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Can we have a Moment of Silence

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I thought this was

"For our brothers in the friend zone"


Tbh though, I expected it, the current generation's been going on 6 or so years, and the next generation is already started coming out (Wii U) or in development (Xbox 720), and I haven't even seen USED PS2 games in a game store for years.  Either way, I still have my own one :D 

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Oh my lovely first gaming system. And, of course, the console that first brought us our beloved KH! You have served us well, PS2. But now, you can rest knowing that KH will soon be in good hands: the hands of your successor (and there'll be other great games for it too).


It's been some great years with the PS2, and man am I glad I got into it, and gaming. I truly hope that my PS2 lasts for a very, very long time...

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I'm just glad I got one last year, the day before my birthday. Anyways, mine still works after 2 days later. Maybe it's because I never turned it off. Good for me.

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Rest In Peace my friend.

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