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Text Darkside: Shadow Birth (in honor of my new rpc)

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A crappy story. You can read but you've been warned:



Intro: Creation

The Soul Eater. A boy who carries all the darkness of the world within him. This boy was part human, part demon, and as deadly as a master assassin. He wasn't actually born, he was created when the darkness of Harmeo was discovered and thus the inversed island, Wraith, was created. Now the Soul Eater needed a name so his creator, Xirkxis (zerk-sis) named him Hanuro.


Hanuro and his master Xirkxis lived on Wraith, creating dark citizens and demons of all shapes and sizes. Xirkxis was proud of his creation. However, he needed to give Hanuro a weapon. Xirkxis spent years, before creating Hanuro, preparing for this. He walked to a large golden temple. The temple had about five floors,not including the basement. Xirkxis had opened the large golden doors. There wasn't much light in the temple but that didn't seem to bother the dark master. As Xirkxis walked to the center of the room, he thought of how well the boy will wield his new weapon; The Blade of Seven.


"No matter what happens, I will keep the darkness away from you".



I warned you it was crappy. This is a Reversed version of Darkside: The Beginning and both show two different views of some events.

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WHAT? No one reads my story "The Domo Chronicles: The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry". Or any of my poems. THATS A SPECIAL COMBO! YOUR STORY IS GREAT!

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Why do you think that no one reads your story?It's mine that no one reads.I read it every time I can,I love that story it's one of my favorites in this forum,but I'm to lazy to write something :D

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I always post a comment, mainly beacuse I feel that I need to make a compliment. But no one posts a comment to a story...how can the story continue?

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Chapter 1: Rise and Fall


Hanuro was in a very large castle awaiting for his master to give him his orders. He was sitting in a large gray throne, the Blade of Seven on his lap horizontal. The room that the throne was in was extremely similar to the throne itself. Colorless,lifeless, gray. Moments later a tall man in his early 60's approached the throne. He was wearing a black coat with red on the inside,red gloves, and a white and blue armor underneath.

"Hello, Master Xirkxis", Hanuro said, emotionless.

"Good Morning", Xirkxis walked to a similar throne like Hanuro's, only taller.


Outside of the room of thrones, the dark beings, now named Reavers, changed into dark cloud forms and headed to three destinations, Harmeo, Gravor, and Karano, the desert city. The Reavers first landed on Harmeo. They seen a boy with dark blue spiky hair, a red t-shirt, white shorts, and white sneakers. Zathern was the boy's name.

"Come to us", the largest Reaver spoke. He was a muscular man covered in darkness.

"No, I won't come with you monsters". Zathern had begun running.

"You have no choice", a Reaver that appeared to be a woman said as child-like Reavers tackled the boy,consuming his body in darkness.

"Let go of me"! Zathern yelled as more piled on top of him.


It was no use, Zathern was soon to be like them. A soulless monster doomed to haunt the island and kill all of his friends. A being created from darkness by a boy of darkness and his master. To become a Reaver was his fate and he had no choice but to accept it.

"I promise. I'll return to the island when the light has accepted me".

The promise of the boy who has no soul.

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I have no idea what I expect

Chapter 2: Systematic Judgement (systematic is a word)


Hanuro was training with two soldiers of the darkness. The first being a red head boy about seventeen years of age. His name was Bayonet. Bayonet wore all black armor and his hair was blood red. His hands when he was angry would change into extremely sharp claws able to rip a titanium door to shreds in a matter of seconds. The second one however was the complete opposite. His name was Alioth. This boy, also seventeen, had white hair shoulder length hair and blue eyes. Alioth wore a black uniform with silver laces across the collar and black shoes. Alioth's weapon was a hammer (akin to berserker Nobody's) with a machine gun attachment within the handle.

The three warriors were battling each other on top of the Tower of Remorse, a large tower where the Reavers were created. Bayonet's claws grew and he lunged at Hanuro. Hanuro jumped over Bayonet and kicked him in the back of his head while Alioth swung his hammer at Bayonet. Bayonet blocked the hammer after recovering.

"What the hell you two! Ganging up on one man"!

"Quit whining", Hanuro said as he unsheathed the Blade of Seven and attacked Alioth. Alioth smirked as he blocked the strike and an energy wave could be felt. Bayonet slashed Hanuro's back and Alioth increased his energy output and Hanuro retreated. Bayonet ran after Hanuro, his speed equivalent to that of a cheetah's, and kicked him in the face. Blood came out of Hanuro's mouth as he fell of the tower. Hanuro recovered then flew back up to the top and slammed his blade on the tower. Soon a large mass of energy burst from the place where the blade impacted on the tower and the threesome fell all the way to the ground.

"Well, trainings over", Alioth had stood up from where he landed and there was a crater in the shape of his body. "You did very well today, Soul Eater".

"I think he scores a ten on the brutality meter", Bayonet commented. He's armor had been cracked from the landing.

"Let's go back now", Hanuro had already started walking back to the palace, hearing Alioth and Bayonet's evaluation of his combat methods.

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hmm what song did hear "systematic" ?


Chapter 3: The Challenge of Zero


A few days have passed since Hanuro's training session. Hanuro had trained alone in that time. Xirkxis had repaired Bayonet's broken armor, unaware Bayonet's armor is his blood, and Bayonet laughed as he walked away. Alioth was tending to the Reaver children, noticing that one Reaver didn't look like the rest. The different Reaver child looked human, only it looked hypnotized.

"I think I should report this defective Reaver to Master Xirkxis immediately", Alioth said oblivious to the fact the "defective Reaver child was Zathern.

Hanuro went to the nursery. Hanuro looked at Zathern then unsheathed the Blade of Seven.

"Who are you and how'd you get here"? Hanuro said, demandingly.

"My name... is none of your business. Neither is how I got here".

"Then I'll kill you".

Zathern jumped up and soon a man was in his place.

"I am Zero, and if you harm this boy it is you who will die".

The man drew his large broadsword and as he landed on the ground he swung his sword at Hanuro. Hanuro would have been hit if it wasn't for Alioth, who blocked the attack with his hammer. Soon Bayonet appeared and lunged at Zero. Zero back flipped away from Alioth, put his sword away, and put on a steel glove with spikes on top of the knuckles. Bayonet had attempted to slash Zero's face but soon was punched in the face by the steel-gloved hand. Blood spilled from the contact area and both Hanuro and Alioth were confused.

"I warned you". Zero said as he and Zathern disappeared. Bayonet lied on the ground, first motionless and covered in blood but soon the blood reformed his face.

"Who was that guy"? Hanuro asked assisting Bayonet with standing up.

"I don't know, but he's gonna pay for injuring me". Bayonet replied, obviously angry.

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