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Arya Stark

Ragnarok (RP)

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Monicca Slutcha and Loriana Smithron talked to each other in the forest for a short stroll. "I once used a toddler to kill a baby," Monicca replied. "I once killed two babies...Twins. With my bare hands," Loriana mumbled. "When I possessed a human, I made them get their family arrested, along with himself," Monicca said. "What are we going to do? Make more slaves from the new arrivals?" Loriana asked. "I guess," Monicca answered.

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(Hope you'll feel better :)




 "I'm getting to position, stay put Will." Olivia spoke into her walkie talkie as she ran up the stairs. "You have 10 seconds." Will replied. "Don't you dare kill that demon without me." Olivia growled as she made it to the roof of the 10 floor building. Wind blew at her dark pink hair as she set her sniper on the ground near the metal railing. "2 seconds." Will taunted. "I'm in position go ahead." She snapped as Olivia got on her belly and looked through her scope. 




 While Olivia was sniping in a high building half a mile away,Will was on the ground hiding behind two boulders. 200 meters in front of him was a big shiny mansion. It looked like a regular mansion but if you listen closely, you could screams from humans as they got whipped. Will cringed as he heard another wail from the whip. 'I'm gonna kill that demon. Hurting those humans like that.' He thought angrily as Olivia got in position. "All right, took you long enough." Will smirked as he dashed toward the mansion. He easily jumped over the fence landing light on his toes. Will put his back to the wall, listening for any approaching footsteps as he sneaked around outside the mansion. Will took out his walkie talkie and whispered, "Hey Olivia, any idea where the demon is?" "He's around the next left corner, he got a whip and the demon is torturing a woman right now." Olivia said. "Thanks, enjoy the show as I kill him." Will chuckled. 

 "Not if I kill him first." Olivia scolded. "You're on." He replied. Without making a sound, Will removed his Katana from the strap as he walked around the corner. The demon saw him immediately but the demon frowned in confusion. "What are you doing here? Aren't you a demon? Go back to your property!"

  Will took the chance to attack the demon with his katana but the demon quickly dodged Will's attacks. "Why are you attacking me?! You're a de-" The demon's eye widened. "You're that demon that betrayed us! You work for the puny humans!"

 "I don't work for anybody, I think it's just wrong to torture humans like this." Will snarled. Suddenly there was a whoosh as blood came out from the demon's forehead. A bullet went through the demon. "Told ya I'd get him first." Olivia laughed. 




 "Mistress, here's your dress you wished for." The maid bowed as she held out a red dress with gloved hands. Rosalie did a sly smile as she lied on her bed surrounded by many creepy dolls. "Whatever. Get me some steak." Rosalie said. "Right away." The maid squeaked as she put the dress on the bed and left in a hurry. Rosalie laughed. "Humans are so easy to control." She took out her long red whip and stared at it dreamily. "I think I should torture that maid again." She chuckled. 

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A boomerang almost hit Loriana and Monicca. Monicca took out her silver katana and sliced it in half. A boy's moan echoed. "I would have killed you if you hadn't done that!' Brandon shouted, angrily. "And how would you do that?" Loriana asked. "I dunno." "See? He's stupid!" Monicca laughed. "Hey!" "Sorry...you're stupid." Loriana joked.

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"I've gotta keep going... I can't stop..." Sampson mumbled as he continued down a sidewalk pavement. It had been about three days since he'd last eaten, and he ran out of water just yesterday. Sampson knew it was a matter of time before he collapsed. But at all costs he had to keep moving for as long as possible.

Sampson saw that he was approaching a large building with bright lights. A ware house? No, it seemed more extravagant.

He was always told by his mother that constantly moving was important. Sampson's father had died because they had stayed in one place for too long. Though he had his suspicions something else had become of him... Just like his other family members.

He was approaching the lit up building faster than he expected.

(Why would anyone allow themselves to be this noticeable?) Sampson thought. (I could see them a mile a way. They're going to get themselves killed. Unless...)

He now realized the bright structure was a large mansion, and from it he could hear loud voices. He had been told by his mother once before that they had lived in a lap of luxury before this had happened. She described the places they used to live at, and this mansion was everything he had imagined it would look like.

(They should have been found out by now, why are they still unharmed?) He thought still approaching the mansion. He was beginning to feel his legs give out. His vision started to blur. (Could someone have finally found peace, a blind spot, that they don't know about yet? A place that allows someone to be this reckless and go unnoticed?)

Sampson had finally arrived at the gates to the mansion, and could no longer hold his weight. He fell, grabbing onto the fencing.

Sampson then heard those voices becoming clearer.

(Wait, those voices... They sound like screams. This place, it isn't run by humans...)

His arms soon gave out as well, and he fell to the ground. Everything began to become numb for him.

(I have to get out of here... I can't get caught... I can't... Get... Possessed.)

Sampson fell unconscious, right outside the mansion, something he had tried to avoid for the longest time, a situation that would probably make his mother roll around in the quick unkempt grave Sampson had made for his mother before he continued his journey, as if nothing had happened. Sampson was told by his mother as she was letting go and passing away, that he had needed to stay strong until he couldn't move anymore. This must have been that time.

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Wilson was laying down at the top of a light pole saying "I guess I should get going right? Yeah I know you have been giving me a silent treatment but what did I do?" Wilson has now gone through 2 weeks without a demon by his side but he still thinks his demon is in him and is trying to talk to him "COME ON speak to me you can't possibly be able to keep this up! You and I have grown a special bond! Just say something! You know what screw you!" Wilson slips off and lands face first on the ground and screams "Ow you know this is all your fault!" as he gets back up.

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The city of Los Angeles. Now just a ruin of the old gluttony of humanity. Its name torn down and trodden; the City of Angeles, now nothing more then a barren land of hunger and oppression.

Soren walked through what was once the Disney Concert Hall. His mother told him stories of Disney; how the Prince slew Maleficent, how the Dwarves and Charming saved Snow White. Tales of Mickey Mouse. Even the story of a video game his father had played...Kingdom....Kingdom something. He only knew that the good guys won and saved the day


There were no good guys here anymore. His father's motto "as long as there is life, there is hope" rang hollow to him. His hope was his sister. His sister was gone.

"What have we here?" A voice hissed. "Uprisssssing?"

Soren smirked as five demons surrounded him. "I'm that obvious?"

"Time to return to sssssssssservitude."

"You should get that speech problem with the letter S fixed amigo."

The demon snarled. "Get him!"

Soren wasn't worried. "My Vengeance....is your Damnation." One pistol, two pistol. Four bullets slammed into the first demon to his left, three to his right. He spun to fire at the third, then ducked and spun, sweeping out the demon's legs and firing into him as he was down.


Holstering his guns, Soren placed a hand on his celtic broadsword. "Shall I play your Requiem?" He said, drawing it

The demon backed up. "Underestimated you, no!" He blabbed as Soren grasped the handle with both hands.

"This is for my sister."

The demon turned to run, but was neatly decapitated. With a fluid motion he sheathed Requiem. "Stupid demons. Underestimating is for kids."


Soren turned and walked on.

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Akane was perched on a high branch on a tree. her scythe was folded up and attached to her belt (btw, here's pic to how it looks closed, i didnt make it http://25.media.tumblr.com/22007013690bbdf59e43666efa63e458/tumblr_mfy2kpLF0H1qgw8uro1_400.gif) and she had a bored expression on her face. she couldn't consider this a wonderful day since everwhere she looked there was pain and suffering. she never had an exact place to call home so she's been migrating from place to place. she looked around and saw a a huge building that looked like a few minute walk away. what is that, she thought, a house- no a mansion, hmph. Akane hopped off the tree branch and started walking towards the building, keeping her hand close to her scythe in case a demon tried to attack her.  her red eyes flared as she thought about that.

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(Gumi and Vllth Angel, are you guys at the same mansion as Will and Olivia or just different ones cause I'm confused :P




 While Olivia was heading toward the mansion, Will was trying to calm the woman down. "It's ok, I'm here to help you!" He said. "No! You're a demon! Get away from me!" The woman wailed. Will took a step toward the woman but the woman slapped him across the face. 'Ouch, that hurt.' He thought. "All right fine, just stay there!" He shouted as he left the woman alone. 'Olivia will calm that woman down, she's great at calming people down.' Will thought as he looked around the mansion. It seemed the people inside wasn't aware of what happened. Will's eyes fell upon an opened window on the first floor. 'I guess Olivia won't mind if I go ahead.' He thought as he jumped through the window and into the mansion. 

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(i think it's the same one owo)


within a few minutes Akane closer to the mansion. she saw some people around in fear and staring at her she also saw some people possessed by demons but they didnt seem to notice her. she sighed and continued on. she got a better view of the mansion. it was bigger the closer she came to it. Akane stopped in her tracks and saw someone passed out in front of the gate of the mansion. she cocked her head and got closer to the person. he looked pale but was still breathing. Oh good so this guy isnt dead, she thought and crouched down next to the person and poked the person's head a bit. they didn't move. Akane looked around again and still saw more people walking by, giving her the stare. she narrowed her eyebrows, annoyed. geez im not a demon...anymore, she muttered and stayed next to the person.

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Soren had finally left LA behind him, the remains of the lesser demons a calling card. He was heading out past everything, finally out. He sighedd, checking Vengeance and Damnation. They just needed a good cleaning.

Soren finally reached a hill, the top of which would give him a decent look at his surroundings.


Reaching the top, he looked around. One side was the ruins; one side wasteland, another side the same. But the last direction was towards a mansion in the distance.

Haging nowhere else to go, Soren began walking down the hill, heading for the busing in the distance.


(Yeah I'm heading to that mansion. If it is in an entirely different place I'll improv np.)

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Sampson was floating in midair, in a seemless white abyss.

"Either I'm on one hell of a trip," He joked. "Or I've finally kicked the bucket."

"You're not dying yet," A familiar female voice replied. "Not while I can help it."

While Sampson saw no one, he felt a presence stroke his forehead in a south repetitive motion, something only one person in the would knew would calm him down.

"Are you... Is this..." He tried to formulate sentences but was unsuccessful.

The voice finished his question. "Is this a dream? Perhaps. But ask yourself this: Is it that impossible hour a heaven to exist, when demons run amuck on earth as we speak?" Sampson had no answer for this.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

The voice then seemed concerned. "You wish you were dead? But why?" The voice asked.

Sampson thought about what might happen now that he might live. He might end up like his father. And that terrified him.

As if the voice could read his thoughts, it began again.

"It's true. Your fathers family were perfect candidates for possession, both in political power, and physical attributes. And because of this much of your family have become powerful demons, second only to Lucifer himself." The presence stroked his forehead again. "But you must not give in to your fears. Whether this is truly the place all souls come to rest, or simply a dream, you and I both know you aren't going to die. Not today. You are destined for great things, be it wonderful, or horrible in it's nature. But I know we'll see each other again, do don't you worry."

Familiar pains began to return to him. However painful they were it was signs he would continue living. He could feel his existence in this white abyss he was resting in fade, and his existence I'm reality returning yet again.

"I love you... mom." He said weakly, before his vision of this pain faded completely, and he was back outside the mansion


Sampson slowly opened his eyes and noticed a woman standing above him. Instinctively he somersaulted away from her and pulled out a poison shuriken from the pouch he wore on his back.

"What do you want!?" He asked forcefully. He fell to his knees again. Sampson may have still been alive, but he was also very malnourished and weak. He awaited a reply, pointing the poison tip of the shuriken at her.

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Akane looked at the boy as he staggered to the ground with some type of shuriken in his hand pointed at her. does he really expect to hurt me in that condition?, she thought and raised an eyebrow. "it's okay, i'm not going to hurt you" she said calmly and stood up. "are you okay or were you taking a dirt nap in front of here?" she asked and gave a hand out to him. Akane really didnt know where he was going to accept her help or just throw his weapon at her but she ignored the risk. 

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Olivia finally made it to the mansion noticing two people outside. She quickly hid behind a boulder and peered cautiously. A woman was offering a hand to a man who seemed to be tired. Olivia took out her walk talkie. "Will, there's two people outside, I can't see if they're demons or not." She whispered but there was no reply but static. 'Damn, he went inside by himself did he.' She thought. Olivia sneaked away from the two strangers and crawled through a hole in the fence on the other side of the mansion. 




 Will stabbed the 5th demon with his katana as the demon yelped and fell to the floor. "Where's the owner of this mansion." Will asked as his katana hovered over the demon's neck. "I-I can't tell you, please spare me." The demon whimpered. Will shook his head in frustration. He wasn't like Olivia who would kill demons with no problem but for him it was difficult. He usually just knocks them out. "You're lucky today." Will said as he knocked out the demon with the base of his katana. 

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Brandon threw Loriana and Monicca quite a ways away. "How'd he do that?" Loriana asked. "Maybe it’s that thing hanging from his neck!" Monicca suggested. "If we get that..." Loriana started. "Okay. We need to get half the other demons here!" Loriana exclaimed. "No! We just do it ourselves!" “It will be easier if we have more of us!” Monicca pointed to the mansion Oliva and Will were at. “FINE! At least three....or seven of us!”


(I clearly explained. :P)

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He looked at her hand as if at any moment it would turn into deadly tentacles.

It had been a while since Sampson socialized with anyone other than his mother. Being constant travelers it was necessary to cut off all bonds. They had at one point been traveling with another family, and that was then he had met a girl his age at the time. Unfortunately, a pack of demons had ransacked the camp one night, and Sampson and his mother slipped out safely into the night. What became of the little girl was uncertain, but he did remember hearing piercing screams before they left.

Sampson looked to the woman. "Are you a demon?" He said uneasily. "Answer me!" He honestly didn't know what he'd do even if she wasn't a demon, in his state most likely not much, but he was always taught to trust no one.

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Akane frowned at his question and sighed. Questions like these bugged her since she wanted to forget that horrible past but she's getting used to it. "well...you can say i used to be one a long time ago." she answered slowly. "But if i were a demon, wouldn't i be killing you on the spot now instead of helping you?" even though that horrible creature took over her body a long time ago, it looks noticeable that she could possibly be one. the guy was becoming a little less pale but still looked on high alert. well seeing how the world is now, i wouldn't blame him trying to kill me, she thought still staring at him

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Halfway there. Soren took a swig of water. He could see tiny figures in the distance, too far to make them out. He rested a hand on Vengeance as he sped up a little.

"Vengeance comes..." he said quietly. It was all he had. Vengeance.

Soren continued on, drawing the semi-automaric pistol. The Taurus PT-90 was slightly small but it worked.


He got closer and could make out one on...his knees. And a girl. Hm.

Soren advanced closer, now in better sight of the two.

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Sampson lowered his shuriken, though still held it in his hand.

"Fine, I'll believe you. I don't suppose you could tell me where I am-"

He noticed another figure approaching them and raised his shuriken. "Is this a friend of yours?" He asked the woman, now pointing his shuriken at the approaching character.

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"Hmm?" she said and looked at the person coming close to them. "No, actually i really dont have any friends" she said to him and placed her hand on her closed scythe at her hip. I probably shouldnt be too quick to attack until i see if this person is a threat or not, she thought looking closely at the person approaching them. Well at least he doesn't think of me as his enemy anymore, she thought and griped the handle of the scythe.

Edited by Gumi

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Soren came to a stop fifteen feet away. A girl and a boy.

He stood there for on minute, looking at them. Nothing but pointing weapons or a hand on their weapon. Not a demon. Maybe Uprising. Maybe smarter demons.

He walked forward five more feet.

"Ya'll part of the Uprising?" He asked, not holstering his pistol. Looks could be deciving, and they could be higher class demons then the lesser ones at the Disney Concert Hall .

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Wilson continued to wonder around the deserted city talking to himself when he came across a skyscraper with something shiny at the top. He tried to climb up the side but failed. When he walked through the front door the front of the building caved in "Well there goes my way out" said Wilson. He ran up it to avoid death and came across a gap in the floor. He jumped and used his blade to save himself. "Wow that was close wasn't it" Wilson said while getting to the top. He sees that the shiny thing was a coin. "You shall be my lucky relic" Wilson says while laying down and going to sleep.

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"I'm coming!" Brandon shouted. Loriana and Monicca looked at each other. They then ran and jumped over the fence of the great mansion. Brandon had fixed his broken boomerang and threw it, the 'rang crazily bouncing off things nearly hitting the Uprising, but it didn't actually do any damage, except to the things the mansion had, and the mansion itself, landing beside Loriana. "That was a little bit too close," she mumbled. "Great aim," Monicca snickered. "For a human at least," she quietly whispered.

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Akane took her hand off of her weapon. Oh good, she thought, he doesn't seem to be possessed by a demon but i could be wrong. "Uprising..i guess you can say that." she said and smiled. Although the guy next to her is probably not convinced that this stranger is safe to be around. Akane look back to the mansion. I wonder what the hell is in there, she thought and looked back at the two guys. I might probably befriend them but i never had a friend before, she thought and rubbed the back of her head

Edited by Gumi

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