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gods i love AH's Let's Plays. they are the main reason i go on Youtube. Ray is the greatest thing in the world. If Gavin or Ray isn't in a full lets play its almost not worth watching xD

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gods i love AH's Let's Plays. they are the main reason i go on Youtube. Ray is the greatest thing in the world. If Gavin or Ray isn't in a full lets play its almost not worth watching xD


Well I don't know they are all really funny I still like the Let's Play Saints Row the Third with Geoff and Michael that was really funny, but yes having Gav and Ray in them makes it good as well, they are all really good and funny to watch

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Well I don't know they are all really funny I still like the Let's Play Saints Row the Third with Geoff and Michael that was really funny, but yes having Gav and Ray in them makes it good as well, they are all really good and funny to watch

I've wanted to watch that one, but I just haven't taken the time. Pretty much everything they do is gold.

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