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Joe Biden speaking to game developers about violence.

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This isn't about the supposed link between video games and violence. It just isn't. It's sort of like how antigun people want to stop mass murders. Actually, they don't. They could care less. Because the easy solution is to just do a mental health check as part of the background check that is already required. ALL of the mass murders have had documented mental health problems. But they don't care about doing something to actually solve the problem. All they want is guns gone for whatever stupid reason. They don't care about solving the problem--they only want to solve their own agenda. It's the same with the video games. I don't know what his personal motivation is against video games, but Biden (already pretty stupid) doesn't really care about stopping violence. For whatever reason, he wants to limit video games. That's his real motivation.


forgot that I wanted to reply to another post haha


I could ask you the same question. Why do you want to play Kingdom Hearts? Why do you want to watch TV? Why do you want to do anything? Because it's fun. I own two assault rifles (well, technically they belong to my dad because I'm not old enough to own them, but they were gifts to me and are referred to as my own) and I love them. Shooting is a fun sport and a good way to pass the time. So are video games. I love my assault rifles, but I would also cry at killing a squirrel, let alone a person. Owning an assault rifle =/= violence. And your definition of an "assault rifle"? It's a great home defense gun, and also good training for future military. Technically, depending on whose standards you go by, every rifle could be counted as an assault rifle. You don't need to punish happy, law-abiding citizens. The easy solution is a mental health background check. It's like the mother who stopped the man breaking into her house before he could hurt her or her children--should she not have a gun? Should she and her children have died instead? England has more crime per capita than the US and they've banned ALL kinds of guns.

Edited by Think Pink

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I just wanna throw out there that Switzerland doesn't have a military, they have a militia, and looking at their gun laws, it seems like every household is required to own a gun. Yet, they have one of the lowest crime rates.


Getting rid of guns does not mean crime will go down. It seems like it makes it worse.  

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getting rid of guns well make the world worse becous you wont have a way to protect your self if we take the elderly and some weak women in the world even weak men it would be bad on there part becous they well be powerless and weak and this is proven




takeing away gun's well mostlikly make the world worse alot worse  and to take away games it may turn bad as well some people use games to get out there anger and frustration so yeah


besides that parentes shouldnt let there 10-4 year old play M games the only M game i was allowed to play was 007 and mortal kombat cause comeing up i watched thos movies with my family ever time they came on and that was for a while

Edited by darklunatic

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I totally agree with you guys. Im tired of all the "good people" trying to ban video games and blame them for all the violence happening in the world. And mostly everyone who supports this are parents, who think they're "good people" too because they do.

When I was a kid, my parents always told me that even with a toy gun, you shouldn't point at anyone, and you shouldn't speak of killing people. This is what every parent should tell to their kids, basic things what everyone should know.


A little off-topic: In Finland, most people don't have guns. Only people in the countryside where they hunt. My family has a couple of shotguns and a few rifles, and they are kept in a locked safe. Handguns are rarely seen here, also rarely sold. Getting a gun in Finland is a long process.

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It's not really the game or the game's rating. It's the bloody person.


I grew up with games like Mortal Kombat just fine. It was bloody and violent, but have you heard about me on the news shooting people ? Nope.


It's the person.


You should watch the kid play these games and if he or she is starting to act crazy TAKE THE GAME AWAY FROM HIM/HER. Be responsible.  Also teach wrong from right and know your child. If you think that your child can't handle a game like MK  DON'T BUY IT FOR HIM/HER.


So really it's the kid and the parents to blame. Not the game.


It's bloody sad that a group of 11- 25 year olds here can think better than today's so called " parents ". Some of today's parents are huge jokes.

Edited by axele

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