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Your favorite quote from the Kingdom Hearts series

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My most fav quote is Axel's usual question

"Got it memorized ?"

Then there are Roxas' lines which make me so sad every time I think abt them x.x

"Only seven days to go, and then my summer vacation's over."

"You're lucky, cause it looks like my summer vacation is ... over."


And damn there are a lot out there I like x.x

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seifer: why does looking at u always tick me off

roxas: idk,maybe its destiny


i dont know about u but it seems roxas has terrible comebacks

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i have a few

"why do you always stare at me like i drowned your goldfish" -xiggy

"Got it memorized?" -axel

"A scattered dream is like a far off memory... a far off memory is like a scattered dream... i want to aline the pieces up. your and mine" -sora

"Thinking of you wherever you are we pray for our sarrows to end and hope our hearts will blend now i will step forward to relize this wish: and who know maybe starting a new journy wont be so hard or maybe it already begun. there are many world but the share the same sky- one sky one destiny" - kairi

"Pitiful heartless mindlessly collecting hearts the rage of the keyblade releases those hearts they gater in darkness materless and free until they weave together to make kingdom hearts" - saix

"Good tidings freind today is a momentus day. i am pleased to anounce that a new comrad has been chosen to where the coat..." -Xemnas

"roxas... im out of time even if im not ready i have to make this choise... you have poured so many memories into me... given me so much that i feel like im going to over flow. roxas look at me if you see somone elses face- a boys face then that means im almost ready. this puppet will have to play her part... roxas this is him this is sora."

ok im gonna stop before i qoute the hole game ^_^

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DiZ: so which path will you take? the roed to light or the roed to darkness Riku:neither im taking the middle road it's my fav kh line and the only good part in that piece of shit game chain of memories (im probably gonna get abagillion responses of people yelling at me)

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Xion "Why? You're the real sham!"

Riku "Fair enough. You could say I am, the biggest nobody of them all"


Sora "I've been seraching too"

Cloud "For your light? Don't loose sight of it" I really like that one for some reason


Cloud "You don't know me!"

Sephiroth "I do because.... I am you"




There are alot more but that's all I can think of right now

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So you do care for her, in that case, the answer is no.- Saix


Roxas: But what is a nobody?

*riku appears* DiZ we're out of time, too many nobodies.

Roxas: WHAT THE FU** IS A NOBODY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Xaldin- "Who could ever...love a BEAST."


Beast- "Rawr."


Lexaeus- "Now then, open your heart, and let the darkness IN!"


Saix- "If I had a heart, this would be where I died of laughter."


Xemnas- "Can you spare, a heart?"


Xehanort's Heartless- "*The whole damn KH1 speech...and also of course*, KIIIINGDOOOM HEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAARTS!!!! FILL ME, WITH THE POWER OF DARKNESS! SUPREME DARKNESS!!!!!"

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"In your hand, take this key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be, and you will find me, friend. No ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."



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Xemnas Mansex's epic line xD


Phil's annoying but memorable line /shot

"My Friends are my power!"

*Cough*Ven saying it not Sora xD

"If I had a heart, this is where I'd die of laughter."

Saix <3 If he died of laughter then I wouldn't need to fight him anymore xD /shot

"Hey, you're that pickpocket!"

Who doesn't like this line anyway /shot (But I prefer the jap version of this cuz his jap voice is soo adorableeee >w<*

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Some quotes may not be exact to the word.



I'm me he says. Must be nice being real. A fake like me, could never get away with saying that. That's right! I'm a phony! A fake! The way I look, the way I feel, everything I remember! And even, this new found power! I thought by finding some new strength, I could finally be someone, someone who's not at all you! But, nothing changes. I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed! As long as you're around, I'll never be more than a shadow!



Your body submits, your heart succumbs, so why does your mind resist?



I am...a mere shell.



How could you, Roxas?



I look into Poppet's face and I see determination. Come 'ere lemme see your game face.



Ew, your awake?


What do you want? I'm busy. Go hit your head against the wall or something.



... (Those are some incredible words.)



To Merlin the Wizard Are you a Heartless? (Silly Donald, I'd whack you with my Keyblade if I could.)

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Come on Sora, I thought you were stronger than that. ~ Riku to Roxas

Come on Ven, I thought you were stronger than that. ~Terra to Ven

Got it memorized? ~Axel/Lea

I am me! Nobody else! ~Roxas

You make a good other. ~Roxas

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Hayner: Why would anyone wanna steal a bonehead like Roxas anyway?

I love all of Kairi's lines. My Favs:

Don't ever forget, wherever you go, I'm always with you

This time I'll fight too

You're home


Namine: You may not know it's me, and I may not know it's you, but we will meet again, I promise!

Roxas:You make a good other

All of Riku's lines. Most memorable:

Take care of her

C'mon Sora, I thought you were stronger than that.

And I love all of Larxene's lines :)

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"Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!"



"As if!"



DON'T MOCK ME! sheesh I wouldn't want to piss him off



"I sense that you do. You're also capable of controlling the darkness. Cast away your useless fear. Open your heart. Embrace the darkness."




"Oh ho! So it's a fight you want. Very good

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this keyblade with open that door then keyblade bearer warriors will flock in for each and everyone of them and battle for the light within Kingdom Hearts!

just pure epic in the trailer. i belive its venitas that says it?

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"Different name, same fate!"

"When a friend needs me there, I'll be there!"

"Is that... Is that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'M NOT LAUGHING!"

"Sora never DID pick the brightest friends."

"And just who are you tying to fool? Huh, Huh, Huuuuh?" "Myself."

"Hum hey, Axel this is gonna sound stupid... but what's love?" " 'Scuse me?"

"Didn't get it memorized, huh?"

"No! Xion! Who else will I have Iceream with?" I actually DO like this quote. for all you Xion haters out there, play the game again and you'll know the meaning ;.;

"What a hag" -Sora ^-^


I'm sure Aros, my character says that...

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