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Mary-Sue Litmus Test

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[align=center]I'm not sure where exactly this goes, so...


If you've ever created an OC ( original character ) and you've wondered if your character can be considered as a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, then perhaps the litmus test will peak your interests?


? The Mary Sue Litmus Test ?


It's rather to simple to use: If you choose not to read the instructions, basically for every question/statement that is true to your character, you check the box. 83

Some boxes add points while other take away points, thus scoring your character approximately. 83



I took this test for one of my characters and scored 32, meaning I should rethink my character a bit. "^-^[/align]

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[align=justify]My new character for a fanfiction is perfect~

I got only 21 with it! I was actually afraid of creating an OC because of the possibility that it becomes a Mary Sue (^_^'')


And I got 14 with myself as a character, I'm not a Mary Sue o/ xD[/align]

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[align=justify]My new character for a fanfiction is perfect~

I got only 21 with it! I was actually afraid of creating an OC because of the possibility that it becomes a Mary Sue (^_^'')


And I got 14 with myself as a character, I'm not a Mary Sue o/ xD[/align]

[align=center]Well then, congratulations! You failed the Mary Sue test. 83

( Which is a good thing )[/align]

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Tested the rest of my OCs (the ones I could dig up lol), and I'm really proud of them, even though some are TOO boring.



Hunter Seth - 19


Aleksander Chzov - 13


Julianna Clarke - 9


Dr. Mackenzie Norris - 7


Lucas N. Wilson - 12


Rashel - 3


Dahlia Knight - 6


Suzanne Felixis - 4

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I've got several OCs. lol. Let's see how bad I do...


#1: 107 Oh dear...

#2: 91 I didn't think she was that bad...

#3: 72 A little bit better...

#4: 56 I really thought I'd get below 50 with this one, lol.

#5: 34 Much better, though some work needs to be done.


I guess if I plan on writing any fanfics anytime soon, I should write one about #5.

(Though I might have to redo the test with them sometime else. I think I got a few things wrong.)

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I've got several OCs. lol. Let's see how bad I do...


#1: 107 Oh dear...

#2: 91 I didn't think she was that bad...

#3: 72 A little bit better...

#4: 56 I really thought I'd get below 50 with this one, lol.

#5: 34 Much better, though some work needs to be done.


I guess if I plan on writing any fanfics anytime soon, I should write one about #5.

(Though I might have to redo the test with them sometime else. I think I got a few things wrong.)


Make sure you read the instructions correctly! Some sections only apply to fanfiction characters and others for rp characters C:

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Make sure you read the instructions correctly! Some sections only apply to fanfiction characters and others for rp characters C:


I followed the instructions. I just screwed up a little. xD

I filled out the sections all right. I just think I didn't understand some questions too well, and I accidentally left some checked when it only applied to the one before.

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Make sure you read the instructions correctly! Some sections only apply to fanfiction characters and others for rp characters C:


I followed the instructions. I just screwed up a little. xD

I filled out the sections all right. I just think I didn't understand some questions too well, and I accidentally left some checked when it only applied to the one before.


Did your score go down any for any of your characters? xD

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I know the feeling... -_- Though my character only got an 82, that was still way more than I had hoped... (Being that the test says that anything 50 or over you should "kill dead"... Perhaps the ending to my story was- no, not gonna say it, would spoil the entire story now wouldn't it?)

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