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KH3D 3 Dreameaters glitch?

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Hey guys, not sure if this is a glitch. But while playing the other day I noticed that all 3 dreameaters were out fighting.  Due to the circumstances, I believe the game intended it to be that way, yet I haven't been able to recreate it.  


Anyways here is how it happened. I was outside the mysterious tower fighting the hordes of nightmares when both of my spirits were downed.  I the nightmares came at me pretty strong so it was hard to get back to my spirits.  I managed to fight them off, and got to my spirits, but noticed the counter was still running.  Thats when I realized that all 3 of my spirits were out, and had been downed.  The third spirit did not receive a counter for some reason.  Nonetheless, after all were healed I was able to keep fighting with all 3 of them.  Although the Curaga spell did not directly heal the third. 


So my question is, was this supposed to happen? Or did I stumble upon a glitch.


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Well, considering that you're only supposed to have two Spirits out at once, I'd say it's a glitch. The way you described, it seemed that everything happened very fast, and the game probably didn't recognize that you brought one of them back. And when it did, you're third one was already on, and he couldn't get it out for some reason, that's why he wasn't healed by your spells.

Another glitch in the list!

Edited by AntonioKHT

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