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Nick Sideris

KHBbS Who had a hard time beating Vanitas Sentiment?

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I did . I tried him with Aqua for more that 20 times but i fanally beat him . How ? Potions and this magic that i don't remeber its name ...I am talking about this spell that when you do it you summon some circles and when the enemy set foot on them they would blow ....Anyways this magic did him a lot of damage and i had to to do a lot of dodging around the rocks . Who else had a hard time beating this guy or this thing ?

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Who HASN'T had a hard time with VR!? O.o


You're talking about Mines, those are pretty much the best way to beat him. btw, Aqua's the easiest to use against him. Terra and Ven are harder (espessially Terra, your slow ass... ._.) 

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Guest Lady Dreana

Took me alot of times but I finally beated him with Ventus using Tornado

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He isn't that hard when you dodge all the time and jump with double jump, cast mines and use potions if necessary. 


For Ven tornado is very cheap and easy trick to beat him.


Terra, just take your favorite attacks, go all rambo and hope you defeat him before he defeats you .

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  On 1/3/2013 at 8:07 PM, Summers-Hero said:
It took me forever with ven but I did manage to beat him I've had more trouble with the Mysterious Figure 

I never beat the Mysterious Figure :(

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I beat him recently, In new year, 03:00 am lol


With Ven,

I used 2 curaga


2 Tornado 15 sec. ....

After 1,5 years I did it :) Beat him. (Thanks to Lucem Sora's helping tip)

I cant get mysterious figure :( Stupid eu version :(

Edited by I♥KH

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It was really tough for me at first. The easiest way I found was to constantly keep one of the stalagmite type structures between yourself and Vanitas. I think there was a glitch in the JPN version where you could use 'raid' commands (the attacks where the keyblade is thrown like a boomerang) through the pillars so that you could hurt Vanitas but he couldn't touch you. Other than that tornado x2 or the mine spells worked a treat.

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I never beaten him haha xD

In fact I kept dying to him in about 3 secs into the fight. The longest I lasted was...um...10 seconds I guess? xD

But I can't play BBS now cos the PSP is my bro's and he only loaned me to play BBS ;_;

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Hard time?  :D  If you choose the lazy coward method, you can beat him in no time.




It was really tough for me at first. The easiest way I found was to constantly keep one of the stalagmite type structures between yourself and Vanitas. I think there was a glitch in the JPN version where you could use 'raid' commands (the attacks where the keyblade is thrown like a boomerang) through the pillars so that you could hurt Vanitas but he couldn't touch you.


Yeah, tha's the lazy coward method and it works with all characters. Just move arround the rock and spam strike raid but it ONLY works when you 'auto lock' him, otherwise, you hit the rock. :)

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