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Is Final Fantasy X-2 worth it?

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I finally finished Final Fantasy X and really enjoyed it.  I loved the characters, and the story was just light and nice.  It probably isn't my favorite Final Fantasy of all time, but it definitely ranks in my top five.  After seeing the ending of X, however, I've been really anxious to see what happens next in X-2, but I've heard so much negativity on the game that I'm kind of concerned to buy it.  Is it very good?  Do you think I'll enjoy it if I liked X so much?  Does it have a similar feel to X?

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Final Fantasy X-2 is worth it. Only $20 roughly. 


Great game if you know what you're doing. 




Great gameplay, TERRIBLE intro. If you stick with it, it gets good

it's best enjoyed with a guide, in my opinion


I'd suggest using a guide when you play it on New Game+. If you use a guide the first time around you won't be able to enjoy it as much. 

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Final Fantasy X-2 is worth it. Only $20 roughly. 


Great game if you know what you're doing. 





I'd suggest using a guide when you play it on New Game+. If you use a guide the first time around you won't be able to enjoy it as much. 

Oh, I should append: use a spoiler-free guide.

And 20 bucks? Must be some crazy Australian thing, I payed five bucks for my copy

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X-2 is amazing. I actually like it more than X, mostly because I find it so much funner with an Active Time Battle system, the "dressphere" concept, the non-linear gameplay, stuff like that.The story doesn't really get good until near the end, but for the most part, it's alright. Unless you don't like Charlie's Angels-esque storylines. Then I guess it's not alright. :V

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The thing to keep in mind is that in a lot of ways, X-2 is the opposite of X, in gameplay and in tone.  The battle system is the traditional ATB system, but faster paced since everything is in real-time instead of it being turn-based.  A character's action can make her gauge shorter or longer, and you gotta keep on your toes since multiple characters (your allies and enemies) can attack simultaneously--in other words, no one's action's comes to a halt just because someone is enacting a command (for instance, Yuna can attack an enemy at the same time another enemy is attacking Rikku, and Paine can hit the enemy attacking Rikku while it's in the middle of attacking).  The job change system from previous titles makes another appearance, doing away with the sphere grid.  You only have three characters you can use, so your strategy comes from your jobs and also the grids you put your jobs on, which lets you change jobs mid-battle and also gives you bonuses in battle depending on the grid you put the jobs on.  While X was linear (a bit too linear in some peoples' eyes), X-2 is completely open-ended.  The story is told through missions, the order of which is up to you, and the existence of which depending on completion of a previous mission, with multiple paths you can choose that will affect the ending.  As hatok said, a guide is recommended.  It has a percentage completion system, and you can easily miss certain things (even skipping a cutscene counts as missing it!), do things in the wrong order, or make the wrong choices.


Thematically, X-2 is upbeat and lighthearted, contrasting X's more serious tone.  Some people don't like the shift, but others do or just don't mind it.  Yuna running around with guns and skimpy clothing might take some getting used to for some players (unless they're into that sort of thing, and if they're straight males, they most likely are).  All in all, you're not gonna get the same experience with X-2 like you did with X.  There are plenty of people who like both games, myself being one of them, but the shifts are too much for some people.  It's a very polarizing game so it's best you form your own opinion, but just keep in mind that X-2 is different than X.

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Thanks guys, this really helps me out a lot.  I'm actually not sure it'd be the game for me, since I enjoyed the seriousness of FFX along with the characters and their personalities.  The only characters that truly return for most of the game appear to be Rikku and Yuna, and, while I did like Yuna I really liked her innocence which seems to have vanished in X-2.  Also, I hate playing with a guide since I think it feels like cheating, lol, but from the sound of it I think it's pretty necessary.


So, anyway, thanks again!  I'll be thinking on the game.  Chances are I'll probably end up getting it eventually, just because I enjoyed X so much and would have to see for myself if I can stand it. :D

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Well, I know I said the game was more lighthearted, but only in comparison to X.  Many of the missions involve helping people and seeing what they do in a world without Sin, so it has a slice-of-life slant to it until around the end.  But, keep in mind that X-2 is still a Final Fantasy, and the sequel to one of the darker FF titles.  It's upbeat in comparison, but only because Sin isn't around to unanimously cause the planet misery, so the plot doesn't involve a grand quest riddled with death and sacrifice.  With Sin out of the picture, Spira finally has a chance to grow and think for itself, and not all of that change is good.  Yuna, being the self-sacrificing hero she is, wants to help whoever she can, both from her caring nature and literally a lack of anything else to do with her life (she didn't expect it to last beyond a certain point...).  Her new duds and weaponry were a makeover invoked by Rikku, who said she needed a new look--I forgot if she said so in X's epilogue or somewhere in X-2--but she's still the same Yuna at heart, innocence and all.  Well, maybe not completely innocent, given everything she learned in X, but X-2 shows her applying it.


X-2 is relatively more down to earth than X, since it focuses on the world itself instead of saving it.  There are enough serious moments in the game to let you know it's still a Final Fantasy and X's sequel.  Yeah, your other party members are reduced to NPCs and that didn't jive with me, but they're too busy living their lives to join Yuna and co. on their adventures.  It might be best to go into the game with a certain mindset.  Instead of a grand adventure, you get to experience the world after your Save It adventures.  In other words, you experience the fruits of your labor, and the positive and negative consequences that resulted from it.


Oh, and I guess you don't need a guide, because the game has a New Game+ feature that lets you keep your completion percentage, job levels, and accessories, so you get to restart in case you miss anything.  A guide just makes things easier.

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Well, I know I said the game was more lighthearted, but only in comparison to X.  Many of the missions involve helping people and seeing what they do in a world without Sin, so it has a slice-of-life slant to it until around the end.  But, keep in mind that X-2 is still a Final Fantasy, and the sequel to one of the darker FF titles.  It's upbeat in comparison, but only because Sin isn't around to unanimously cause the planet misery, so the plot doesn't involve a grand quest riddled with death and sacrifice.  With Sin out of the picture, Spira finally has a chance to grow and think for itself, and not all of that change is good.  Yuna, being the self-sacrificing hero she is, wants to help whoever she can, both from her caring nature and literally a lack of anything else to do with her life (she didn't expect it to last beyond a certain point...).  Her new duds and weaponry were a makeover invoked by Rikku, who said she needed a new look--I forgot if she said so in X's epilogue or somewhere in X-2--but she's still the same Yuna at heart, innocence and all.  Well, maybe not completely innocent, given everything she learned in X, but X-2 shows her applying it.


X-2 is relatively more down to earth than X, since it focuses on the world itself instead of saving it.  There are enough serious moments in the game to let you know it's still a Final Fantasy and X's sequel.  Yeah, your other party members are reduced to NPCs and that didn't jive with me, but they're too busy living their lives to join Yuna and co. on their adventures.  It might be best to go into the game with a certain mindset.  Instead of a grand adventure, you get to experience the world after your Save It adventures.  In other words, you experience the fruits of your labor, and the positive and negative consequences that resulted from it.


Oh, and I guess you don't need a guide, because the game has a New Game+ feature that lets you keep your completion percentage, job levels, and accessories, so you get to restart in case you miss anything.  A guide just makes things easier.

Alright, you enabled me; I went ahead and bought both the game and strategy guide. :D  From the sound of it, I think it'll at least be partly enjoyable.  Thanks for all your advice!


And many thanks to everyone else who said what they thought of the game!

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Well I didn't liked the story (too cheese and incongruent) but the gameplay was fun (the transformations of the girls were like watching sailor moon  *_* but you can cut them if you want). The game in general made me miss Tidus even more  -_-

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I hated it.


I hated how they turned Yuna and Rikku into these bimbo " TEE-HEE " Type girls. Rikku in the original was a really wise and intelligent girl. In X-2 she acts like she's five.


The job system is made for horny 12 year old boys. I have never seen the thief costume designed that way and have the female dress so short. 


It does have it's good points though. It does have a cute romantic storyline. imo it's worth a rent. 

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I hated it.


I hated how they turned Yuna and Rikku into these bimbo " TEE-HEE " Type girls. Rikku in the original was a really wise and intelligent girl. In X-2 she acts like she's five.


The job system is made for horny 12 year old boys. I have never seen the thief costume designed that way and have the female dress so short. 


It does have it's good points though. It does have a cute romantic storyline. imo it's worth a rent. 

Rikku... wise?

That's the first time I heard THAT description for her... o_O

And no, the JOB system isn't made for horny boys, the costumes are. And that's how costumes always are in FF. The Job System is a deep and interesting take on the classic FFV system, and it's a lot of fun to play with

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Yeah, I got the game a couple days ago.  So far I don't dislike it, but I'm not quite sure I like it, either.  It's just so different from FFX, y'know?  I keep constantly thinking Paine would do better as a male character, to help balance out the whole female trio squad thing they've got going on.

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Yeah, I got the game a couple days ago.  So far I don't dislike it, but I'm not quite sure I like it, either.  It's just so different from FFX, y'know?  I keep constantly thinking Paine would do better as a male character, to help balance out the whole female trio squad thing they've got going on.


I did warn you you wouldn't get the same experience you did with X. =P What I hadn't warned you about was the testosterone fuel they had going on with the three leads and their outfits (gods, the outfits...).  Things are more serious and more Final Fantasy-ish as things progress, but the first legs of the game can be... eh...

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