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Puinshments in school

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Every time I hear a story about someone getting in trouble at school, that person is in some way messed over.  Someone I know was sitting on a bus when a kid punched him, so he punched back.  Now he has to get his teachers to sign a sheet in each class to say that he was good or he'll get suspended.  This wouldn't bother me at all - if the other kid hadn't gotten off free.  I think that the other kid should get an even worse punishment because he punched someone for no reason at all.  It ticks me off.  Then there was the time I friend lost her cell phone and got a four hour detention all because she admitted to have her phone with her during the school day instead of in her locker.  I'm not saying that she shouldn't be punished, and that is the punishment for second time, but really?  Four hours because she had her phone in her pocket when there are lots of people texting in class who get away with it?  Doesn't that sound unfair?  And add what happened to Shana.  I wonder what's wrong with these people.

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I think that punishments in my school are way too easy. You can do basically anything that is against rules (smoke, cut school, behave rudely towards teachers, bully someone etc.) and it's always the same thing: one hour of detention. That isn't really big deal to most of people and they don't even care if they get more of it. Then what comes to using phone during the class: sometimes teachers just don't care, or then tell students to put phones away or take them away and give them back after the class has ended. Like seriously? Do you think that those people learn to stop it when the 'punishments' are something like that? 

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I think that punishments in my school are way too easy. You can do basically anything that is against rules (smoke, cut school, behave rudely towards teachers, bully someone etc.) and it's always the same thing: one hour of detention. That isn't really big deal to most of people and they don't even care if they get more of it. Then what comes to using phone during the class: sometimes teachers just don't care, or then tell students to put phones away or take them away and give them back after the class has ended. Like seriously? Do you think that those people learn to stop it when the 'punishments' are something like that? 

This^ That's almost exactly how my school is except you get ISS for a certain amount of days depending on what you did.

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Luckily for me, college and university aren't obligated to keep their students around; anyone who messes around gets kicked out of class for the day, though I haven't seen it happen yet because the folks on my campus seem to know better.

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Every time I hear a story about someone getting in trouble at school, that person is in some way messed over.  Someone I know was sitting on a bus when a kid punched him, so he punched back.  Now he has to get his teachers to sign a sheet in each class to say that he was good or he'll get suspended.  This wouldn't bother me at all - if the other kid hadn't gotten off free.  I think that the other kid should get an even worse punishment because he punched someone for no reason at all.  It ticks me off.  Then there was the time I friend lost her cell phone and got a four hour detention all because she admitted to have her phone with her during the school day instead of in her locker.  I'm not saying that she shouldn't be punished, and that is the punishment for second time, but really?  Four hours because she had her phone in her pocket when there are lots of people texting in class who get away with it?  Doesn't that sound unfair?  And add what happened to Shana.  I wonder what's wrong with these people.

I knew some one who got suspended for 3 months for stopping some guy from kill her friend. :angry:  can't stand it.

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That's generally how schools are, a little backwards in their thinking.  We're allowed mobiles in 6th form (just not allowed to use them during class time), but even if a junior lost their phone they would search peoples bags in case someone stole it, and once it's found, then tell them off for having it.


It is unfair but typically when you try to reason with a teacher they normally cut you off for talking back or giving off to them before you can even explain anything

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I'm lucky enough to never been caught up in situations like this, and I don't remeber any friends in any kind of trouble. But school can be retarted some times (a lot actually) in their way of thinking. They don't seem to go astray a little, and that often leads to idiotic choices, like punishing people they shouldn't, or not punishing who really needed. 

Thing is, they should know each student. At least a little. I got many classmates who are know for their behaviour, so no one believes in their lies. If they were to blame the other student, no one woul have listened to him. So he would have been rightly punished. That would lead to problems if he were to change his conduct, but I guess it was his fault. 

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That's generally how schools are, a little backwards in their thinking.  We're allowed mobiles in 6th form (just not allowed to use them during class time), but even if a junior lost their phone they would search peoples bags in case someone stole it, and once it's found, then tell them off for having it.


It is unfair but typically when you try to reason with a teacher they normally cut you off for talking back or giving off to them before you can even explain anything


Whilst I do agree, try attending private education. We got punished with things like waking us up at 8am to do a morning run under a time limit, litter picking, boot polishing and taking away our weekends to do other crappy stuff on top of things like detentions and daily report cards. That shit sucked, but it made life kinda interesting in a way...

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Teachers are trying to make an example out of people so the action is not repeated. Sadly, most of the time this doesn't work, and it ends up working out unfairly for all parties involved, which is why all of these punishments seem awful. I especially hate the phrase "it takes two to tango" when people were fighting/cheating. They need to understand that you make an example about those who were wrong--the person who initiated the fight or the person who actually cheated. Not the innocent person who fought back to avoid a beating, or the kid who didn't realize that they were being copied off of.

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