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Who do you think is the best villain in the Final Fantasy Series?

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Hey guys, who do you think is the best villain in the Final Fantasy Series?  My favorite villains are Golbez, because even though he did all his evil deeds, in the end Cecil and the others helped him come back to his senses, and he decided to atone for his sins, which makes for an awesome villain. :)  And I also like Sephiroth, because I feel sad for him.  He wasn't evil, the only reason he became evil is because he found out that he was an experiment, that he was the son of Jenova, and that's what caused him to turn evil, and last but not least, my most favorite villain is Caius Ballad because all the things he does is to save Yeul.  He'll do whatever it takes to save her, and that's admirable considering that he's a villain. So then guys, who are your favorite Final Fantasy villains and why? :)

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Caius, he has an epic theme

He succeeds in his goals, rapes the hell out of time travel, and gets to come back for a second sequel, making Final Fantasy 13 the first to have two direct sequels (13-2 and 13-3). He owns Lightning too, stabs Serah, makes Noel scream like a bitch, and steals his girl. Yeah, take that Sephiroth fans

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I'd say Sephiroth....because that's the only FF villain I know of xD But seriously, he burned a village and chops people with his outrageously huge sword quicker than you can say Jenova....I'd be scared of that xD

Edited by xoblivionx13

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I like most of the villains in FF for one reason or another, but if I had to pick favorites, Kefka.  He's funny and threatening and actually succeeds at what he did.  The FFVI gang only beat him after Kefka attained the godhood he was after and totally firetrucked the face of the planet.  And don't deny it, guys, he's got a wicked laugh.


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Hmmmmm, I suppose Kefka or Caius. I've never played 6, but it sounds like Kefka came damn close to winning, Caius actually seemingly succeeded, but considering some people may consider him an anti-hero because of his reasoning behind his goals, I guess Kefka might be the better "villain."

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It's a three way tie between Paramecia, Kefka and Caius.


Paramecia he takes over heaven and hell. And he becomes Emperor of Earth, Heaven and Hell meaning he takes over all three worlds. That's pretty badass.


Kefka. He's pretty ruthless, cold and sick. He poisons innocence's and laughs about it. And yes, he takes over the world and doesn't fail. Adding a depression with all the main characters in FF 6.


Caius. I don't want to say much without spoilers since XIII-2 is still new-ish, but he's awesome and hot. Also his theme is soooooooooo much better than One-Winged-Angel.

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