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Text Darkside: Shadow Birth (in honor of my new rpc)

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Can't you stop saying that?I'm writing a story right now and the only one that post a reply there was you,because you're my sister and knows when I'm going to write here,you just passed through the room and saw me writing,them you said "I can't miss it!" and run to our brother's room.

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(lol, I enjoy watching you two post with each other)


Chapter 4: Newcomer

"What do you mean he escaped"! Xirkxis yelled. He couldn't believe his top soldiers failed to capture Zero and re-secure Zathern.

"We couldn't battle the anti-soldier Zero, something was wrong. Bayonet was defeated as soon as he attacked ", Alioth answered calmly. In truth, the situation wasn't anything to get angry over. After all, Zero would have defeated them anyway simply because he has the Liger Tablet, an ancient tome that contains information on how to control all of the equal powers. Hanuro simply shrugged and thought about where Zero could have teleported the soulless boy to and why he was protecting a Reaver.

Xirkxis sighed, "It doesn't matter now, the intruder has escaped and he will soon be tracked down by the specialist Reaver we have created. In the mean time, Alioth I want you to teach Hanuro some new magic. He can't always use the Blade of Seven's spirit energy mass attack as magic. Its not safe".

"I understand, let's go Hanuro". Alioth said as he walked out of the gray throne room and pointed at an isolated building that appeared to be rundown.

"Yes sir. I'm coming". Hanuro replied formally, which wasn't normal for him. Hanuro caught up to him and looked at the building with great curiosity.

"What's that place for"? Hanuro asked still looking at the building.

"An area designated specifically for magic training only".

"Oh, alright let's go"! Hanuro ran towards the building.

"Hey get back here"! Alioth shouted after him.


Xirkxis had his eyes closed for a moment. He was thinking about a new plan in order to put an end to the anti-soldier's interference, He had decided that in order to permanently eliminate the threat of Zero he was going to have to assign an additional fourth member to Hanuro's squad. Xirkxis snapped his fingers and a young female came through a door towards the left of Xirkxis. The girl was about Hanuro's age physically, she had blonde hair and red-orange eyes, she wore silver armor normally but she sometimes wore a white dress on the battlefield to sometimes appear innocent hiding her alternate persona, a psycho killer demon that was responsible for the deaths of millions of Light forces all over the world.

"Angel, I want you and Oni to join Soul Eater and his squad as their fourth member in order to bring down anti-soldier Zero's influence over the Reavers who still apparently have their free will intact".

"Understood. Is there any other information I should know about my new teammates and assignment"?

"No, that is all. Your dismissed for now. You can find Hanuro and Alioth at the magic training grounds not to far from here". Xirkxis looked at Angel with a bored expression on his face as he briefed her.

Angel saluted while smiling at her master. Afterwards she ran through the large gray and black doors of the throne room towards the magic training grounds and Hanuro.


"There's someone coming". Hanuro said. He had just started practicing how to shoot a fireball from his hands when he sensed Angel's presence.

"Perhaps she's here to deliver important news from Master Xirkxis himself".

Angel caught up to the two men and smiled.

"Are you guys Soul Eater Hanuro and Alioth"?

"Yes we are and who might you be"? Alioth asked sternly.

"My name is Angel and I will be the fourth member of your squad".

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Thanks VIRTS, seems like I missed a lot yesterday, but this morning I'll be here for a time.But don't know about the afternoon, and continue loving your story.

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Before I post the 5th chapter of this story I am going to explain some things that are definitely not going to be explained in this story.


First: the equal elements are Fire,Water,Earth, and Air.

Second: Light,Dark and Twilight are the "grey" elements. They only balance out the others are not supposed to be obtainable for human use, not even through magic.

Third: Lightning,Ice,and Metal are evolutionary elements created through excess aura use on its predecessor (fire=lightning/earth=metal/water=ice).

Fourth: Metal is only an element through the art of Alchemy and is only obtainable if the user is willing to sacrifice something of equal value.

Fifth: there is meaning to my sometimes randomly named chapters. Trust me.

Sixth: Birth elements have a role in this story.Refer to user Sorage55's research on the subject; for info on the subject. http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=4904&pid=114920

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I love this story:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D The Beginning and Shadow Birth are related, one story completes the other; and we all want to know how and why is going to happen to all the charcters. Please keep writing.

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Chapter 5: Discovery


"A new member? Alioth, did you know anything about this"? Hanuro asked confused.

"No, I wasn't aware of any new squad mate Hanuro". Alioth replied keeping his gaze on Angel.

"I know, Master Xirkxis just recently decided to add me to your guys's squad". Angel explained.

Hanuro and Alioth still were confused but they didn't interrogate the girl any longer. They welcomed her in and returned to magic training. Hanuro went back to creating fireballs and Angel decided to create capturing bubbles out of water vapor. Alioth, being a master mage, chose not to practice any magic.

Bayonet had finally gotten out the hospital. It turns out his injuries were worse than everyone else thought. He had recovered on the outside but his body was so shaken up that he was put on Side Arm status until he fully recovered. Side Arm status is when soldiers are not allowed to enter the battlefield due to severe injury. Bayonet preferred not to be on Side Arm status but it didn't matter. There was nothing he could do about it.


Bayonet went to the location of his teammates and was surprised by the site of Angel.

"Is this your new girlfriend Hanuro?" Bayonet asked teasingly, smiling.

"I just met her Bayonet, she's not my girlfriend." Hanuro answered, turning to him.

"Hi. My name is Angel. Your name is Bayonet, right? Its a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Angel walked closer to Bayonet.

"Right..." Bayonet turned around and saw Xirkxis coming near the group.


"What is it, Master Xirkxis?" Alioth waited for his master's answer.

"I have decided that you four shall be tasked with killing Zero. The mission will be difficult and you will face many challenges, but i have faith that you will not fail me. Am I correct?" Xirkxis looked at the four soldiers.

"Of course you are! We'll never fail you again. Promise." Hanuro said. The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"Let's hope not." Xirkxis opened a portal that led to Zero's hideout. The Dark Soldiers walked through the portal, ready for anything.

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I have no comment on that smart mouth. Thx for the compliments.


Chapter 6: Zero


The Dark Soldiers landed near a dark cave. Hanuro sensed a large amount of energy surging through his body. He summoned the Blade of Seven and the others summoned theirs. Angel summoned a katana that glowed with glittering golden energy. Zero emerged from the cave wearing a white cloak with golden streaks.

"I predicted your arrival, Dark Soldiers. Its a pleasure to see you again."

"I take it your Zero the anti-soldier correct?" Angel asked.

"Why yes, I am the legendary anti-soldier Zero. Now if you excuse me, I must eliminate the Dark Soldiers little girl."

Angel smirked and her hidden fangs began to elongate as her eyes turned darker.

"I'm not a little girl...NOW DIE!" Oni dashed at Zero lightning fast and swung at his face. Zero grabbed the katana and kicked Oni in her stomach.

*hope you like your preview of Chapter 6*

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