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Your favorite quote from the Kingdom Hearts series

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Axel: We are just Nobodies who have no one to be, yet we still "are." But now you can be nothing instead of just being a Nobody. You're off the hook.

Vexen: No... please don't. I don't want to-

Axel: Goodbye. *sets Vexen on fire*


I thought it was just too funny how Axel cut Vexen's pleads off so cockily. xD

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Just to name a handful of my favorites...


Re: CoM

Axel: Don't break him.

Larxene: I'm not gunna break the toy. I'm not dumb.



  • Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?
  • Nice to see you, too, Vexen
  • Then I shall make you see, that your hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!


358/2 Days

(note, these aren't exact, but...)

Roxas: ...What is it?

Xion: ... Well, when in doubt, give it a good whack!


Roxas: Here, you can use my Keyblade.

Xion: ...But what'll you use, Roxas?

Roxas: -picks up a stick- I can improvise.

Xion: ...Roxas, that's a stick.



Zack: So, how about a date?

Aqua: ... I am shy.

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There are so many quotes that I like!


Chain of Memories (manga):

1. Marluxia: To find is to lose, and to lose is to find...

Sora: Man, he said the same thing twice.

Donald: Probably his favorite line.


Marluxia: I repeated it cause I thought you weren't listening!

2. The vending machine: This is Castle Oblivion. Where to find is to lose, and to lose is to find. But rest assured that you won't lose anything just because you won this free drink.

Sora: Uh, that's good to know...


3. Larxene: You could power the air conditioner, hair dryer and microwave at the same time!


4. Vexen: -thinking- If Riku is more qualified to be the key, the underground members will gain the upper hand and we can knock the wind out of the above ground members' sails! They call us the "underground members" like we're some kind of losers! Hahaha...

Riku Replica: Let me set one thing straight, I'm better than Riku!


5. Axel: You don't want to see me get serious, I may really have to kill you.

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O_o I'll update a little for now...


KH CoM manga:

Larxene:With this much electricity, you can use an air-conditioner, a hair dryer and microwave at the same time!!!

Repliku:I'm taller than you because of my shoes!!!



Axel: I'm so flattered!!!

Roxas:You make a good other.


Demyx:(I like everything he says)

Sora:Hades, We need to talk... Ahh!!!


KH 358/2 Days:

Xion:I decided to disappear on my own will.

Roxas:No!!! Xion!!! Let's have ice-cream the 3 of us!!!

Axel:I'm always the one who has to do the disgusting jobs.



Zack:Hey, just one date?

Aqua:Ehh, me? (waves hands xD)

Ven:Our connected hearts is my power!!!

Ansem the Wise:Everything is born from sleep. Yes, even you.

Terra:My dream is to become a keyblade Master!!!

Aqua:You mean our dream?


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I love all of xemnas lines! 8D


this is one of them: "You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?"


^ this


"darkness is truly eternal"

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"Your darkness belongs to you. Just like your light."

all of king Mickey's lines,and donalds.

and of course "RIKU!"


"Is,that supposed to be a joke? BECAUSE I'M NOT LAUGHING!!"

"...Because, I know for a fact that...Kingdom Hearts IS LIGHT!"

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"Got it memorized?"


"The peices are all in place. You better give me one Hell of a show, Sora!

and in an awkward way;

"Didn't you know? You're a replica of Sora"

it's so matter-of-factly that it's like HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO HAVE KNOWN?!?!

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I like Xigbar's lines:

Xigbar: Have you been a good boyXigbar: You've really put Organization XIII into a pickle, I guess that's why the Keyblade chose you, but man, did it pick a dud this time, you don't look like you're half the hero the others were

Sora: Are you done rambling?

Xigbar: Rambling? As if. All I'm trying to tell you traitor, is that your time is up

? (lol at Sora xD)


;_; at this part, true friendship

Riku: I wished I could live life the way you do. Just following my heart.

Sora: Yeah, well, I've got my share of problems, too.

Riku: Like what?

Sora: Like... wanting to be like you.

Riku: Well, there is one advantage to being me... Something you could never imitate.

Sora: Really? What's that?

Riku: Having you for a friend.


eh enough for now...


Oh and Kairi's letter...

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"Run! Run away!"

Alll of Xigbars lines...


Give me a break Kairi/Aqua!"


"I know now, without a doubt, that Kingdom Hearts. IS LIGHT!"

"Darkness sprouts within it.. Consumes it... the heart is no different..."


All is born from Birth by Sleep, yes, even you...







And so many others....

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*What mattered the most was remembered the least.

*"Don't forget,that's the thruth."-Xion.

*"Only seven days to go,and then my summer vacation's over."-Roxas.

*"You're lucky,cause it looks like my summer vacation is...over."-Roxas.


"You're my friends,there for I want to ask you a favor...erase me."-Ventus.


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