joshua overheard the final bell and strolled over to the library-- a practical safe haven from the other kids. School ended, but the teachers wouldn't leave for a few more hours, so he decided to stay as well, in the library. Nowhere to go and nothing to do, he usually just stayed here and at the park or something. Still in the library, Joshua wandered through his favourite fiction section. Edited January 27, 2013 by CloakedSchemerX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted January 27, 2013 Matrix left school just went to the back for another fight but only about five people were there and he beaten them all. "Damn it!" He said and punch the school, craking a brick and a piece slide off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted January 27, 2013 With thirty minutes on her hands, she could do plenty of things, stay in the park, go back to school and see if the teachers needed any help, or just go straight home. But for some reason she wasn't compelled to do that. She decided she might go back to school and help around. That's what she liked doing the best. Walking toward the school, she saw the boy from earlier punching the school. "Hey!" She yelled at him. " Don't do that!" She walked down she pointed at the brick. "Why?" She said looking at him expectantly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted January 27, 2013 Chase got home, his parents happily greeted him and he did to them back. That's right, Chase had parents. DUNDUNDUN. He went into his room and fell into bed, passing out. 2 Lady Aleister and itsamemariomario reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CloakedSchemerX 1,011 Posted January 27, 2013 Joshua felt a small thud through the building of the school, as if a part of it had fell-- likely just a single brick though. "I know I'm going to regret this." Joshua mumbled and closed the book he was currently reading and walked over at the edge of a turn and saw an older student punch the wall. He was already getting scolded by another girl though. Noticing the boy, he seemed to be with all the fighters around there, so Joshua decided to stay at the edge of the corner, not wanting to get in a fight. (Oh...he's one of those kind of guys). Joshua thought to himself. (Better stay away from him....) He thought to himself in continuation. He slumped down on the wall, curious if anything would happen. (Nothing better happen. I'm a horrible fighter.) He thought as a memory struck hm suddenly.(The house was on fire. What had caused it? If only I knew. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled frantically and nervously as I ran through into the burning house, scurrying around in search of my family. I ran by the blazing rubble and debris of my room, seeing all of my books and toys burn in a seemingly endless flame-- melting with ease. The structure of the house was tumbling down and already blocked the exits with flames and debris. My feet and stomach had a horribly warm sensation of heat and pain. I stopped and fell to my knees in tears. "Someone...please...help..." I plead and saw past the watery fluid of my eyes and the blazing flames of the house...seeing the burnt remaining ashes of my parents-- being half disintegrated into mere ashy carbon and sulfur. The second floor came tumbling down and surrounded me, soon coming down from straight above me. At that time, a colossal black arm materialized and guarded from the falling debris. The rest is an extreme blur). That was when I was merely eight years old...three years ago, and that strange ability hasn't been seen by me since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zephyr_320 65 Posted January 27, 2013 Matrix started walking home but passed through the park, he didnt stop...just keep walking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted January 27, 2013 Forgetting about it, Nachi walked inside the school and helped a couple of teachers with their belongings and with some grading. Soon it was time to get back home. It was starting to get dark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkaeroga 1 Posted January 28, 2013 As Soma was laying on his bed in his home all alone he started to go over everything that happened that day which wasn't much but he still did it. "I wonder if tomorrow will be as boring as today, maybe even worse" He looked at his pet "God I hope not the world is never exciting". Soma went to his kitchen to make himself something to eat. He sat down and watched tv while eating. It was on an MMA fight, Soma finally brightened up and yelled at the screen with a retard type of excitement then calmed down when it ended. "That was the fight I was waiting for thank god I got home in time. Guess I should get to bed" Soma goes to sleep and has an action packed dream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 28, 2013 Ryka walked into the foyer of her home, closing the door behind her. Through the rotunda she could see the blonde hair of Izzy. She sighed, then started siddling to get down the hall into her room. She caught her elder sister's eye before slipping down the hall, leaving her siblings to watch the football game. She closed the dor behind her, then pulled out the cellphone she had found and looked at it helplessly. "Tgat guy goes to my school..." she blinked, then looked down nervously. "Why me." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted January 28, 2013 Soon Nachi made it to her house, her mother was pacing at the door, letting out a sigh when she showed up. Nachi climbed up the stairs and sat her things down, opening her backpack to get her books to study from while she was at it. She opened her book, studied for ten minutes, then fell asleep at the desk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted January 28, 2013 ------------------The Next Day----------------------- Chase woke up, only to not find his cell phone with him. "Craaaaaaa......" He realized it was gone. "Oh well.." He walked down stairs, ate breakfast with his family, then went off to school. The man in all white was walking along the road far away from Chase, smiling as Chase passed. "Well, I think today would be a great day to introduce my friend." The man in white smiled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsamemariomario 107 Posted January 28, 2013 Nachi woke up and gathered her things, not eating anything this morning. She walked down the stairs and walked out the door quietly, not to disturb her parents sleep. She walked down the street, ready for the day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 28, 2013 Ryka rolled out of bed. Literally. She hit the ground and then stood, yawning. She went about her morning, then grabbed the phone. Tucking it into her pouch, she grabbed her messenger bag and headed out, snagging a piece of toast from her older brother before walking out the door and heading to school."I hope he just takes it and lets me leave..." she said quietly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxZaxiz#9xX 12 Posted January 29, 2013 The man in white was acknowledging students as they walked by. One particular student went over to him, they shook hands, and the student left. "Such a lively bunch this morning." The man in white said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites