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OverSoul =Sign-ups=

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OVERSOUL: An OverSoul is an animal spirit that chooses its human host body. This soul has abilities depending on the animal. 


(Example #1) A penguin can use ice abilities but since it is a flightless bird it would not have any flying/wind abilities while other birds would.


(Example #2) A cheetah would have speed abilities and other abilities related to the cat family. 


HOST BODY: The human body with an OverSoul


BUILD: Elements around the host body that is related to the soul’s elements.


(Example #1) A host body with a penguin soul would receive a build from ice or water surroundings


(Example #2) A host body with a cheetah soul would receive a build from nature/jungle surrounding or intense speeds


OVER BUILD: Receiving too much Build without turning into OverSoul form.


(WARNING!) Gaining an Over Build may result in loss of limbs of other body parts that has received the Over Build.


(Example) A host body with a penguin soul that received too much build from an ice or water environment would receive an Over Build, if his/her left arm would be the body part that received the Over Build then when the him/her transformed into OverSoul form the release of energy would cause his/her left arm to explode and would never return.

Rules of Choosing an OverSoul: 
1) Choose an Animal
2) List the abilities that are related to the Animal
3) Choose the element that is most related to the animal soul of choice
4) List all the Builds of the animal soul of choice


1) Be creative! I do not want to have a bunch of similar OverSouls (There is only one of each animal soul)
2) Be descriptive! Help explain what your character is doing (Paint a picture)
3) Be Fair! No GOD_MODDING!!!!
4) No Controlling others characters or killing off others characters without permission from both me and the character’s player
5) No Beggining Overpowerment! If you happen to be stronger than anything in the beggining, I will report you!

6)Put ‘My Soul’ at the end of your character sheet so I know you read the rules


Different OverSouls:

An OverSoul may be any animal is existence,


Real animals (Cats, Dogs, Lizards, Fish, Birds)


Extinct animals (Dinosaurs, etc.)


Fictional Animals (Minotaurs, Centaurs, Satyrs, etc.)


OverSouls that are already claimed:
Phoenix, Hydra, Crow, Serpent, Dragon, Lion, Liger,


OverSouls you may choose but have a role already giving:
Cheetah, Leopard, Black Panther, Saber Tooth 














OverSoul Abilities:








Co-Creator: Nadryx320


My Character Sheet



Name: Chase 




Age: 18


Appearance: Dark red hair, school uniform worn loosely.


Weapon: Normal Sword


OverSoul: Pheonix


OverSoul Abilities: Ability to be reborn from death, and be reborn twice as strong (Multiplies)


Build: Sun,Fire/strong Wind


Personality: Calm, and kind.


Bio: A normal Highschool student who was one day on a field trip, when he was put in danger and awoken to his power. 


'My Soul'

Edited by XxZaxiz#9xX

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*Co-Creator Zephyr_320*



Name: Matrix


Age: 16


Appearance:Posted Image


Weapon: Fist


OverSoul: Hydra


OverSoul Abilities: Healing, Mending bones, Regeneration (ALL ABILITIES ARE ONLY SELF CAPABLE)


Build: Injuries and water environments


Personality: Determined and valorous, cool headed unless he is in battle which he is always eager to get in to one.


Bio: His father is a UFC Champion and always fought his whole life. His father trained him in many martial art styles and Matrix is now the champion at his school in an after school fight club called EFK (Epic Fighting Kids) which Matrix started himself. 

My Soul!

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I'm such a nerd for fiction

Name: Joshua Akira

Age: 11


Posted Image


Weapon: Several small Kunais

OverSoul: Fiction: Hekatonkheir

OverSoul Abilities: When intended, can summon gigantic limbs that mimic the actions of his own. As a limit, can summon up to one-hundred hands and two feet, ONLY when put both near-death, and an extremely provoking situation. Any other time is up to summoning two hands, and that's it. However when acted upon to much, can cause nausea and dizziness.

Build: Storm/Lightning and Earth

Personality: Very calm and peaceful, as well as being a peacemaker, however very shy when it comes to stating his own thoughts. Can be easily emotional and many times sympathetic, but is also compassionate and kind, to both his allies and enemies. Because of this, Joshua's at an extreme fighting disadvantage, not only because of his age, but because of his extreme sense of mercy and forgiveness (in fact, Joshua would die before he would kill). Him being emotional also applies to anger and annoyance, as he despises being mocked for his age, height, or anything really.

Bio: An orphan who had discovered and had been saved by his Hetakonkheir ability during a housefire, which caused rubble to fall on him (and was blocked by "Hekatonkheir") and killed his family.

My Soul

Edited by CloakedSchemerX

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Sodom will post her's later too...maybe tonight if I come up with an appearance, or tomorrow after church (which ends at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST)

So please reserve a spot for Sodom for a wolf...unless Haruhi or Yuffie want it, then one of them can have it. If the wolf is going to be taken, then could I be a lynx like last time?

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OVER SOUL IS BACK! YEAHHHH! <3 I'll post mine later, but like Yuffie, what is over build? And was that in the first one? xD

Over Build: The Ability to build to much energy into the person who possesses a Soul. 








This is the form of Stages.


Stage 1: Soarness occurs if energy is full, and are still within element. (caution)


Stage 2: Numbness occurs in the limbs, which causes you to feel sick as well. (Warning)


Stage 3: You begin to ache in pain, and your limbs begin to sting, as if inflating. (Double Warning)


Stage 4: (final) Your limb becomes useless and unable to use, and the minute you transform, it becomes no more.









QQ: What is a build? Not exactly specified.



OVER SOUL IS BACK! YEAHHHH! <3 I'll post mine later, but like Yuffie, what is over build? And was that in the first one? xD
*Co-Creator Zephyr_320*



Name: Matrix


Age: 16


Appearance:Posted Image


Weapon: Fist


OverSoul: Hydra


OverSoul Abilities: Healing, Mending bones, Regeneration (ALL ABILITIES ARE ONLY SELF CAPABLE)


Build: Injuries and water environments


Personality: Determined and valorous, cool headed unless he is in battle which he is always eager to get in to one.


Bio: His father is a UFC Champion and always fought his whole life. His father trained him in many martial art styles and Matrix is now the champion at his school in an after school fight club called EFK (Epic Fighting Kids) which Matrix started himself. 

My Soul!



I'm such a nerd for fiction


Name: Joshua Akira

Age: 11


Posted Image


Weapon: Several small Kunais

OverSoul: Fiction: Hekatonkheir

OverSoul Abilities: When intended, can summon gigantic limbs that mimic the actions of his own. As a limit, can summon up to one-hundred hands and two feet, ONLY when put both near-death, and an extremely provoking situation. Any other time is up to summoning two hands, and that's it. However when acted upon to much, can cause nausea and dizziness.

Build: Storm/Lightning and Earth

Personality: Very calm and peaceful, as well as being a peacemaker, however very shy when it comes to stating his own thoughts. Can be easily emotional and many times sympathetic, but is also compassionate and kind, to both his allies and enemies. Because of this, Joshua's at an extreme fighting disadvantage, not only because of his age, but because of his extreme sense of mercy and forgiveness (in fact, Joshua would die before he would kill). Him being emotional also applies to anger and annoyance, as he despises being mocked for his age, height, or anything really.

Bio: An orphan who had discovered and had been saved by his Hetakonkheir ability during a housefire, which caused rubble to fall on him (and was blocked by "Hekatonkheir") and killed his family.


My Soul

Both are ACCEPTED!!~


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Sodom is a wolf ^ω^


Name: Yukikuro (Yuki) Saboteur

Age: 16

Appearance: Yukikuro wears a long sleeved white shirt with a black spade, diamond, club and heart on the back of it, the symbols on cards. The sleeves are a little long and the shirt is rather soft and appears hand made, it looks as if a sweater.

She wears black jeans with some white boots. Yuki is rather normal looking. She has bright blue eyes and light blonde hair that reaches to her waist.

Weapon: A silver-bladed sword with an increst of a red diamond near the tip of th blade. It has a greyish handel that has a small piece of leather with a grey and yellow feather tied to it.

OverSoul: Real Animals: Dogs: Grey Wolf.

OverSoul Abilities: Telepathy and slight foresight (able to see the near future)

Build: Wind

Personality: Rather polite and fun to be around. She has always been rather popular in school even though she has poor grades. She can be made upset easily however, but is easy to cheer up. She is serious when it comes to fighting, however.

Bio: Yukikuro was infact made fun of when she was young because of the way she tried to fit in. Things eventually changed and she became more accepted, even with her bad grades. She got in trouble one night for being rude to her parents because they were yelling at her because of grades and they caused her to awaken. Yukikuro used her powers on her parents, terrifying her. She keeps her powers a secret, never wanting to hurt herself or someone again.


My Soul...

Edited by Sodom

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Name: Neena Mors

Age: 17

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: One steel katana held forehand in her left hand, and a knife held backhand in her right

OverSoul: Black Panther

OverSoul Abilities: Shadow Copy (Can take the shadow of whoever he wants and make it rise to a human-like state; this Shadow Copy also uses all the abilities of the Shadow’s owner.)

Build: Shadow

Personality: Relaxed, witty, confident, cocky

Bio: Being an athletic, smart, and pretty girl, Neena already had the traits of an extraordinary girl. She grew confident in her own abilities and began to take risks. Stupid, reckless risks. Many of her friends got hurt, but through her subconscious oversoul abilities she could easily avoid injuries of her own. Eventually, her friends left her because of the pain she put them through, all the while being cocky and relaxed as ever. So she grew hardened inside, and has been prone to depressive tendencies on occasion. She has since joined a group of feline oversouls

My soul


An incarnation of Neena. No clue why I did that.

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Name: Soma


Appearance: Spiky white hair, Icy blue eyes, 6 feet 2 inches wheres a dark red cloak, a black hat, and black pants

Weapon: Hook Blade

OverSoul: Arctic Fox

OverSoul Abilities: Stealth, ice shard projectiles, and speed

Build: Ice

Personality: Cold (not very nice) and laid back

Bio: Living on the street, he doesn't trust others, doesn't want to be around others, but is really smart and athletic. He stays in the shadows so nobody can see him and talk to him.


my soul

Edited by darkaeroga

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Sodom is a wolf ^ω^


Name: Yukikuro (Yuki) Saboteur

Age: 16

Appearance: Yukikuro wears a long sleeved white shirt with a black spade, diamond, club and heart on the back of it, the symbols on cards. The sleeves are a little long and the shirt is rather soft and appears hand made, it looks as if a sweater.

She wears black jeans with some white boots. Yuki is rather normal looking. She has bright blue eyes and light blonde hair that reaches to her bust.

Weapon: A silver-bladed sword with an increst of a red diamond near the tip of th blade. It has a greyish handel that has a small piece of leather with a grey and yellow feather tied to it.

OverSoul: Real Animals: Dogs: Grey Wolf.

OverSoul Abilities: Telepathy and slight foresight (able to see the near future)

Build: Wind

Personality: Rather polite and fun to be around. She has always been rather popular in school even though she has poor grades. She can be made upset easily however, but is easy to cheer up. She is serious when it comes to fighting, however.

Bio: Yukikuro was infact made fun of when she was young because of the way she tried to fit in. Things eventually changed and she became more accepted, even with her bad grades. She got in trouble one night for being rude to her parents because they were yelling at her because of grades and they caused her to awaken. Yukikuro used her powers on her parents, terrifying her. She keeps her powers a secret, never wanting to hurt herself or someone again.


My Soul...




Name: Neena Mors

Age: 17

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: A simple katana, with a blade of steel and decorative runes carved into it is her primary weapon. She also holds a crossbow that attaches to her wrist. She is adept at hand-to-hand combat as well as being quite agile.

OverSoul: Black Panther

OverSoul Abilities: Night vision, camouflauge, enhanced strength, speed, and agility

Build: Darkness

Personality: Relaxed, witty, confident, cocky

Bio: Being an athletic, smart, and pretty girl, Neena already had the traits of an extraordinary girl. She grew confident in her own abilities and began to take risks. Stupid, reckless risks. Many of her friends got hurt, but through her subconcious oversoul abilities she could easily avoid injuries of her own. Eventually, her friends left her because of the pain she put them through, all the while being cocky and relaxed as ever. So she grew hardened inside, and has been prone to depressive tendencies on occasion.

My soul


An incarnation of Neena. No clue why I did that.



Name: Soma


Appearance: Spiky white hair, Icy blue eyes, 6 feet 2 inches wheres a dark red cloak, a black hat, and black pants

Weapon: Hook Blade

OverSoul: Arctic Fox

OverSoul Abilities: Stealth, ice shard projectiles, and speed

Build: Ice

Personality: Cold (not very nice) and laid back

Bio: Living on the street, he doesn't trust others, doesn't want to be around others, but is really smart and athletic. He stays in the shadows so nobody can see him and talk to him.


my soul

All Accepted.

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Name: Neena Mors

Age: 17

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: A simple katana, with a blade of steel and decorative runes carved into it is her primary weapon. She also holds a crossbow that attaches to her wrist. She is adept at hand-to-hand combat as well as being quite agile.

OverSoul: Black Panther

OverSoul Abilities: Night vision, camouflauge, enhanced strength, speed, and agility

Build: Darkness

Personality: Relaxed, witty, confident, cocky

Bio: Being an athletic, smart, and pretty girl, Neena already had the traits of an extraordinary girl. She grew confident in her own abilities and began to take risks. Stupid, reckless risks. Many of her friends got hurt, but through her subconcious oversoul abilities she could easily avoid injuries of her own. Eventually, her friends left her because of the pain she put them through, all the while being cocky and relaxed as ever. So she grew hardened inside, and has been prone to depressive tendencies on occasion.

My soul


An incarnation of Neena. No clue why I did that.



you did see above that the 'Black Panther' already has a role right? 

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you did see above that the 'Black Panther' already has a role right? 

I don't mean to burst any bubbles, but it does say they can be chosen:OverSouls you may choose but have a role already giving:Cheetah, Leopard, Black Panther, Saber Tooth

Edited by CloakedSchemerX

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I don't mean to burst any bubbles, but it does say they can be chosen:



OverSouls you may choose but have a role already giving:

Cheetah, Leopard, Black Panther, Saber Tooth

Hate to break the bubble burster, but what he ment was the role of the animal.

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I don't mean to burst any bubbles, but it does say they can be chosen:OverSouls you may choose but have a role already giving:Cheetah, Leopard, Black Panther, Saber Tooth

I was just making sure that she knew that there is a role already and that she didnt just overlook that. She can have that soul no problem but if she agrees to it ill have to PM her the role of that OverSoul.

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Name: Nachi Uzumaka


Age: 16


Weapon: pistol


OverSoul: Rabbit


OverSoul Abilities: Running at unbelievable speeds, able to hear miles away


Build: Nature


Personality: joyful and smart, you don't have to try to make this girl happy.


Bio: Normal school girl, honors student who is well known. She does not have too many friends though because she can be over-whelming. When she realizes her over soul after trying to stop a fight, she knows she has something special within her.


Appearance: bottom


My Soul!


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Name: Nachi UzumakaAge: 16Weapon: pistolOverSoul: RabbitOverSoul Abilities: Running at unbelievable speeds, able to hear miles awayBuild: NaturePersonality: joyful and smart, you don't have to try to make this girl happy.Bio: Normal school girl, honors student who is well known. She does not have too many friends though because she can be over-whelming. When she realizes her over soul after trying to stop a fight, she knows she has something special within her.Appearance: bottomMy Soul!

Love that appearance. x3



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Name: Yosuke Takahara


Age: 17


Weapon: Fists


Oversoul: Gorilla


Oversoul Ability: Strong fists, Swing from objects in high places


Build: Jungle, Wood


Personality: Honest, loves to have fun with his friends. When they are in danger, he'll fight no matter his condition.


Bio: Relatively normal high school. Somewhat stupid, but popular because he is captain of the boxing team. Doesn't realize his powerful fists come from his over soul until after he is made captain.


Appearance: Has medium short brown hair, typically wears a t-shirt and jeans. He also wears many rings on his fingers.


"My Soul!!"

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Name: Yosuke Takahara


Age: 17


Weapon: Fists


Oversoul: Gorilla


Oversoul Ability: Strong fists, Swing from objects in high places


Build: Jungle, Wood


Personality: Honest, loves to have fun with his friends. When they are in danger, he'll fight no matter his condition.


Bio: Relatively normal high school. Somewhat stupid, but popular because he is captain of the boxing team. Doesn't realize his powerful fists come from his over soul until after he is made captain.


Appearance: Has medium short brown hair, typically wears a t-shirt and jeans. He also wears many rings on his fingers.


"My Soul!!"




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