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Is there anything a Keyblade can't do?

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Stop and think about it, it can summons Genies, create a megaflare (which, according to FF, destroys parts of the solar system at times)

It can bend space time, release hearts, unlock/lock anything, and create party confetti, become a flying machine. Banish darkness. Light. Create a giant sword. Levitate. All sorts of stuff

I think it just may be the single most versatile thing ever


Keyblade is basically one of the biggest friendship hacks in video games ever.. At least it's not as bad as the Void in Guilty Crown, that is just horrible

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Keyblade can does:



      ~Cut buildings in half.

-Open locks/doors/etc.

      ~The Door to the Light.

      ~Kingdom Hearts.

      ~Treasure chests.


      ~The Lanes Between.

-Close locks/doors 

      ~The Door to Darkness.


-Unlock hearts.

-Remove hearts.

       ~ Transfer them to other bodies.

            *Grant immortality. 

-Split hearts in half.


      ~To and fro wielders.

      ~Among realms.


      ~All of the majix!


      ~Certain friends

      ~Kingdom Hearts

-Bend space and time.





            *Platform and bow.



      ~Can change its appearance and stats with the aid of Keychains.

-Enhance natural skill/make the user stronger.

-Weapon/Defeat certain enemies permanently (kill yew).




      ~Dream Eaters/Nightmares.




-Apparently, makes you dance.

-Apparently, makes you do push ups. 

-Can help attain food.

      ~Beat the goodies out of Prize Pods.

-Get help.


-Choose its own wielder. 

      ~Switch owners.

-Destroy words. 

-Tear holes in the fabric of reality.



      ~Fire works.

      ~Beams of light.

      ~Energy beams.




-Can be made out of hearts (of sacrificed virgins).

-Probably a bunch of other shit I'm forgetting.

-Used for communication. 


Keyblade can't does:



Edited by Ruran

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it can,when someone is being chosen at the station of awakening.unless their heart is talking to them.........


In KH1 it was Mickey talking to Sora at his station. In KH2 it was never revealed who but it's assumed it was Namine talking to Roxas. 

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In KH1 it was Mickey talking to Sora at his station. In KH2 it was never revealed who but it's assumed it was Namine talking to Roxas. 

Really?but thenm what about earlier Keyblade weilders?I think i'm getting ahead of myself=) thankz for telling me that!!!!=)

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Keyblade can does:



      ~Cut buildings in half.

-Open locks/doors/etc.

      ~The Door to the Light.

      ~Kingdom Hearts.

      ~Treasure chests.


      ~The Lanes Between.

-Close locks/doors 

      ~The Door to Darkness.


-Unlock hearts.

-Remove hearts.

       ~ Transfer them to other bodies.

            *Grant immortality. 

-Split hearts in half.


      ~To and fro wielders.

      ~Among realms.


      ~All of the majix!


      ~Certain friends

      ~Kingdom Hearts

-Bend space and time.





            *Platform and bow.



      ~Can change its appearance and stats with the aid of Keychains.

-Enhance natural skill/make the user stronger.

-Weapon/Defeat certain enemies permanently (kill yew).




      ~Dream Eaters/Nightmares.




-Apparently, makes you dance.

-Apparently, makes you do push ups. 

-Can help attain food.

      ~Beat the goodies out of Prize Pods.

-Get help.


-Choose its own wielder. 

      ~Switch owners.

-Destroy words. 

-Tear holes in the fabric of reality.



      ~Fire works.

      ~Beams of light.

      ~Energy beams.




-Can be made out of hearts (of sacrificed virgins).

-Probably a bunch of other shit I'm forgetting.

-Used for communication. 


Keyblade can't does:



Actually, keyblade reproduce asexually through the Keyblade Ceremony


Can't make food.

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That is not coffee.  The keyblade cannot brew coffee.  It is something it cannot do, unless you have an idea as to how it could.  If you can think of one, it'll be all the incentive I need to get a keyblade of my own somehow.

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That is not coffee.  The keyblade cannot brew coffee.  It is something it cannot do, unless you have an idea as to how it could.  If you can think of one, it'll be all the incentive I need to get a keyblade of my own somehow.

It can create fire and water, all you need are beans

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That is not coffee.  The keyblade cannot brew coffee.  It is something it cannot do, unless you have an idea as to how it could.  If you can think of one, it'll be all the incentive I need to get a keyblade of my own somehow.


Well, if your keyblade boosts the item drops from enemies, maybe one of them would drop a cup of coffee.

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It can create fire and water, all you need are beans


But unless the keyblade can produce the beans themselves, which it probably can't, then my coffee-brewin' keyblade seems like a far off dream... *sigh*


Well, if your keyblade boosts the item drops from enemies, maybe one of them would drop a cup of coffee.


I don't recall there being coffee-based items in KH.  I'm disappointed.

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Stop and think about it, it can summons Genies, create a megaflare (which, according to FF, destroys parts of the solar system at times)

It can bend space time, release hearts, unlock/lock anything, and create party confetti, become a flying machine. Banish darkness. Light. Create a giant sword. Levitate. All sorts of stuff

I think it just may be the single most versatile thing ever

Do not forget it can also unlock Kingdom Hearts and restart the Keyblade War with the X-blade.

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YMX wants to talk to you.


You just made my day.



Hmm... A Keyblade can't... oh, sh- what can't it do. I suppose it can't make you a sandwich. With veggie turkey. Well seasoned.


Sincerely, I have no idea of what a Keyblade can't do.

Edited by ElizaGreenstar

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It can't be destro.... oh wait.

If you're talking about Coded/Re:Coded. That Keyblade was merely a simulation without the strength of a real heart behind it. Data Sora only had an imitation of Sora's heart but didn't develop his own 'till later. So no a true Keyblade can't be destroyed, unless the heart it sprang from is shattered like in BbS. Say, maybe that means that that wielders from the first Keyblade war still exist in some form?

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If you're talking about Coded/Re:Coded. That Keyblade was merely a simulation without the strength of a real heart behind it. Data Sora only had an imitation of Sora's heart but didn't develop his own 'till later. So no a true Keyblade can't be destroyed, unless the heart it sprang from is shattered like in BbS. Say, maybe that means that that wielders from the first Keyblade war still exist in some form?

Yeah you're right. I was actually thinking about that scene in the Kh2fm+ ending where Ven's keyblade shatters when he's frozen and falling off the cliff, but seeing as they removed that part, they probably don't want the keyblade to seem as fragile.

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