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Master Juan

Most Popular Kingdom Hearts OST

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So, obviously there's an incredibly large amount of epic songs in Kingdom Hearts, each sharing its own distinct uniqueness and charm, but I was just curious as to what you guys think is the most well known song of the Kingdom Hearts Series? Like, if you asked someone to name a song from KH, what would be the first song to come to their mind? Also, what is your favorite Kingdom Hearts soundtrack and why? My personal favorite is Darkness of the Unknown, simply because of the violin solo. Violins are sexy.

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- Vector to the heavens

- Unbreakable chains

- Roxas theme

- Ventus theme

- Sanctuary

- Hikari

- Simple and clean

- Dearly beloved

- Musique pour la tristesse de Xion

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It depends on what you mean, The Simple and Clean remix was popular enough on it's own to warrant being played on the radio. But the first song you hear in every Kh game is dearly beloved, so I'd imagine that's what most people would think of. Especially if they don't know how to press start. Sanctuary is my favorite, I liked Simple and Clean but it's divided between a slow full song, and a faster remix. I feel Sanctuary is a nice compromise in length, tempo, and such.

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