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What Google tells us about Kingdom Hearts

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Feel like moving to Roxas, Isabela now. By any chance, would there also be a Sora, Phinas and a Riku, Pery? *wonders if anyone will get the Phineas and Ferb references*

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Since we're somewhat on the subject of places, here's a fun fact: Trinidad was formerly known as Kairi which in Arawak meant "island" and in Taino meant "the moon". 


I did this once a while back then got bored. I think I had typed in "Kingdom Hearts is-" and I think the results were "Kingdom Hearts is gay". 

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I petition that we agree on bat shit crazy KH related things to search on Google and all of KH13 go look them up. The more people look the same things up the more likely it is to pop up as a suggestion.


Speaking of suggestions:


Kingdom Heart is full of cholesterol

Why is Kingdom Hearts Sugar Coated?

Can Sora can his pet?

Why is Sora pro choice?

Vanitas is a sex god

Kairi cooking game

Xehanort is Riku's uncle twice removed

Why is Namine drunk?


There are some suggestions so GOGOGO NOWNOWNOW GOGOGO!!! 

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Phhhffffttttt ROFL X'D Oh Google how you entertain me. I had to try it too....


Me: Is Larxene...


Google: ....a girl?


Me: Is Xion...


Google: ...a scrabble word? A boy or a girl? Aqua's nobody?


Me: Is Zexion...


Google:...emo? French? A girl? (Poor Zexion xD)


Me: Is Ventus...


Google:...Sora's father? X'D


Me: Is Donald Duck...


Google:...a Disney character? T_________________T

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Kingdom Heart is full of cholesterol

Why is Kingdom Hearts Sugar Coated?

Can Sora can his pet?

Why is Sora pro choice?

Vanitas is a sex god

Kairi cooking game

Xehanort is Riku's uncle twice removed

Why is Namine drunk?

I just googled all of them. The Xehanort is Riku's uncle twice removed made me laugh so hard!

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