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I'm leaving the site and the KH series! - Again... (Maybe...)

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I've been trying for 4 years to get the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 2 but I seem to fail at everything about this game. 

This site isn't a help either. I started to be 'trolled' and to be offended just because I couldn't get all the materials.

This just means I've wasted years of my life for nothing...


 Yup that's it... I don't care about this stupid game and site anymore!  :

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Ok, you can do whatever you want...It's your choice. But we were helping you out, and you barely listened. No one's trolling, it's all in your head

And people are just joking. Don't take it too seriously. There was no intention to hurt your feelings, or anything...

You just made a thread, and want immediante answers, things don't work that way as well.

Edited by AntonioKHT

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I've been trying for 4 years to get the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 2 but I seem to fail at everything about this game. 

This site isn't a help either. I started to be 'trolled' and to be offended just because I couldn't get all the materials.

This just means I've wasted years of my life for nothing...


 Yup that's it... I don't care about this stupid game and site anymore!  :


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I've been trying for 4 years to get the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 2 but I seem to fail at everything about this game. 

This site isn't a help either. I started to be 'trolled' and to be offended just because I couldn't get all the materials.

This just means I've wasted years of my life for nothing...


 Yup that's it... I don't care about this stupid game and site anymore!  :


man, with finding materials it's a numbers game. We've all spent HOURS killing the same heartless in the same worlds to get the items we need for the Ultima Weapon and the first time is always the hardest. I just googled the info I needed when I first formed it. However, if you have lost all motivation, perhaps you should take a breather from the series until you find the kh drive in you again :)

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Hmm, not to be rude, but is it really worth it to leave whole franchise just because you can't get one weapon that is not necessary at all if you aren't going for 100% completion. Also you can find answers/help to any of situations like this if you go to game Faqs or just google it. There is even complete guide for Ultimate Weapon in youtube. It shouldn't be hard to find help for this. 


You got trolled? Welcome to internet my friend

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Ok, there is really is no point in getting THAT mad at a video game. Sorry for long post but HERE:


"Ultima weapons materials:

7 orichalum+:      1. clear atlantica      2. clear 100 acre woods      3. the smal chest in the world that never was in the brink of despare beside the big chest.      4.clear Goddess Of Fate Cup in olympus colisium.       5.chest in twiligh town in sunset terrace jump on to the moving train then go  up one of the buildings. search it until you find it.      6. chest in space paranoid(the second visit there) just before you fight commander sark and the MCP.      7. collect all materials including all materials. You need every meaterial in the game(shard,stones,gems,and crystals.Energy Crystal:       -required to have the ammount of orichalum+s you need. This is dropped by bookmasters in Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion near Merlin's House. These are charcaters are green and floats w/ bookks.Twilight and Dense Crystal:       -Nobodies on Naught Skyway. Go to Naught skyway in The World That Never Was. Go fight the nobodies in there to get the Twilight and Dense crystal and items.Serenity crystal:       - You can get these from the Moogles for giving them complete sets of materials. Another thing to get serenity crystals is to defeat "Nobody Assasins" in The World That Never Was. Mythril crystals:        -Found in random item chest.Regular Orichalum:       -Found in random item chest.Item/needed:Orichalum+:7Oichalum:  3Energy Crystal: 1Twilight Crystal: 1Dense Crystal: 1Mythril Crystal: 1Serenity Crystal: 7NOTE:      -The Ultimate Recipe is in the old mansion. Go to the room where Goofy and Donald slept in one of the pods in the under ground computer room. There you will see beside a small chest, thats where you will see the ultimate recipe.     - In the recipe its says that you need 13 orichalum+, don't bother finding the 13 orichalum+ because there's only 7 orichalum+ in the game. So only get all 7 orichalum+ for the Ultima Weapon.Ultima weapons materials:
7 orichalum+:      1. clear atlantica      2. clear 100 acre woods      3. the smal chest in the world that never was in the brink of despare beside the big chest.      4.clear Goddess Of Fate Cup in olympus colisium.       5.chest in twiligh town in sunset terrace jump on to the moving train then go  up one of the buildings. search it until you find it.      6. chest in space paranoid(the second visit there) just before you fight commander sark and the MCP.      7. collect all materials including all materials. You need every meaterial in the game(shard,stones,gems,and crystals.Energy Crystal:       -required to have the ammount of orichalum+s you need. This is dropped by bookmasters in Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion near Merlin's House. These are charcaters are green and floats w/ bookks.Twilight and Dense Crystal:       -Nobodies on Naught Skyway. Go to Naught skyway in The World That Never Was. Go fight the nobodies in there to get the Twilight and Dense crystal and items.Serenity crystal:       - You can get these from the Moogles for giving them complete sets of materials. Another thing to get serenity crystals is to defeat "Nobody Assasins" in The World That Never Was. Mythril crystals:        -Found in random item chest.Regular Orichalum:       -Found in random item chest.Item/needed:Orichalum+:7Oichalum:  3Energy Crystal: 1Twilight Crystal: 1Dense Crystal: 1Mythril Crystal: 1Serenity Crystal: 7NOTE:      -The Ultimate Recipe is in the old mansion. Go to the room where Goofy and Donald slept in one of the pods in the under ground computer room. There you will see beside a small chest, thats where you will see the ultimate recipe.     - In the recipe its says that you need 13 orichalum+, don't bother finding the 13 orichalum+ because there's only 7 orichalum+ in the game. So only get all 7 orichalum+ for the Ultima Weapon. "

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This post actually made me lol. Why would you leave just because you can't get a firetrucking weapon, I mean, its not even that hard to get and it has nothing to do with this site, just look it up online on wiki's, don't blame this site for ruining the game and you being a fail at getting a weapon. And next time you check into the internet, try not to get so butthurt.

You how long it took me to get Ultima Weapon? 1 day, ok and that was by looking at shit online, its not that hard.

Edited by SinHeartlessAngel

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The only problem I ever had with the Ultima Weapon is not being to find one of the Orichalcum+....and it turns out it was on the ledge in TWTNW....I felt so stupid lol


But I didnt leave the franchise because of it o__O I just tried to beat the game without it.

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in addition to above comments, even for defeating sephiroth you don't need the ultima weapon - it's a matter or self-appreciation getting it. If you aren't enjoying the process of working for it, then it isn't worth it my friend!

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These aren't aimed at my comment are they? Sorry, just wondering.....

No, I assume they were directed at OP.


And speaking of OP-

Calm down, man. I've seen a lot of people give answers (which should have given you the info you need about six times over), but I'll ask- what EXACT part of getting the Ultima Weapon are you not understanding? If you tell me what your specific problem is, I'll tell you how to fix it. No trolling, no insulting, I'll give you exactly what you ask for.

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