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How would you handle this situation?

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Alright, many months ago I had made a friend who was a huge fan of kingdom hearts. She had only played Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 so as the crazy fan I am for the series, I had to let her play through my games! First, I let her borrow my PS2 with KH Re:Chain. She wasn't a huge fan so theater mode did the trick. next up was Kingdom Hearts 358/2 day. This is were things get a bet complicated.  


I allowed her to borrow my Nintendo 3DS along with the game. She was excited because Roxas was her favorite character and she wanted to know more about him. After a few days though, she stopped responding to my calls and began to avoid any contact with me. I let it go, she didn't live the easiest life and I thought maybe she would be busy. after a few months, I herd from a friend that she had moved out of her girlfriend's house and in to her grandmas house in the city. I call her many times, and try much harder to get a hold of her but nothing would happen.


I had got a hold of her best friend and asked about it. She had told me that she was going through a lot right now so I decided to give it more time. a few months I try to get a hold of her and I never could. At this point I'm afraid she sold it! I get a hold of her ex girlfriend and the first thing she says to my asking about it is. "I'm sorry, it is gone. If you want I can pay for part of it." This really concerns me and I try to get a hold of my friend again and i get nothing. I then told her best friend "Tell her I want my stuff back or I will call the police" I get a response saying "She has your PS2 but her ex wouldn't hand over your game boy."


I go back to her ex girlfriend and I find out that her and her best friend were now dating and that she was **** over just like I was, and that she offered to pay for part of it because she didn't want to deal with any of it anymore. I have no idea on how to tell who has it and if I should take legal action of not. I bought it when it was still around $300 so would it could as an item stolen that is that much? I now know not to trust people as much as I should, but for some reason I dont want my friend hurt out of all of this. I just want to play Kingdom hearts 3D and Zelda.


What do you think I should do?


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My advice would be to let it go and get a new 3DS. Just paying the money for a new one instead of going through all of this is worth it in the end. I've actually had things like this happen to me in the past, so I know. 

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I would say it depends if you want to make her go through it. If I were you I would file a police report, because I don't have the extra couple hundred lying around for a new one. But if you can afford it and want to avoid the hassle, then maybe you should get a new one.

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I'd take legal action and turn her into the police if I were you. That is basically stealing/theft. If you don't want to hurt her even more though, then just drop it and buy a new one. :/ It's all up to you.

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I don't have the money nor do I want to hurt her. I guess I could just wait till she gets on her feet more before I pressure her for it... Then again by the time that happens it may be to late. o.o Thanks you guys.

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I don't have the money nor do I want to hurt her. I guess I could just wait till she gets on her feet more before I pressure her for it... Then again by the time that happens it may be to late. o.o Thanks you guys.


You waited a few months(you said that two times in your post). I think thats enough time. Time to take action.

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You waited a few months(you said that two times in your post). I think thats enough time. Time to take action.

Yeah your right. And if she doesn't answer any more of my calls tonight I think I'll just tell her new girlfriend that she has one more chance to talk to me until I get law involved. Even if her Ex took it, it was her responsibility in the first place right?

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That's too serious to drop; I'd file a report to the police.  I'm all for not wanting to hurt friends and everything, but this is too much.  I cannot believe someone would just up and steal your 3DS like that.  Even *if* the girl's having problems, she's responsible to be a good friend and not just run off with your stuff.


In the end, I'm not sure what the police can do, and you might end up having to buy a new one after all.  Hopefully something can be resolved though, and at least you'll get some money from girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, et cetera.

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