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PlayStation 3 surpasses Xbox 360 for console sales

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Well, it seems like the marketers learned their lesson from those Nightmarish ads from early on. More exclusives are probably helping it get momentum. Microsoft needs to make/snag more IP's instead of relying on Halo (as much of a puller as it is)  alone to get an edge.

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I like PS3 more than Xbox, but I'm not sure if i want it to pass wii sales. Wii did have a gamecube too so that made it 10x better to it's still ahead imo. Sadly, with the new one not having that, I think it will fall to Sony

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To me it seems that XBox is better for like first person shooters and multiplier stuff more than the PlayStation is, while PlayStation is more like for RPG's, Platformers, and Third Person shooters, while everything else goes great with both of them.  They are both great consoles I am a little bias because I have only played the XBox twice every and PlayStation like all the time so its kinda hard to not be bias.  I don't wanna start anything but that's just how I feel about it.  By the way good job PS3 for doing this, however it seems kinda irreverent with the new XBox coming out this year and I think the new PlayStation as well but I'm not sure but still good job.

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To me it seems that XBox is better for like first person shooters and multiplier stuff more than the PlayStation is, while PlayStation is more like for RPG's, Platformers, and Third Person shooters, while everything else goes great with both of them.  They are both great consoles I am a little bias because I have only played the XBox twice every and PlayStation like all the time so its kinda hard to not be bias.  I don't wanna start anything but that's just how I feel about it.  By the way good job PS3 for doing this, however it seems kinda irreverent with the new XBox coming out this year and I think the new PlayStation as well but I'm not sure but still good job.


That gives more reason for it to not be "irreverent". The 360 had a big headstart on the PS3. And now the PS3 has finally surpassed it.

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I'm pretty neutral to both, but I don't see how this just happened. The PS3 is already better in terms of the actual system owo.


Xbox 360 had a headstart on sales. And some people like HD DVDs.

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lol Sony said they would pass Xbox 360 sales within the first 12 months of the ps3's release...its now 5+ years past at the end of the console cycle and they are just passing Xbox 360 in sales? Despite the fact that they completely dominate (6-1) the Japan and Asian market on a whole, and you see this as an achievement worthy of bragging? LOL. 


Your title should read, "Xbox 360 finally falls behind ps3 sales after 5 years of dominance", not that it really matters since the next gen consoles are dropping this year onwards..

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lol Sony said they would pass Xbox 360 sales within the first 12 months of the ps3's release...its now 5+ years past at the end of the console cycle and they are just passing Xbox 360 in sales? Despite the fact that they completely dominate (6-1) the Japan and Asian market on a whole, and you see this as an achievement worthy of bragging? LOL. 


Your title should read, "Xbox 360 finally falls behind ps3 sales after 5 years of dominance", not that it really matters since the next gen consoles are dropping this year onwards..


America likes HD DVDs for some reason.


And the PS3 still has plenty of life left in it. Sony is committed to supporting the console to at least the end of 2016. Could last until 2018 or 2019.

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