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Do you look your age?

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Usually people think I am older than I am. Mostly because I am taller than the majority of people in my school and I often go around with my big brother and his friends which makes people usually think me as older. I guess I act more mature than many people (expect here and with my friends xD)

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I'm almost 16 (in a couple of weeks actually) but I'm extremely short for my age... 4'7''

Most people are surprised when I tell them I'm a sophomore in high school though I have had one person come up to me who thought I was a senior. They said it was because I always acted very mature and sophisticated. It made my day but I laughed hysterically at them because I'm not mature or sophisticated one bit..like no. I'm far more sophisticated. xD

Personally I don't think I look my age at all but there are days when I look older. 

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I think I must have a weird face or something, because people always think I'm either several years older or several years younger, but never what i actually am. I don't really care what age people think I am. I just wish I could figure out how to harness this age power so that I can use it to my advantage.

Aw, that's worse than getting your age mistaken. :(  Sorry to hear it.

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It's pretty annoying that most people think that I am too young, lol.


I am an adult for firetruck's sake!

And even if I were younger, I should at least look like 16 - which means I can buy beer just fine, stop checking me!

Do I really look younger than 16? *raaaant*


So, yeah - I seem to look younger than I am, lol.

Edited by Henne

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I think personally gender plays a big part in the assumption of age. Girls are often judged to be younger rather than older in general. As for me, a guy, I've looked about 18-19 since I was about 15 which was handy, but thanks to my beard and long hair I can pass for about 25 in some places. It doesn't bother me because it means I don't need to carry I.D. for anything! xD I ALMOST got turned down at a club on sunday night, but I talked them round to letting me in with no I.D. AWESOMENESS! :P

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I've gotten told that I look a couple years younger than I do but not very often. When I was seventeen my dad said looked like I was fourteen and now I'm twenty-two and a few weeks ago someone thought I was still in high school. It doesn't bother me though.  

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