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Arya Stark

Ragnarok (Sign-Ups)

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The world ended. It's all over. The end. What happened you ask? Well, demons rose up from the depths of the earth, possessing important individuals and manipulating the humans until they could rise up from Hell and destroy civilization. All of them have stepped up and enslaved humanity. The evil demons have destroyed all humanity ever stood for, and now all that is left is an empty husk. It's been twenty years since then. Demons use humans as pitiful slaves, doing their duty as builders, stepstools, and cup-bearers. They have all but lost what spirit they once had, giving up all hope of overruling the demons. But a new generation has come, born with the spirit of hope and freedom. They've broken the chains of slavery and risen up. There is only a small group of them, but they are strong. They will do whatever it takes for humanity to rise again, whether they die trying or not.



Don't kill others unless permission is given

Don't control other characters unless permission is given

No godmodding

This is semi-modern times, so there are guns , but blade-based weapons are welcome as well

There isn't any magic. Period.

No slacking



Character Sheet:






Side (Uprising or Demons):







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Name: Kotaro Masanori

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, medium length black hair. Wears a black hoodie with the hood usually up, and blue jeans.

Personality: Kotaro is harsh, but can warm up to someone if around them for a long enough time. He's usually serious.

Side: Uprising

Bio: Kotaro was orphaned at the age of 6 when a demon murdered his parents after they tried to oppose their new leaders. Thought by the demons to be useless as a slave at such a young age, he was thrown to the streets and forced to learn to survive on his own. As a result, he's become great at thievery and scavenging for needs. His goal is to kill the demon that orphaned him, and by any means necessary. He eventually found an abandoned house and took refuge inside it until present day.

Weapons: Kotaro carries a dagger for close combat, and a pistol for when long range combat is needed. He's an expert with either weapon, both of which were stolen.


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Name: Loriana Smithron

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance:Golden hair down to shoulders, frilled violet skirt, brown boots. Green eyes.

Personality: Cruel, mean. Playful, but can be dead serious. She also enjoys toying with others.

Side (Uprising or Demons): Demons

Bio: Ever since killing a baby, Loriana had been infused and overwhelmed by her own evil. Doing nothing but wanting to murder, she plans to rid Uprising.

Weapons:Black Longsword, Hand Cannon



And how many characters? One? Or two.....

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Name: Olivia Rider

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1241&bih=559&tbm=isch&tbnid=lHwv9Lq-HKEclM:&imgrefurl=http://www.taringa.net/posts/animaciones/15848888/imagenes-anime-2_.html&docid=vY18e-NwRPpnfM&imgurl=http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/639404-bigthumbnail.jpg&w=450&h=338&ei=SVXvUP-6H5Cw8ASgrYCgDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=12&sig=100083532230730027188&page=3&tbnh=143&tbnw=212&start=35&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:55,s:0,i:257&tx=134&ty=116

Personality: Olivia is very determine and hates losing. She doesn't trust people easily and is very cautious. 

Side (Uprising or Demons): Uprising

Bio: Before the demon uprising, Olivia's father was in the military and got Olivia to be interested in weapons. Whenever her father came to visit he would teach her many things her father learned from the military. Olivia convinced her mom to sign Olivia up to practice at indoor shooting ranges from pistols to snipers. Soon Olivia was in international competitions. The demon uprising began when Olivia was in the middle of a competition then she heard screams as demons started to attack the civilians. Olivia managed to escape and called her mother but there was no answer. After a couple months when demons were enslaving humans, Olivia managed to get her hands on weapons then found out her father was enslaved while her mother was killed. With complete rage she was determined to free her father and put a bullet through every demon's head.  

Weapons: The sniper in appearance, a Swiss Army Knife for cutting and defense, and twin pistols. 

Theme: I just freaking love this song. 


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All accepted! And Sammy, love that song too!


Name: The Demon King

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Appearance: ???

Personality: ???

Side: Demons

Bio: Not much is known about the King of Demons, and many think he is but legend. No human has ever seen him, and only his closest lieutenants have talked to him.

Weapons: ???


Name: Ally Sin

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://www.wallsoc.com/29273-horror-dark-cyborgs-red-eyes-artwork-anime-girls-iwai-ryo.html

Personality: Cruel, demonic, evil, mean

Side: Demons

Bio: Ally grew up a regular slave. She did as she was told, and never disobeyed. But recently, she has been showing much odd behavior. Particularly menacing words, cruel acts, and an evil personality. No one knows why, but we know that now Ally loves killing humans.

Weapons: Twin swords, shotgun, pistol, and a knife.

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7X6B7HIuyE


More later. Oh, and yeah SoraBlade, have as many characters as you can handle.

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Name: Will Barnett 

Age: Unknown but looks 18

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: Will's careless, cocky, and determined personality gets him trouble. He loves to show off but once you get know him more he's a kind, caring, and protective demon.

Side (Uprising or Demons): Uprising but he's a demon

Bio: Ever since Will was young he had a kind heart making most of the demons abuse Will. When Will heard about the demons preparing to invade Earth, without thinking, Will jumped into the human world landing on Olivia when she was in the middle of her competition. When Olivia was about to yell at Will, she heard screams and saw demons jumping into the stands killing anyone in their way. When a demon was about to kill Olivia, Will took out his katana and sliced the demon. The demons stared at Will in shock and started yelling at him he's a traitor. Ignoring the insults, Will helped Olivia escape and been with her ever since. 

Weapons: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1241&bih=544&tbm=isch&tbnid=D29I9cqAWBbUDM:&imgrefurl=http://neni.deviantart.com/art/Watashi-no-Katana-70921578&docid=78sw874WojnCFM&imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/70921578/Watashi_no_Katana_by_Neni.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=MaHwUOG_DITQ9ATRyoHABA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=6&sig=100083532230730027188&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=180&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0,i:212&tx=79&ty=123 Katana strapped to his back, a dagger, and a pistol but he's sort of bad at it. 



 I'll make another character later. 




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Name: Monicca Slutcha

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Brown hair, blue skirt, trimmed with white. Blue eyes. Hair down to ears. Black shoes.

Personality: Mean, smart, deceiving. Monicca loves to confuse others, and does not feel sad for them whatsoever, creating a heartless soul in her.

Side (Uprising or Demons): Demons

Bio: A cousin of Loriana, Monicca followed her to keep her safe. She will occasionally mess with others, and never forgives, nor is nice to anyone that is not a demon.

Weapons: Pistal, silver katana




Name: Brandon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black hair all spiked up, not exactly like a Mohawk, though. Black coat and white hoodie. Black jeans and white sneakers.

Personality: Brave, caring, nice.

Side (Uprising or Demons): Uprising

Bio: Wearing white and black, he believes it keeps him equally protected from the sun. Little does he know, it can protect him from others things.....

Weapons: Dagger, boomerang


Edited by SoraBlade

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Name: Rosalie Bloodshed

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://www.wallsonline.net/butterfly-red-eyes-anime-girls-pig-accel-world-butterfly-wings-black-hair-kuroyukihime/

Personality: Rosalie only thinks about her own pleasures and always gets what she wants. She is insane and thinks humans are made to bow down to demons.

Side (Uprising or Demons): Demons

Bio: Rosalie was spoiled by her parents and soon became jealous of humans for they had some much more things. Now, Rosalie owns a couple human slaves. 

Weapons: Long red whip, machine gun, scythe, and a knife. 

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erccjxIBErU


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Name: Sampson Karoe

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: Calm, collected, but very jumpy and frightened when near demons. Tries not to form bonds so as to save himself the trouble of pain and heartbreak,

Side: Uprising

Bio: Due to Sampson's family background of being very wealthy and powerful, when the demons came they were among the first to be possessed. The ones that resisted the possession were murdered on the spot. His mother and father were the only ones to have escaped. They had strategically eluded the demons for four years, until the birth of Sampson. Because they were stationed in one place longer than usual because of the birth, one of the demons had finally gotten to his father. His father resisted long enough for his mother to take Sampson and escape.

16 years have passed since then, and his mother has recently passed away due to bad health, All alone, Sampson, now terrefied of demons and sure that he is prone to eventually get possessed due to his family name, wanders aimlessly trying to find peace and quiet..

Weapon: Poison shurikens


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Name: Wilson

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Spiky Red hair, White Cloake over Blue shirt, Black pants, Blood Red eyes, and 6 feet 7 inches.

Personality: Talkative and a bit of a wimp but when he needs to he will stand up to his fears. He is also very strange

Side: Uprising

Bio: Wilson was always a bit of a goof ball even when he was possessed by a demon. His soul has actually become friendly with the demon who is now his only friend. The demon understands his pain and releases his soul and Wilson hasn't seen or heard him ever since. Wilson still occasionally talks to himself thinking that the demon is still inside of him. He tries his hardest to be normal around other uprising.

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lPmiDoK-fo

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hmm i havent rped in a while =w=



Character Sheet:

Name: Akane

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Posted Image

Personality: she's a kind and strong willed girl. she's also quiet and has the urge will help anyone in pain

Side (Uprising or Demons): uprising

Bio: Akane was separated from her parent when she was 10. ever since then she was possessed by a demon for a while but somehow managed to free her soul from the demon but her red eyes that the demon left remains with her. she's sometimes mistaken for a demon. now she wants to put an end to this madness and hopes for peace in the world again

Weapons: crescent rose (scythe rifle)

Posted Image


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Name: Soren (goes by the name Rathnik to those he does not trust)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Shy and secluded, he is a loner. But once he warms up to someone, he will sacrifice his life for them.

Side (Uprising or Demons): Uprising

Bio: Born a year after the occpation, his hope has wavered over the years. Since his sister was possesed by a demon, he has become shy, secluded, and vengeanful. He feels he is always alone, and has stayed away from people for years. He fights the demons whenever he comes across them, but feels the fight is hopeless. But still, day by day, he feels hope again rising. He just doesn't know why.

Weapons: A celtic broadsword Pic named Requiem and twin semi automatic handguns with extended 30 round magazines he has dubbed Vengeance and Dannation.

Theme: Castle of Glass by Linkin Park (can't link a youtube atm, sorry)


Am I too late D:

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Am I too late D:

i dont think she closed the sign ups but i hope we're not

(i really wanna start but i cant post without her approving nuu) 

Edited by Gumi

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i dont think she closed the sign ups but i hope we're not(i really wanna start but i cant post without her approving nuu) 

I know Q_Q I wanna post too.

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